H is for Hawk Flashcards


How does the writer of H is for Hawk present the majesty of the bird? para 1


She describes the birds power and strength

MacDonald uses a semantic field of power to emphasise the strength of the bird near the beginning of the piece, using words such as ‘thump’ ‘shook’ ‘punched’ ‘scratching’ and ‘hard’ this makes the reader anxious to first view the bird.

she makes the bird appear dangerous and threatening by using the metaphor of ‘the last few seconds before a battle’ to show her apprehension to meet it, and highlights the fact that the bird is strong as battles are associated with strength and power.

repetiiton of enormous, shows the great size of hawk

this description of power could be symbolic in the fact that she admires the bird so much as she longs for a replacement of her recently passed father and needs a figure to protect her who is strong yet extornidary.

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How does the writer of H is for Hawk present the majesty of the bird para 2


She uses metaphors and similes to describe the birds beauty

when the bird first emerges from the box, she uses the personification of ‘a great flood of sunlight drenches us and everything is brilliance and fury’ not only does this uses pathetic fallacy to show the godlike features of the bird but it also is able to mirror the rebirth of jesus and symbolises the fact that the writer is trying to find a new life/ path to follow since the death of her father.

uses the metaphor ‘her wild eyes were the colour of the sun on white paper… the whole world had fallen into them at once’ to emphasise the birds beauty through the use of hyperbolic language.

‘like gold falling through water’ this similie compares the bird to a precious metal which emphasises its beauty.

uses a range of short sentences and metaphors to compare it to other magnificanr and supernatural things ‘she is a conjuring trick. a reptile. a fallen angel’ to show that she is beautiful but also powerful/dangerous. these short sentences also reflect the limited space that the bird has had in the box, and contrast with the long sentences in the next few lines, when the bird is released from the box, showing how much space it now has, and emphasising the fact that it can now see ‘everything’ and showing the readers amazement at its powerful eyesight.

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how does the writer of h is for hawk present the majesty of the bird para 3


contrasts the birds beauty with the sight of her actual bird and show her disapointment in the fact that nothing could compare to it.

repeated use of italics ‘oh’ ‘this is my hawk’ ‘this isn’t my hawk’ shows how connected to it she was and the powerful impact it had on her. Draws it to the readers attention.

oxymoron of ‘slow panic’ shows hatred for the new bird and her desperation

repression of questions shows desperation

‘that there was something behind it that was very important’ shows she had an emotional connection with it and could be a reference to the fact that it reminded her of her father/ filled the empty void in her life.

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