GYNO Flashcards
is a symptom not a diagnosis; causes acronym: PALM COEIN
Abnormal uterine bleeding
structural: polyp, adenomyosis, leiomyoma, malignancy, hyperplasia then nonstructural coagulopathy, ovulatory dysfunction, endometrial, iatrogenic, not otherwise classified
Diagnostics for Abnormal uterine bleeding
GYN exam to start … followed by labs
Transvaginal ultrasound, pregnancy test, CBC, cervical cancer screening (if due), potential orders: TSH/FTF, hormone tests- prolactin, androgens estrogens, PT/PTT, bleeding disorder labs, endometrial biopsy
45+ should get a endometrial sampling or less than 45 if hx of unopposed estrogen exposure
Heavy bleeding >80mL
Tx for for Abnormal uterine bleeding
COCs, progesterone only contraceptives, TXA (Lysteda oral or IV if severe) or NSAIDs taken when pt is bleeding, endometrial ablation, Depo-Provera, Mirena
Acute emergent: ER uterine tamponade, IV, estrogen, uterine artery embolism, hysterectomy
primary vs secondary amenorrhea
Primary (never menstruation) vs secondary (previous menstruation)
Female athlete triad
amenorrhea, osteoporosis, and disordered eating
Dx for amenorrhea
hcg, FSH, LH, TSH, prolactin (Acromegaly; if elevated order MRI or CT), progesterone challenge
Tx for amenorrhea
tx underlying cause if discovered. Maintain optimum weight (by either gaining or losing). Irreversible bone loss can occur after 3 yrs of amenorrhea- calcium and vit
mastalgia/ Mastodynia
Breast pain
Cyclic vs noncyclic breast pain ?
Cyclic → usu 3rd or 4th decade; bilateral outer breasts radiating to upper arm and axilla
Noncyclic → unilateral, localized, sharp, burning. Rarely a presentation of CA
PE for breast pain. questions to ask?
mass (change w/ cycle?), nipple discharge (benign: creamy, gray, or green; abnormal: watery, serous, bloody), skin dimpling.
Skin changes that may signify cancer include erythema, edema, retraction, dimpling, peau d’orange, and nipple excoriation or crustiness.
Hx ?s: hormone therapy, breast surgery, age at menarche and menopause, prenancy and lactation, breast CA screening, family hx
dx for noncyclic breast pain
Noncyclic = unilateral, localized, sharp, burning. Rarely a presentation of CA
mammogram if postmenopausal; US for young women; CXR if trauma. Hcg
Tx for breast pain
reassurance that most pain resolved spontaneously, firm supportive bra, low-fat diet, reduced caffeine, NSAIDs, change OCP to lower estrogen and higher progesterone
What to do if no resolution of symptoms after 3-7 days of ABX for mastitis
consider inflammatory breast cancer- get mammogram/ U/S-but mammogram is not indicated in pregnant/lactating women
what to rule out with nipple d/c & galactorrhea
pituitary adenoma
common in premenopausal and pregnant women, bilateral; only with compression; multiple ducts involved. Clear, gray, yellow, white, or dark green
Physiologic galactorrhea
spontaneous, bloody, serous fluid from breast, unilateral, involving one duct, a/w mass
Pathologic galactorrhea
Bilateral nipple discharge usually has some physiologic causes, such as_________ . Can draw a prolactin level to assess. *more concern if it’s bloody, green, and if it is spontaneous
Labs for nipple d/c & galactorrhea
: Prolactin, TSH, CBC, CMP, hcg- consider mammogram to assess for non palpable masses, test nipple discharge for occult blood; Periareolar US
What to do If prolactin elevated when assessing galactorrhea
MRI of brain
Is a rare form of breast cancer. Superficial skin manifestation, usually begins as ductile cancer (1-3% of breast CA cases)
Itchy, usually unilateral, well demarcated, erythematous scaly plaque that’s usually around the nipple and the areola.
