H. Single Herbs_1 Flashcards
Gui Zhi
Cinnamoni Ramulus
Ma Huang
Ephedrae Herba
Bo He
Menthae Haplocalycis Herba
Chai Hu
Bupleuri Radix
Clear Heat_Drain Fire
Shi Gao
Gypsum Fibrosum
Clear Heat_Drain Fire
Zhi Mu
Anemarrhenae Rhizoma
Clear Heat_Drain Fire
Xi Gua
Citrulli Fructus
clear heat_cool blood
Shui Niu Jiao
clear heat_drain fire
sheng di huang
Rehmanniae Radix
clear heat_clear heat, dry damp
huang qin
scutellariae radix
clear heat_clear heat, dry damp
Huang Lian
Coptidis Rhizoma
clear heat_clear heat, dry damp
Huang Bai
Phellodendri Cortex
clear heat_clear heat, relieve toxicity
Jin Yin Hua
Lonicerae Flos
clear heat_clear heat, relieve toxicity
Lian Qian
Forsythiae Fructus
clear heat_clear heat from deficiency
Qing Hao
Artemesiae Annuae Herba
downward draining_purgatives
Da Huang
Rhei Radix Et Rhizoma
downward draining_moist laxatives
Huo Ma Ren
Cannabis Semen
downward draining_harsh expellants
Gan Sui
Kansui Radix
drain dampness
Fu Ling
drain dampness
Fu Ling Pi
Poraie Cutis
drain dampness
Fu Shen
Poraie Sclerotium Pararadicis
drain dampness
Chi Fu Ling
Poriae Rubra
dispel wind damp
Du Huo
Angelicae Pubescenis Radix
transform phlegm and stop coughing_cool, transform phlegm heat
Qian Hu
Peucedani Radix
transform phelgm, stop coughing_warm, transform phlegm-cold
Zhi Ban Xia
Pinelliae Rhizoma Preparatum
transform phlegm, stop coughing_cough and wheezing
Xing Ren
Armeniacae Semen
aromatic, transform dampness
Cang Zhu
Atrctylodis Rhizoma
WARE_acrid, aromatic, slt warm
used either wind cold or wind heat ;
charred to stop bleeding ;
release wind and stop itching in the skin ;
in formula Xiao Feng San, with Fang Feng to help release wind and stop itching
Jing Jie
Schizonepetae Herba
Tonify Yang_bitter, acrid and very warm tonify KDs, fortify the Yang ; stabilize the essence and reserve urine ; tonify and warm the SP Yang ; aid the KDs to grasp the Qi
Bu Gu Zhi
Psoralae Fructus
Calm Spirit, Nourish HT_bitter, acrid, salt warm
phlegm misting the orifices of the HT ;
emotional and mental disorientation
‘Far reaching intention’
Yuan Zhi
Polygalae Radix