Hadith Flashcards
الحياء شعبة من الايمان
Modesty is a part of faith.
الخمر جماع الإثم
Wine constitutes all sins
المرء مع من أحب
A person will be with the one he loves.
المجالس بالأمانة
Gatherings are held in trust.
الدعاء مخ العبادة
Supplication (dua) is the core of worship.
What is religion?
الدين النصيحة
Religion is to give advice/sincerity.
Patience and hastiness
الاناة من الله
و العجلة من الشيطان.
Patience is from Allah
And hastiness is from shaytaan.
The believer and the disbeliever
المؤمن غر كريم و الفاجر خب لئيم
The believer is simple and noble
And the disbeliever is a plotter ans ignoble.
الظلم ظلمات يوم القيامة
Oppresion will be darknesses on the day of Judgement.
البادء بالسلام بريئ من الكبر
The first to say salam is free from arrogance.
The world (dunya)
الدنيا سجن المءمن و جنة الكافر
The world is the prison of a believer and the paradise of a disbeliever.
Miswak… Siwak.
السواك مطهرة للفم و مرضات للرب
The miswak is purifier for the mouth and pleasing to the Lord.
Hands… Giving and taking.
اليد العليا خير من اليد السفلى
The upper hand is better than the lower hand.
I.e. the giving hand is better than the taking hand.
الغيبة اشد من الزنا
Backbiting is worse than adultery.
الطهور شطر الايمان
Purity is half of faith.
The Qur’an
القران حجة لك او عليك
The quran is either a proof for you or against you
الجرس مزامير الشيطان
The bell is one of the tools of shaytaan.
النساء حباءل الشيطان
Women are the snares of shaytaan.
Eating and fasting
الطاعم الشاكر كالصاءم الصابر
The thankful eater is like the patient fasting person.
الإقْتِصَادُ في النَّفَقَةِ نِصْفُ المَعِيْشَةِ
Moderation in spending is half of living/livelihood/ones’s sustenance.
والتَّوَدُّدُ إلى النَّاسِ نصف العَقْلِ
And Friendliness toward people is half of (one’s) intelligence.
التَّائِبُ مِن الذّنْبِ كَمَنْ لَّا ذَنْبَ لَهُ
One who repents from sin is like one who has no sin.