HABER - TO HAVE Flashcards
Present Participle
Past participle
I have (Present)
Yo he
Haber + Past Participle (compound Spanish tense)
Ex: I have been there - Yo he estado allí.
You have (Present)
Tú has
Ex: Tú has sido - You have been
He/She/You has (Present)
Él/Ella/Usted ha, hay
Express Existence
Hay - there is/are
We have (Present)
Nosotros hemos
Haber + Past Participle (compound Spanish tense)
Ex: We have been friends since 1995.
Nosotros hemos sido amigos desde 1995.
They/You have (Present)
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes han
I had (Preterite)
Yo hube
Ex: It went on resounding after I had closed my mouth.
Continuó resonando después de que hube cerrado la boca
You had (Preterite)
Tú hubiste
He/She/You had (Preterite)
Él/Ella/Usted hubo
Express Existence
Hubo - there was/were
We had (Preterite)
Nosotros hubimos
They/You had (Preterite)
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes hubieron
I was having (Imperfect)
Yo había
You were having (Imperfect)
Tú habías
He/She/You were having (Imperfect)
Él/Ella/Usted había
Express Existence
Había - there was/were
We were having (Imperfect)
Nosotros habíamos
They/You were having (Imperfect)
Ellos/Ellas/Usted habían
I would have
Yo habría
You would have
Tú habrías
He/She/You would have
Él/Ella/Usted habría
Expresses Existence:
Habría - there would be
We would have
Nosotros habríamos
They/You would have (Plural)
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes habrían
I will have
Yo habré
You will have
Tú habrás