h Flashcards
t cruzi/chagas causes ___ cardiomyopathy
20 yoM presents with red, raised pruritic lesion on inguinal folds w well demarcated borders and partial central clearing, treatment?
tinea cruris, topical azoles, terbinafine
what two conditions present with jaundice, asymptomatic conjugated/direct hyperbilirubinemia
rotor and dubin johnson
how do you tell between rotor and dubin johnson
dubin johnson has black liver, urine corophyrin 1 greater than 80 percent, gallbladder faint and cannot be recognized on cholecystography
currant jelly sputum means
pt w h/o seizures/stroke/etc, presents with lung caviation w air fluid levels, foul smelling sputum
lung abscess
apixaban is a
direct oral anticoagulant