i’m seeing
i see
je vois
i’m seeing mathilde on thursday
i see mathilde thursday
je vois mathilde jeudi
i’m seeing her this afternoon
i her see this afternoon
je la vois cet apres-midi
we’re going to the cinema tonight (on)
we go at cinema this evening
on va au cinema ce soir
we’re going for lunch next friday (nous)
we go lunch together friday next
nous allons dejeuner ensemble vendredi prochain
prolong the upcoming chains
future tense
i’m going to
je vais
we’re going to
on va
i’m going to telephone him
i’m going him telephone
je vais lui telephoner
i’m going to let him know i can’t come
i’m going him inform that i not can not come
je vais le prevenir que je ne peux pas venir
i’m going to tell them to come a little later
i’m going them tell of come a little later
je vais leur dire de venir un peu plus tard
tell them (them tell)
leur dire
we’re going to go out for dinner tomorrow night
we’re going go out (exit) at restaurant tomorrow evening
on va sortir au restaurant demain soir
we’re going to see each other again
on va se revoir
see each other again (again + see)
se revoir
revoir = see again
are you going to..?(tu)
est-ce que tu vas..?
are you going to tell him the news today?
are you going him annouce the news today?
est-ce que tu vas lui annocer la nouvelle aujord-hui?
are you going to see him again? (vous)
est-ce que vous allez le revoir?
are you going to this party? (tu and raising pitch)
tu vas aller a cette soiree?
are you going to buy a house? (tu and raising pitch)
tu vas acheter une maison?