Gynae Flashcards
what is the average age of menarche?
12 years (8-16)
what is mittelzchmerz?
peri-ovulatory, unilateral pelvic pain
what causes ovulation?
LH surge
is oestrogen higher in the proliferative or luteal phase?
proliferative/ follicular
which phase of the menstrual phase is progesterone highest in?
luteal phase as is released by corpus luteum
how long does the corpus luteum survive?
14 days
what does the hypothalamus release?
gonadotropin releasing hormone
what does the anterior pituitary release?
FSH and LH
feedback mechanisms in the menstrual cycle
FSH stimulates release of oestrogen
oestrogen provides -ve feedback so decreases FSH and +ve feedback to increase LH
LH stimulates release of progesterone
progesterone has -ve feedback on pituitary so decreases LH
causes of abnormal bleed mnemonic
PALM (strutctural) COEIN Polyp/ pregnancy Adenomyosis Leiomyoma Malignancy endometrial/ cervical Coagulopathy Ovulation (disorders of)- PCOS, hypothyroid Endometrial- fibroids/ endometriosis Iatrogenic (POP/IUCD etc) Not yet classified
what is PCOS?
unexplained chronic hyperandronergic anovulation
what are signs of PCOS?
male pattern balding
insulin resistance (obesity, cenrtal fat distribution, acanthosis nigricans)
what criteria can be used to assess PCOS?
Rotterdam criteria; 2/3 of:
polycystic ovaries on USS
oligo/ anovulation
signs of excess androgens
how is the pituitary axis affected in PCOS?
increased oestrogen from peripheral adipose-> stimulates more LH from anterior pituitary-> androgen production-> converted to oestrogens peripherally…
what are the long term risks of PCOS?
endometrial carcinoma
what is the treatment of PCOS?
if trying to conceive- metformin, clomiphene citrate
what is the average age of menopause?
51, premature <40
what happens to the hormones during menopause?
oestrogen and progesterone decrease
therefore LH/ FSH increase
what is the perimenopausal period known as
what symptoms suggest a woman is perimenopausal?
weight gain (especially abdo/ buttocks) menstrual irregularity vasomotor- night sweats, hot flushes, palpitations mood swings vaginal atrophy
what are post-menopausal women at increased risk of?
what is menopause?
amenorrhoea for at least 12 months
how are menopausal women treated?
HRT- sequential if menstruating, continuous combined if not. unopposed oestrogen if had hysterectomy
bisphosphonates if indicated by DEXA
what are the side effects of HRT?
Increased risk of VTE increased risk of breast/ cervical cancer CVD risk Breast tenderness PV bleed headaches
when could oestrogen only therapy be a possibility?
if the woman has had a hysterectomy
what are the most common features of endometriosis?
deep dyspareunia
secondary dysmenorrhoea
pelvic pain- typically starts 2 weeks pre-bleed and bleed helps relieve it
what are risk factors for endometriosis?
early menarche/ late menopause
no kids
family history
what is the gold standard for diagnosis of endmetriosis?
what can be used for effective pain relief in endometriosis?
mefanamic acid (NSAID)
what treatments can be used to stop complications of endometriosis?
tricycling COCP (take 3 packets back to back) progestagens anti-progestagins laparoscopic ablation/ excision hysterectomy
what are risk factors for an ectopic pregnancy?
PID tubal surgery eg previous ectopic/ pelvic surgery IUCD IVF if conceives on POP
what are common locations for an ectopic?
tubal- ampulla/ isthmus/ cornual)
other than abdominal pain/ PV bleed, what would make you suspicious of an ectopic?
shoulder tip pain
how would the results of 2 BhCG tests help you distinguish between an ectopic and an IUP?
take 2 samples 48 hours apart
if doubles = IUP
if decreases = miscarriage
if stays the same/ increases but not doubled = ectopic
when is the medical treatment of an ectopic appropriate?
if BhCG <1500u/L no significant pain mass <35mm no foetal heart beat no IUP
what is the medical treatment for an ectopic?
methotrexate IM, advise may require surgical treatment also
how often should you check BhCG after medical treatment of an ectopic?
day 4 and 7, then weekly until negative. may take 4-6 weeks to resolve
what is the surgical management of an ectopic?
salpingectomy/ salpingotomy if damage to other tube. give anti-D prophylaxis
repeat PT after 3 weeks
criteria for PID
Lower abdo pain +
1 of; pyrexia >38/ ESR>15/ Luecocytosis+
1 of; adnexal pain/ adnexal mass/ CMT
what pain is common in PID?
deep dyspareunia
treatment for PID?
IM ceftriaxone 500mg then PO doxycycline and metronidazole for 14 days
after how many consecutive miscarriages would you start investigations?
investigations for abnormal bleeding?
bloods- FBC, TFT, coag screen
may require hysteroscopy and biopsy
treatment for abnormal bleeds?
Medical- COCP, mefenamic/ tranexamic acid, mirena coil for fibroids,
surgical depending on cause
STI tests for women with symptoms?
vvs for chlamydia and gonorrhoea NAAT
HVS for TV, BV, candida
endocervical swab for gonorrhoea culture
bloods for HIV and syphilis
STI tests for asymptomatic women?
vvs for chlamydia and gonorrhoea NAAT
bloods for HIV and syphilis
STI tests for men with symptoms?
1st pass urine for chlamydia and gonorrhoea NAAT
urethral swab for gonorrhoea culture
blood for HIV and syphilis
if MSM: also do rectal + pharyngeal swab for NAAT and culture and offer hep B vaccine
STI tests for men without symptoms?
1st pass urine for chlamydia and gonorrhoea NAAT
blood for HIV and syphilis
vaginal discharge with contact bleed and “cobblestone cervix” on speculum
chlamydia, treat with azithromyicin 1g single dose
green/ yellow PV discharge, IMB, dysuria
pH suggestive of BV
> 4.5
Treatment for BV
PO metronidazole
white cheesy discharge
candida, treat with topical clotrimazole/ pessary
treatment for gonorrhoea
once only:
IM cefetriaxone 500mg
PO azithromycin 1g