haben and sein – Auxiliary Verbs in German Grammar SPLIT 2 Flashcards
When to use haben as an auxiliary
When conjugating the present perfect, the past perfect and the future perfect in German, most verbs use haben as the auxiliary. For example:
- When do we use haben as a auxiiliary verb?
modal verbs
Example: Was hat er gewollt/What did he want?
When to use haben as an auxiliary
When conjugating the present perfect, the past perfect and the future perfect in German, most verbs use haben as the auxiliary. For example:
- When do we use haben as a auxiiliary verb?
impersonal verbs related to weather (with es): blitzen, donnern, hageln, nieseln, regnen, schneien, stürmen, …
Example: Es hat geregnet/It rained
When to use haben as an auxiliary
When conjugating the present perfect, the past perfect and the future perfect in German, most verbs use haben as the auxiliary. For example:
- When do we use haben as a auxiiliary verb?
other verbs: anfangen, beginnen, zunehmen, abnehmen, aufhören
Example: Ich habe fünf Kilogramm zugenommen/I gained five kilograms
There is one exception to using either haben or sein.
Name the verb.
The verb tanzen is an exception. If the focus is not on a change of place then we have to use haben (sein is not possible in this case).
Example: Sie sind durch den Saal getanzt./They are dancing through the hall.
Sie haben früher viel getanzt/They danced a lot in the past.
Sie hat Ballet getanzt./She danced ballet
Wir haben Walzer getanzt./We danced the waltes