Refer - skin biopsy needed and mammogram
Paget’s Disease of Breast
Unilateral, continuous hx with slow progression, moist or dry, irregular but distinct border, nipple always involved and disappears in advanced cases, itching common
Paget’s Disease of Breast
Usually bilateral, intermittent hx with rapid progression, moist initially, indistinct border, areola involved, nipple may be spared, itching common
Eczema of breast
Tx Paget’s Disease of Breast
Tx: mastectomy, radiation
Managed by surgical oncologist
Breast masses/ CA protective factors
childbirth before 30, multiple births, breastfeeding
Breast masses/ CA risk factors
HRT (5% increased risk per year of use; returns to baseline w/in yr of stopping), dense breasts,
Fibroadenomas and cysts do NOT increase risk
usually firm discrete mass or an area of diffuse firmness of breast tissue with or without skin thickening, cysts are rare in post menopausal women and shoulbe considered breast cancer until proven otherwise (unless on HRT)
breast cancer mass
most common; painless, freely movable, rubber feeling or hard; increase in size toward end of cycle
Breast masses/ CA screening tools
Gail model, The Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tool , Tyrer-Cuzick Model
Breast masses/ CA diagnostics
BRCA genetic testing if strong family hx, mammogram (USPSTF biennial 50-74), MRI, 3d mammogram (younger women with dense breasts), diagnostic mammography AND ultrasonography initially for palpable mass 25+ usually just ultrasound for <25 average risk f/u bc 15-18 percent false negative
Breast masses diagnostics if cyst ?
cyst→ aspiration and cytology, f/uin 4-6wks to determine if cyst reoccured; non cystic mass→ biopsy
Non-cancerous, usually affects both breasts. change in estrogen/ androgen ratio
Often seen in overweight boys
RT: aging, malnutrition, hypogonadism, thyroid problem, excess drinking/ cirrhosis, testical or adrenal cancer, chemo, ketoconazole, digoxin, exogenous steroids
Normal in newborn male infants due to moms hormones
Obtain family hx of breast or ovarian cancer, BRCA mutation
Usu resolves on own w/in 6 mos
Aggressive fast-growing cancer. Unilateral
May look like an infection of the breast
Inflammatory Breast Cancer
Dx for gynocomastia?
Diag: if needed, US <25; mammogram >25yo or any age you feel a suspicious mass
extra nipples
> 6 mo.
Patho: unclear- hyperesthesia/ allodynia and pelvic floor dysfunction
Dd: endometriosis, interstitial cystitis, painful bladder syndrome, depression, IBS, pelvic adhesions, trauma, pelvic inflammatory disease (can be comorbid)
chronic pelvic pain
Red flag findings of chronic pelvic pain
postcoital bleeding, postmenopausal bleeding, unexplained weight loss, pelvic mass, hematuria, extreme burning/ pain
chronic pelvic pain diagnostics
pelvic ultrasound r/o anatomic abnormalities, laparoscopy (severe pain), CBC, ESR, Urinalysis, chlamydia/ gonorrhea, pregnancy test
Tx of chronic pelvic pain
Meds: depot medroxyprogesterone, gabapentin, NSAIDS, gonadotropin releasing hormone agonists (Zoladex) (better for endometriosis)
Antidepressants (TCAS, SNRIs, anticonvulsants (lyrica, gabapentin)
Nonpharm: pelvic floor physical therapy, behavioral therapy cutaneous allodynia
How to dx and tx vulvar lichen sclerosis
dx with biopsy
Tx with steroids
How to dx and tx vulvar lichen sclerosis
dx with biopsy
Tx with steroids
starts 6-12 months after menarche starts, a/w low anterior pelvic pain around menstrual cycles
Primary dysmenorrhea
some years of painless menstruation then painful menstruation - not described as beginning in adolescents and usually underlying pathology
Secondary dysmenorrhea-
Red flags of dysmenorrhea
unilateral dysmenorrhea, ectopic pregnancy,
treatment of dysmenorrhea
nutrition, vitamines, heat packs, NSAIDS, oral contraceptives, Mirena IUD
pain with sexual activity
Possible factors of Dyspareunia
RF: PID, endometriosis, postpartum, perimenopausal, psychological factors,
CM: lubrication issue, superficial issue like with lichen planus, lichen sclerosis UTI…lots of differentials, Deep pain- usually endometriosis, structural, bladder stones,
Most common cause of dyspareunia
diagnostics for dyspareunia
pelvic exam then KOH prep, cultures of vaginal discharge, pap, STI, Q tpvd low oxalate diet calcium citrate, ip test, CBC, ESR, HCG
Nonpharm Tx for dyspareunia
Provoked vestibulodynia/ vulvar vestibulitis: 1st line is psychological/ behavioral therapies, endometriosis: Vitamin E/C/gluten free diet, other: pelvic floor therapy, capsaicin cream, lubrication
pharm Tx for dyspareunia
estrogen cream, if estrogen CI consider ospemifene (selective estrogen receptor modulator or topical aqueous lidocaine, topical steroids for lichen sclerosus, vaginismus - botox, lidocaine injections, PVD- topical amitriptyline cream, topical estrogen 1x/day 4-8 weeks, interferon injections, endometriosis- hormonally OCP/ surgically
Vulvar area chronic pain at least 3 months
Fear reaction to any form of vaginal penetration = spasms