H: Scientific Method, Carte 3 Flashcards
What are phenomena?
Qu’est-ce qu’un phénomène ?
Facts or events that can be observed
Fait ou événement observable
How can some phenomena be directly observed?
Comment certains phénomènes peuvent-ils être observés directement ?
Using human senses
Utiliser les sens humains
What technologies can be used to observe phenomena that cannot be directly observed?
Quelles technologies peuvent être utilisées pour observer des phénomènes qui ne peuvent être observés directement ?
Telescopes, microscopes, X-rays
Télescopes, microscopes, rayons X
What are natural phenomena?
Phenomena that occur without human input, such as lightning and auroras
What is bias?
Any personal thoughts, feelings, or expectations that influence an investigation
Are humans usually aware of their personal biases?
What can investigations be conducted to understand?
When is evidence more reliable and valid?
When investigations are conducted in a way that limits bias
What are phenomena?
Facts or events that can be observed
How can some phenomena be directly observed?
Using human senses
What technologies can be used to observe phenomena that cannot be directly observed?
Telescopes, microscopes, X-rays
What are natural phenomena?
Phenomena that occur without human input, such as lightning and auroras
What is bias?
Any personal thoughts, feelings, or expectations that influence an investigation
Are humans usually aware of their personal biases?
What can investigations be conducted to understand?