H World History Final Flashcards
What is the Paleolithic Age
When people relied on hunting and gathering
what was the neolithic revolution
when people transitioned from hunting and gathering to agriculture and the domestication of animals
Sumerian inventions
geometry, wheels, astrology, metal working, sundial, pottery wheel
5 characteristics of civilization
advanced cities, record keeping, advanced technology, specialization, and complex institutions
Mandate of Heaven
The idea that a Chinese ruler had a divine right to rule
what were some Assyrian battle tactics
dug under walls to weaken the foundation, creating flooding protons to cross rivers, and used organized tactics
Explain the Peloponnesian war
Sparta established the Peloponnesian league, and declared war on Athens; Athens lost power, wealth, navy, and army
Role of the Colosseum in Roman Society
controlled the masses of Rome via entertainment
Five pillars of Islam
- Faith 2. Fasting 3. Alms 4. Pilgrimage 5. Prayer
Divide in Christianity
Roman Catholics believed that the Pope should be the head of the church, while Orthodox Christians believed the bishops are the head of the church
Roman Catholics (west)
believed Pope is head of the church, services in Latin, divorce is not permitted, priest cannot marry
Orthodox Christians (east)
believed bishops are the head of the church, services in Greek, divorce is permitted under specific circumstances, priests can be married
Divide in Islam
occurred when Abu-Bakr became the successor of Muhammad; Shi’a believed that the ruler should be a descendant of Muhammad, while the Sunni believed that the ruler should be appointed, or of Muhammad’s example
- Lord: had Fiefs
- Vassal: received Fiefs from the Lord in exchange for military protection
- Knights: protected the Lords land in exchanged for feifs
- Serfs: couldn’t leave where they were born; all labor belonged to the Lord
The lord had an estate, and provided houses to Serfs in exchanged for labor
founder of Judaism
Led Israelites out of slavery; received the ten commandments
Hindu god: the creator
Hindu god: the destroyer
Hindu god: the protector
Siddhartha Gautama
founder of Buddhism
Persian prophet, founder of Zoroastrianism (earth is the battle ground between good and evil)
founder of Confucianism (belief in harmony, social order, and good government)
encourage people to examine their beliefs; sentenced to death for corrupting the youth
“philosopher king;” student of Socrates; created the “Academy;” taught Alexander the Great
student of Pluto, created Lyceum, believed person with the greatest insight should be philosopher; “happiness depends on ourselves”
Phillip II
transferred the Macedonians into a well-trained army; developed troops in Phalanxes
Alexander the Great
son of Phillip II; led 35,000 troops into Anatolia; stretched empire from Greece to the Indus
Marcus Aurelius
philosopher/king; “the happiness of your mind depends on the quality of your thoughts”
Julius Caesar
granted Roman citizen to people in the province; helped poor get jobs; increased soldier pay; expanded the senate; names dictator for life
started the 2nd Punic war (greatest army general from Carthage
leader of the Mongol nomads who terrorized the Roman empire until his death
expanded the empire east, built roads and harbors (good empire)
accepts Christianity, and stopped their persecution; ordered artisans to paint crosses on all soldiers’ shields
successful Muslim warrior; founder of the Ottomans; begins as small muslim state in Anatolia; success due to gunpowder
the most powerful caliph after the death of Muhammed
most powerful monarch on Earth in his time; created a law code for criminals and civil war
founder of Muslims and Islamic religion and culture
14 year old ruler, established Shi’a Islam as the state religion
Genghis Khan
became emperor of the Mongolian people; conquered land from the Himilayas to Northern Russia
Batu Khan
won battle for Kiev in 1240
Inherits Eastern empire; gains control of Rome during the decline of the Byzantine Empire
5000 consist of the digest, intitutes and novallae
viking chief who became the Slavs kind, founded Novgrad
Navgrad nobleman who founded Kiev
rules of Kiev; converted him and his people to Byzantine Christianity
leader of the franks who held power in Roman province of gaul
built an empire and defeated his enemies every summer; most powerful king in the western empire at the time
sumerian system of writing; wedge shaped symbols pressed into clay for record keeping
Homo Habilis
first to make tools
first human beings to walk upright
first to have ritual burials
fully modern humans and created art
Catal Huyuk
32 acres with 6,000 inhabitants; people were able to become skilled workers making goods to trade from a steady food supply
Fertile Crescent
the land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers that was extremely fertile
Nile River
longest river in the world, flows North; river for the Egyptian civilization
Tigris and Euphrates River
the rivers that bordered mesopotamia
Indus River
home to the indus river civilization; changed course, unpredictable floods
Tiber river
river that the ancient roman civilization used
Huang He river
location of the Xia and Shang dynasty; location of farming settlements that grew into cities
no one founder; belief that one was stuck in a continuous life and death cycle and reincarnation until one reaches Moska, a perfect understanding
founded by buddha; followed the four noble truths and 8 fold path
founded by Abraham; followers await the coming of Jesus
built on the basis belief of Jesus
follows 5 pillars; monotheistic; founded by Muhammed; follower are Muslims
good or bad deed that follow one reincarnation to another
Phoenician Trade
trade along the Mediterranean; first people to sail past the strait
holy book of the Jewish people
holy book of the muslim people
founder is Laozi; believes natural order is more important than social order; Dao guides all things in harmony with nature
Yin and Yang
2 power that together that represents rhythms of life
all that’s soft, dark, and mysterious
warm, bright, hard, and clear
under the rule of pharoah; built pyramids as resting place for pharaohs; had natural barriers
started the royal roads; homeland from Caspian Sea to Persian Gulf
people from rome that had a republic government and were either part of the Patricians and Plebeians
Punic Wars
the wars that occurred between Rome and Carthage, Rome won all 3
a small state in Anatolia that had a military success due to gunpoweder and cannons
Byzantine Empire
eastern roman empire after the split
Khanate of the Golden Horde
western part of the Mongol Empire
people from Scandinavia, that had a worlike culture and carried out raids from waterways
Lief Ericson
reached North American almost 500 years before Columbus, gradually accepted Christianity, stopped raiding monasteries
system based on rights/obligations
an ideal knight expressing courage. honor, courtesy, and justice to help the weak
Siege Weapons
device designed to break castle doors and other fortifications siege warfar