Gyne RC Questions Flashcards
8 Mo baby female with lump behind left breast. Family history of breast cancer. What is the diagnosis?
What investigations should you do?
Why would you not excise the lesion?
What are the 5 Tanner breast stages?
New born with ambiguous genitals/clitoromegaly. 46XX. What is the most likely diagnosis?
What lab abnormalities are expected?
What is the enzyme defect?
Define DSD?
what investigations do you order for suspected DSD?
Medical management for CAH?
Common physical findings with CAH?
Name 2 enzymatic defects causing DSD?
8 yo girl with precocious puberty. What is the most important first two lab tests?
What imaging would you order?
How do you treat this condition?
What if the child had Ollier’s disease?
8 yo with previous ovary loss from torsion presents with clinical torsion on other side?
Ultrasound shows torsion. What is the managment?
What condition is associated with this?
How does ovarian torsion present?
5 common injuries of vacuum or forces delivery?
Findings in MRKH?
3 most common presentations of labial fusion and managment?