Gynae Flashcards
How can bicornuate and unicornuate uterus be diagnosed?
How can imperforate hymen present?
Primary amenorrhoea
How can imperforate hymen be relieved?
Cruciate incision
Describe the ovaries in Turner’s:
Thin, rudimentary ‘streak’ ovaries
What is FGM?
Removal or partial removal of external female genitalia, or injury to internal genital organs, for cultural or non-therapeutic reasons
If you see a patient under 18 with FGM, what should you do?
Report the case to the police
In the classification of FGM, what is type I?
In the classification of FGM, what is type II?
Partial or total removal of clitoris and labia minora +/- labia majora
In the classification of FGM, what is type III?
Narrowing of vaginal orifice, apportioning of labia minora and/or labia majora +/- excision of clitoris
In the classification of FGM, what is type IV?
Any other harmful procedure to female genitalia
What are some acute complications of FGM?
Death, blood loss, sepsis, pain, urinary retention, blood borne viruses
What are some long term sequelae of FGM?
Apareunia, dyspareunia, sexual dysfunction, scarring, chronic pain, infections
What is a surgical management of FGM?
Defibulation - surgical opening of labia
What is primary amenorrhoea?
Failure to commence menses
What is secondary amenorrhoea?
Cessation of periods for >6m other than due to pregnancy
What is oligomenorrhoea?
Infrequent and irregular periods. >35d between cycles and <9 periods a year
What are some causes of amenorrhoea?
Eating disorders Prolactinoma PCOS Turner’s Asherman’s Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
What tests may be performed to investigate amenorrhoea?
bHCG FSH, LH, oestradiol, progesterone, testosterone Serum free androgen index Prolactin TFTs
What is dysmenorrhea?
Painful periods - cramps lower abdo pain
What is the management of dysmenorrhea?
Mefenamic acid during menstruation
Combined pill/Mirena coil
What is the Rotterdam criteria for diagnosis of PCOS?
Polycystic ovaries (12+)
What are some other features of PCOS (not core 3)?
Obesity Acne Acanthosis nigricans Chronic pelvic pain Depression
What is the management of PCOS?
Weight loss, exercise, smoking cessation Metformin Clomifene COCP Anti-androgen
What is menorrhagia?
Excessive menstrual loss that interferes with QoL
What are some causes of menorrhagia?
Polyps Adenomyosis Fibroids Malignancy Coagulopathy Dysfunctional uterine bleeding
What investigations should be considered in a pt presenting with menorrhagia?
FBC Haematinics TFTs Smear STI screen Coag screen
What investigations should be considered in a pt aged >45y presenting with menorrhagia?
Pipelle endometrial biopsy
Hysteroscopy + biopsy
What are some medical management options for menorrhagia?
Mirena IUS
Tranexamic acid
Mefenamic acid
What are some surgical management options for menorrhagia?
Endometrial ablation
Fibroids - myomectomy or uterine artery embolisation
What are some symptoms of the menopause?
Menstrual irregularity Sweats Palpitations Flushes Vaginal dryness Atrophy of breasts and genitalia
What HRT should be given to someone with a uterus?
And why?
Combined HRT
Unopposed oestrogen is rf for endometrial Ca
What are some contraindications to use of HRT?
Oestrogen dependent cancer
Past PE
Undiagnosed PV bleed
Raised LFTs
What are some side effects of HRT?
Fluid retention Bloating Breast tenderness Nausea Headaches Leg cramps Mood swings
What are some risks of HRT?
Increased risk of breast Ca
Unopposed oestrogen increases risk of endometrial CA
VTE risk
Gallbladder disease
What is the medical method of termination of pregnancy?
Mifepristone followed by misoprostol
What are the surgical methods of TOP?
Suction (7-14w)
Dilatation and evacuation (13-24w)
What are some complications of TOP?
Failed TOP Infection Haemorrhage Uterine perforation Cervical trauma Retained POC
What is a miscarriage?
Loss of pregnancy before 24w gestation
What is a threatened miscarriage?
Bleeding and/or pain with closed cervical os
What is an inevitable miscarriage?
Severe symptoms with open cervical os
What is an incomplete miscarriage?
Some POC passed and os open. Echogenic mass within uterine cavity >20mm in AP diameter
What is a complete miscarriage?
All POC passed. Bleeding and pain reducing, cervix closed
What is a missed miscarriage?
Foetus dies but remains in utero, cervix closed
How can a missed miscarriage be confirmed?
US: fetal pole >7mm with no fetal heart activity OR mean gestation sac diameter >25mm with no fetal pole or yolk sac
What are some maternal risk factors for miscarriage?
Increasing age, previous miscarriage, smoking, alcohol, diabetes, HTN
What is the expectant management for miscarriage?
Wait for POC to pass for 2 weeks
What is the medical management of miscarriage?
Misoprostol (oral or PV)
What is the surgical management of miscarriage?
Suction evacuation (usually under GA)
What is the definition of recurrent miscarriage?
Loss of 3 or more consecutive pregnancies with same partner
What are some causes of recurrent miscarriage?
Infection Parental chromosomal abnormality (balanced reciprocal or Robertsonian translocation) Uterine abormality Antiphospholipid syndrome Thrombophilia
What prophylaxis should be given to a woman with antiphospholipid syndrome that has a positive pregnancy test?
Daily aspirin and LMWH
What is an ectopic pregnancy?
When the fertilised ovum implants outside of the uterine cavity
What factors can predispose to an ectopic?
Damage to tubes (PID, previous surgery) Previous ectopic Endometriosis IUCD, POP Smoking IVF
What is the most common location for an ectopic?
Where is the most dangerous location for an ectopic?
What are some possible presentations for an ectopic pregnancy?
Amenorrhoea Pain (unilateral, iliac fossa) PV bleed Dizziness Shoulder tip pain D+V
What investigations should be performed if an ectopic is suspected?
FBC G+S bHCG Serum progesterone TVS Speculum
What are the management options for an ectopic pregnancy?
Laparoscopic surgery or laparotomy
What are the surgical options for an ectopic pregnancy?
Salpingectomy if contralateral tube is healthy
Salpingotomy if not
What is the definition for a pregnancy of unknown location?
No sign of intrauterine or ectopic pregnancy or retained POC in presence of a positive pregnancy test
What are some outcomes for a pregnancy of unknown location?
Early intrauterine pregnancy Complete miscarriage Failing PUL Ectopic Persistent PUL
What are the differences between partial and complete moles?
Partial are triploid, complete diploid
Partial are more common, grow slower, present later and less often malignant