Hacking - Section 7 (Vulnerability Analysis) Flashcards
What are the n-map scripts?
Functions that allows you to detect systems vulnerabilities, collect more info, detect malware, etc.
How to find a list of them? (Scripts)
cd /usr/share/nmap/scripts
How to use them? (Script)
nmap + - - script + name of it + IP
How to make a connection with a port (test it)?
Go to your browser – > type: IP of the machine + : + port number.
What is the use of ‘banner’ script?
Tells the exactly version of the software running on an open port.
What is the use of ‘exploit’ script?
Exploit vulnerabilities that it finds in a machine.
What is the use of ‘ftp-anon.nse’ script?
Gives the output for the ftp port, telling if anonymous login is allowed.
What is anonymous ftp login allowed?
You can use anonymous credencials to login in it.
How to login in a anonymous ftp?
Type: ftp + IP
login: anonymous
password: whatever u want
type: ‘help’ to see commands.
How to mannualy find vulnerabilities?
Use the -sV command, copy the version of some open port, search for it on google as: version + exploit.
What is the searchsploit tool and how to use it?
A database which shows you what you can use in order to get info about exploitation.
searchsploit + version
What is the use of the ‘malware’ script?
To check if there is a malware on the computer.
How to locate a vulnerability version? (searchsploit)
After using the searchsploit tool to find a way of exploit it, in the path result, you will get some info.
use: locate + path info (version)
cd + the result (of the previous step)
nano + path info (version)
How to install a package?
sudo + dpkg + -i + name of it (full)
What is the nessus tool?
A tool which allows you to perform several analysis on IP adresses. (it’s a website)
How to open the nessus tool?
Type on the browser: