Gynaecology Flashcards
What is the most common type of epithelial cell tumour?
serous cystadenoma
what is endometrial hyperplasia?
an abnormal proliferation of the endometrium in excess of the normal proliferation that occurs during the menstrual cycle
What are the 4 types of endometrial hyperplasia?
simple atypical
complex atypical
what are the presenting features of endometrial hyperplasia?
abnormal vaginal bleeding e.g. intermenstrual
what is the management of endometrial hyperplasia?
simple without atypia: high progestogens with repeat sampling in 3-4months
atypical: hysterectomy
atypical endometrial hyperplasia in a post menopausal woman management ?
total hysterectomy with bilateral sapling-oophorectomy due to the risk of malignant progression
What is HRT?
hormone replacement therapy involving a small dose of oestrogen (combined with progesterone in women with a uterus) to help alleviate menopausal symptoms which are due to decreasing oestrogen levels
what are some S/E of HRT?
breast tenderness
fluid retention and weight gain
what are some potential complications of HRT?
increased risk of Br Ca, endometrial Ca, VTE, stroke and IHD.
when should a woman be prescribed cyclical combined HRT?
if their LMP was less than 1 year ago
When should a woman be prescribed continuous HRT?
if they have:
taken cyclical combined for at least 1 year, it has been 1 year since their LMP or it has been at least 2 years since their LMP if they had premature menopause (menopause below the age of 40.
what are some risk factors that may predispose you to vaginal candidiasis?
drugs such as abc, steroids
immunosuppression: HIV, iatrogenic
what are the features of vaginal candidiasis?
cottage cheese, non offensive discharge
vulvitis: dyspareunia, dysuria
vulval erythema, fissuring, satellite lesions
What is the management of vaginal candidiasis?
clotrimazole pessary (clotrimazole 500mg PV stat)
Itraconazole 200mg PO BD for 1 dy or fluconazole 150mg PO stat
if pregnancy NB oral options are contraindicated
Who gets endometrial cancer?
mainly postmenopausal women
does endometrial cancer have a good or bad prognosis?
good prognosis
what are some RF for endometrial cancer?
obesity nulliparity early menarche late menopause unopposed oestrogen (HRT) DM tamoxifen polycystic ovarian disease hereditary non-polyposis colorectal carcinoma
what are the features of endometrial cancer?
intermenstrual bleeding in premenopausal women
pain and discharge are unusual.
what is the 1st line investigation for suspected endometrial cancer?
trans-vaginal US looking at the endometrial thickness (normal thickness <4mm)
after this a hysteroscopy and biopsy can be done
what is the management of localised endometrial cancer?
total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral sapling-oophorectomy
patients with high risk disease may have post op radiotherapy
How would you treat a frail elderly woman with endometrial cancer not suitable for surgery?
progesterone therapy
name 2 protective factors of endometrial cancer
COCP and smoking
does a screening programme for ovarian cancer exist in the UK?
what is endometriosis?
presence of ectopic endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity
what are the clinical features of endometriosis?
chronic pelvic pain dysmenorrhoea deep dyspareunia sub fertility non gynaecological: urinary symptoms e.g. dysuria, urgency, haematuria pyschezia (painful bowel movements)