hacker 3 test 6 Flashcards
the man’s gripping a railing
the man’s gripping a railing

cam, nam

tree branch
standing under a branch
standing under a branch

be vacated?
when will unit 23 be vacated?
to cause (something) to be empty, esp by departing from or abandoning it: to vacate a room.
manufacturing plant

accommodation facility
may be a hotel, a guesthouse, a camp site, a holiday home, communal accommodation, village hotel or other accommodation
convention center
trung tam hoi nghi
a person who is proposed or formally entered as a candidate for an office or as the recipient of a grant or award.
“an Oscar nominee”
come before (something) in time.
“a gun battle had preceded the explosions”
Mayor David Lee’s introduction of Senator Laura Moncton——-her speech, giving an overview of her track record of political reforms.
A, required
B, preceded
C, performed
A, accomplished
Ms. Davies could only hear——of what was discussed since the restaurant chosen for the meeting was so noisy.
A, fragments
B, excerpts
C, Summaries
D, shares
fragment= a small piece that’s come off a larger whole
fragments of what was discussed
There were——malfunctions with the agency’s updated software, so management decided to use the old version temporarily.
A, competent
B, cautious
C, persistent
D, imperative
persistent malfunction
trục trặc dai dẳng
vital important
having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully.
“a highly competent surgeon”
in an emergency, an alarm in Hamley Towers will sound, indicating that everybody inside MUST——-THE BUILDING immediately.
A, oppose
B, dismiss
C, vacate
D, assemble
emergency….must VACATE the building
Madsen Industries’ new microwave ovens are now available now —– high-quality kitchen appliances are sold.
A, by the time
B, as soon as
C, wherever
D, throughout
available now wherever high-quality appliances are sold
The machinery in Templex’s factory has become so outdated that funds have been ——- to purchase new ones.
A, exempted
B, hosted
C, conducted
D, designated
funds have been designated to
=free from
free (a person or organization) from an obligation or liability imposed on others.
“they were exempted from paying the tax”
organize and carry out.
“in the second trial he conducted his own defense”
international partnerships
quan hệ đối tác quốc tế
locker rentals
cho thuê tủ đựng đồ
membership privileges
đặc quyền thành viên
discount on catering
giảm giá ăn uống