Gynaecological Flashcards
Anatomy of Uterus
- Upper 2/3 of uterus is the body
- Lower 1/3 of the uterus is the cervix
- Upper 2/3 of cervix = columnar glandular epithelium
- Lower 1/3 of cervix = stratified squamous epithelium
- Internal Os is the opening between cervix and corpus, external os is the opening between cervix and vagina
Regional LNs of the Uterus
paracervical, parametrial, presacral, sacral, external iliac, common iliac, hypogastric (obturator), internal iliac.
Endometrium epidemiology
4th most common cancer in women, common in menopausal women
Diagnosis of Gynae cancers
Papanicolaou test
Cancer of endometrium staged surgically
- Pathology review
- Chest X-ray
CT/MRI for disease extent
Patterns of spread
- May extend and involve greater proportion of endometrial surface readching cervix, extension in myometrium occurs simultaneously
- Lymph: Fundus -> para aortic
- Lymph: Middle/lower uterus -> broad ligament -> pelvic nodes -> round ligament -> inguinal nodes
- Direct invasion of serosa to bladder, colon or extension into abdominal cavity
- Small tumour fragments into peritoneal cavity by traversing the Fallopian tubes
- Blood borne spread common
Endometrium/Cervix histology
Adenosquamous carcinoma
Endometrial cancer staging
Using FIGO
Stage I - The tumour is confined to the uterine fundus (the body of the uterus).
• Stage II - The tumour extends to the cervix (the lower part of the uterus).
• Stage III - There is regional tumour spread.
• Stage IV - There is bulky pelvic disease or distant spread.
Prognostic indicators
- Pelvic or paraaortic LN spread
- Tumour grade or cell type
- Depth of myometrial invasion
- Tumour extension to the cervix
- Tumour vascularity
- Peritoneal mets
Distant mets
RT treatment technique - endometrium
- Stage 1 brachytherapy alone (16Gy in 4# or 22Gy in 4#)
Stage 1-3 EBRT generally 45Gy in 25# +8 Gy in 2# in brachytherapy
Clinical management endometrium
Surgery is most common for Ca Endometrium
- Stage 1A- surgery alone
- Stage 1B - Surgery and brachytherapy
- Stage 1C - surgery +EBRT+BT
Stage 2-3 - Surgery + EBRT +BT
CT simulation
1-3mm slices
Scan length - lower border T10 - inferior border of ischial tuberosities
Ant tattoo - ML and 2 Lateral tattoos
Organ motion: 60-80% tumour regression possible during RT
Tumour shrinkage can affect position of OARs
Also affected by bladder and rectal filling
Acute side effects
vaginal dryness, fatigue, diarrhoea, nausea, erythema, desquamation.
Acute side effects
vaginal dryness, fatigue, diarrhoea, nausea, erythema, desquamation.
Late side effects
Dysuria, vaginal stenosis, fibrosis
Endometrial cancer symptoms
Bleeding and vaginal discharge