Gynae: Contraception Flashcards
What are the types of contraception available?
- Barrier: male/female condoms, diaphragms & caps +/- spermicides
- Combined hormonal: COCP, patch, vaginal ring
- Progesterone only: POP, implant, depot injection, IUS
- IUD (copper)
What is the failure rate of typical use of male condoms?
What is the failure rate of typical use of female condoms?
What is the failure rate of typical use of diaphragms & caps?
Summarise the use of spermicides, how they work & their risks & contraindications
- Used in conjunction with barrier contraception, esp diaphragm/caps (not alone due to low efficacy)
- Jelly/cream/pessary containing nonoynol-9 → poisons any sperm that enter the vagina
- RISKS: May increase STI transmission due to irritation of mucosa
- → contra-indicated in HIV
Name some progestogens used in hormonal contraception
Progestogens can be:
- 2nd generation (levonorgestrel, norethisterone),
- 3rd generation (desogestrel) or
- 4th generation (drospierenone)
What is the name of the oestrogen used in hormonal contraceptives?
- ethinylestradiol
How do combined contraceptives work?
- Combined hormonal contraceptives primarily create a level of oestrogen and progesterone that is constantly inhibitory on the HPG axis
- This prevents the LH surge → prevents ovulation
- Progesterone also:
- inhibits proliferation of endometrium (to prevent implantation)
- increases thickness/acidity of cervical mucus (to prevent passage of sperm)
Name the types of combined contraceptives
- patch
- vaginal ring
What are the 2 types of COCP?
- monophasic - most common
- phasic
How are monophasic pills taken? Give some examples
- Every pill contains the same levels of oestrogen and progesterone
- Taken once daily for 21 days, then a 7-day break (withdrawal bleed)
- Microgynon 30: 30ug ethinylestradiol and 15ug levonorgestrel - most common
- Brevinor: 35ug ethinylestradiol and 0.5mg norethisterone
How are phasic pills taken? Give some examples
- Contain varying amount of oestrogen and progesterone across the cycle → can be biphasic, triphasic or quadraphasic depending on the number of different active tablets
- Pills must be taken in the correct order
Qlaira: quadraphasic COCP
- Taken every day for 28 days with no break; 26 active pills and 2 inactive
BiNovum: biphasic pill
- Taken for 21 days with 7-day break
Describe the contraceptive dermal patch. How is it used?
- combined contraceptive
- 5x5cm patch that can be stuck to the upper arm, abdomen, buttock or back → delivers oestrogen and progestogens
- Changed every 7 days over 3 weeks (21 days), then 7 patch-free days
Describe the use of the contraceptive vaginal ring
- combined contraceptive
- Plastic ring inserted into vagina for 21 days; removed for 7 days
- May be removed for a couple of hours to be cleaned (then replaced)
Advantages of combined contraceptives?
- Highly effective if taken correctly - when taken correctly: >99% effective
- Menses tends to become regular, lighter and less painful;
- Allows control over timing of menses
- E.g. pill can be taken back to back to prevent menses → often advised for women with dysmenorrhoea/headaches during pill-free interval (tricycling – 3 packs back to back)
- Reduces risk of: ovarian/endometrial cancer, benign breast disease, fibroids, functional ovarian cysts
- Normal fertility returns immediately after stopping usage
Disadvantages of combined contraceptives?
- Doesn’t protect against STIs
- User-dependent → missed pills are common
- Side effects and complications
What are the SEs of combined contraceptives?
SEs of all types:
- Headache
- Breast tenderness
- Mood changes
- Weight gain (no evidence)
- Unexpected bleeding → may settle with time
Complications of all types:
- Increased BP
- Increased risk of VTE (related to oestrogen dose; increased with 3rd/4th gen progestogens)
- Small increased risk of stroke, MI, breast/cervical cancer
- Headaches on pill-free week → can take back-to-back
- Skin sensitivity
Contraindications of combined contraceptives?
- BMI >35
- Breastfeeding
- Smoking over the age of 35
- History or FHx of VTE
- Prolonged immobility due to surgery or disability
- DM with complications, e.g. retinopathy
- History of migraines with aura
- Breast cancer or primary liver tumours
What advice must be given on starting combined contraceptives?
- Start on the 1st day of menstruation (no additional contraception needed); otherwise condoms for 1 week
- COCP: take daily for 21d then 7d break; take within 12hr window; can take up to 3 packets back-to-back (tricycling)
- Extra contraception needed for 7 days if taking certain antibiotics or enzyme-inducing drugs
Missed pills, patches and rings:
- Missed pills (incl D&V):
- If taken late (<24hrs): take ASAP, no problems
- If 1 pill missed (24-48hrs late): take ASAP, take remaining pills at usual time
- EC not usually needed → consider if other pills have been missed recently
- If 2 or more pills missed (>48hrs late): take most recent pill ASAP, take remaining pills at usual time, use condoms for 7 days
- Pills missed in 1st week (pills 1-7): consider EC if sex occurred in pill-free interval or in the 1st week of pill taking
- Pills missed in 2nd week (pills 8-14): EC not needed if preceding 7 pills taken correctly
- Pills missed in 3rd week (pills 15-21): omit the pill-free interval by starting a new pack when current pack ends
- Patch not applies for 48hrs/ring not applied for 3hrs → condoms for 7 days
- EC if unprotected sex has occurred
What are the types of progesterone only contraceptives?
- implant
- depot