Gynaecology Flashcards
What are the Rotterdam criteria for diagnosing PCOS?
You need 2 of the 3 to diagnose PCOS:
1) Signs of infrequent or absent ovulation -> Oligomenorrhoea (menstrual cycles > 35 days) or Amenorrhea
2) Clinical (acne, hirsutism, male-pattern baldness)
or Biochemical indicators (raised Free Androgen Index [ total testosterone level / sex hormone binding globulin x 100]
of hyperandrogenism
3) USS showing polycystic ovary (>12 follicles in one or both ovaries) or increased ovarian volume (>10mls)
What are the recommended baseline investigations if PCOS suspected as per NICE CKS?
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
HbA1C / FBG to assess for impaired glucose tolerance
What are the classical biochemical changes seen in bloods in PCOS?
The only blood marker that is involved in official diagnosis as per the Rotterdam criteria is the Free Androgen Index (total testosterone / SHBG x 100) - this is raised in PCOS as testosterone is usually normal or high and SHBG is usually normal or low)
Other blood markers that may support the diagnosis though are:
Total testosterone - normal to slightly raised (if markedly elevated consider other diagnosis)
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) - normal to low
Prolactin - normal to slightly raised
LH: FSH ratio - may be elevated - in PCOS LH is elevated more continuously and so you don’t get the same LH surge effect to prompt ovulation
What is the normal postmenopausal endometrial thickness?
Under what circumstances is Anti-D required / not required in ectopic pregnancy in rhesus negative woman?
If medical management - anti- D not required
if surgical management of ectopic - anti-D immunoglobulin required (250 IU)
Do not offer anti-D rhesus prophylaxis to women who:
receive solely medical management for an ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage or
have a threatened miscarriage or
have a complete miscarriage or
have a pregnancy of unknown location.
What are the reporting / recording obligations in cases of suspected or confirmed FGM?
ALL cases of known FGM must be recorded with the FGM Enhanced Dataset - details are NOT annonymous but the women should be assured it is secure.
Confirmed/reported FGM in girl <18 - must report to the police within 1 month of disclosure
Suspected or at-risk of FGM in girl < 18 - refer to social services or police depending on severity of risk
Non-pregnant women > 18 - no obligation to report to police / social services UNLESS a child is thought to be at risk
Pregnant women - FGM safeguarding risk assessment tool, if risk to unborn child or other child then refer to social services or police
Classic presentation of ovarian torsion?
Severe localised pain in RIF or LIF
Associated N+V
Onset may coincide with exercise
May have low-grade fever if ovarian necrosis set in
May have unilateral tender addnexal mass on examination
What are contraindications to expectant management of miscarriage as per NICE guidelines?
1st line miscarriage mx is expectant (Await 7-14 days before then offering medical or surgical)
Exceptions to this are if:
1) Evidence of infection
2) Increased risk of haemorrhage (in late first trimester, coagulopathy or pt unable to have a blood transfusion)
3) prev adverse / traumatic experience in pregnancy (stillbirth etc)
What is the most common cause of postcoital bleeding?
Cervical ectropion
Which medications are contraindicated in combination with Tamoxifen due to interactions?
The SSRIs fluoxetine and paroxetine
(they inhibit CYP450 which reduces the effectiveness of tamoxifen)
What is the general management approach for a lady presenting with menorrhagia?
FBC and Hx/exam in all.
If symptoms/signs suggestive of underlying pathology do further Ix including Pelvic USS
If not:
-> if does NOT require contraception, 1st line = Tranexamic Acid 1g TDS OR Mefanamic Acid 500mg TDS (or other NSAID) both started on first day of period
-> if DOES require contraception, 1st line = Mirena coil (if acceptable to the woman) 2nd line = COCP 3rd line = Depot provera
What is the upper limit of termination of pregnancy in the UK?
23+6 weeks (ie <24 weeks
(legal beyond 24 weeks only if mother’s life is at risk or child at risk of severe disability)
Beyond which gestation do rhesus negative women require anti D?
Rhesus neg women need anti D during TOP from 10+0 weeks onwards
What criteria are stipulated for expectant management of an ectopic pregnancy?
Size < 35mm
Beta HCG < 1,000 and declining
Nil heartbeat
How should cervical bleeding during cervical smear procedure be managed?
Contact bleeding in otherwise healthy-looking cervix - reassure, explain sample may be insufficient -> if repeated problem of contact bleeding, refer to gynae
Contact bleeding + suspicion of malignancy - DO NOT send off the smear -> refer with 2WW to gynae
Under what circumstances should the cervical smear be delayed?
<12 weeks postpartum or post-miscarriage or TOP
Currently menstruating
Active infection / abnormal discharge
Which other QTc prolonging medications should be avoided being given in combination wih fluconazole?
Which route of taking Misoprostol (2nd step) in medical TOP is better tolerated?
Vaginal misoprostol carries a lower risk of side-effects (N+V) than buccal or sublingual
What is the typical presentation of partial v complete molar pregnancy?
Partial molar pregnancy -> may mimic a miscarriage [may have intrauterine sac +/- fetal pole] but with a disproportionally high beta HCG
Complete mole - snowstorm appearance on USS, large-for-dates uterus, symptoms of thyrotoxicosis (hcg has common alpha unit as TSH so in large amounts can stimulate thyroid gland), hyperemesis
What is Nageles Rule to predict EDD?
LMP + 9 months + 7 days
What is the only intervention which is shown to reduce the rate of further miscarriage in couples with recurrent unexplained miscarriage?
Psychological support & regular scans
What is the recurrence risk of a further ectopic pregnancy after a previous ectopic?
Recurrence = ~ 10%
How long after management of a hydatiform mole should the woman wait until TTC again?
If had chemo (with MTX) -> wait 1 year
If surgical evacuation, wait for 6 months post-evacuation or post-HCG levels normalising whichever is later
Which investigation is now considered the most accurate / gold-standard investigation for diagnosing ectopic pregnancy?
Transvaginal USS
- laparoscopy is no longer considered gold standard as false negative rate may be upto 5% if undertaken too early in the pregnancy*