Gynae Flashcards
A surge in which hormone initiates ovulation? How long after this surge does ovulation take place?
36 hours
What does FSH do?
stimulates development of ovarian follicles and subsequent secretion of oestrogen
what does LH do?
Production of oestrogen
Conversion of graafian follicles into progesterone producing corpus luteum (prog causes endometrium to become more receptive to implantation)
Surge leads to ovulation
High oestrogen and progesterone causes what effect on GnRH and FSH?
Negative feedback so inhibits HPO axis
Role of oestrogen?
Endometrial thickening and thinning of cervical mucus (to allow for easier sperm passage)
two phases of menstrual cycle?
Follicular and luteal phase
Duration of follicular phase?
Duration of luteal phase?
Ovulation occurs on day 14. Corpus luteum lives for 14 days.
What hormone does the corpus luteum secrete? what does it do?
- Stabilises endometrium
(if fert takes place then prog production cont and endometrium stays stabilised)
(if no fert, then CL dies and prog levels drop, result in unstable endometrium and shedding)
Classification of menorrhagia
Primary - idiopathic (dysfunctional uterine bleeding) = majority Secondary - Adenomyosis - Uterine fibroids - Coagulation disorder/anticoag rx - Hypothyroidism - Polyps/hyperplasia - IUD (copper coil)
23 yo female presents with concerns regarding her heavy bleeding? Briefly list the questions you’ll ask
- regular - duration?
- no. of days bleeding
- no. of days heavy bleeding
- clots/flooding
- no. tampons/sanitary towels (how often change)
Assoc sx
- dysmenorrhoea
- vaginal discharge
- Dyspareunia
- pelvic pain
Impact on QOL
Examination for menorrhagia
- signs of anaemia or hypothyroidism
- abdo exam
- speculum (smear if due)
- Bimanual pelvic examination
Investigations for menorrhagia
Bloods (FBC-anaemia, TFTs, clotting)
If NAD on exam then further investigations not necessary
- TV USS (endometrial thickening, adnexal masses)
- Hysteroscopy (1st line if PMB)
Management of menorrhagia?
- Mefanamic acid (NSAID)
- Tranexamic acid (anti-fibrinolytic)
- Mirena (IUS) - large number of women will be amenorrhoeic at 1 yr after insertion
- Endometrial ablation (destroys basal layer via diathermy, laser, transcervical endomet resection)
- Hysterectomy
Causes of amenorrhoea?
Primary (lack of menstruation by the age of 16) - outflow obstruction - ovarian disorders - pit disorders - hypothalamic disorders Secondary (absence of menstruation for 6 months) - cerebral - hypothalamic-pit - thyroid (hyper/hypo) - adrenal - ovary - uterine/vaginal
List some causes of cerebral secondary amenorrhoea?
starvation excessive exercise anorexia stress anti-dopaminergic drugs neoplasm
What pituitary problem can cause secondary or primary amenorrhoea?
prolactinoma - secretes prolactin therefore neg feedback to hypo to reduce GnRH which reduces FSH, LH –> anovulation and amenorrhoea
Adrenal causes of amenorrhoea?
- cushing’s syndrome
- androgen secreting tumour
Ovarian causes of amenorrhoea?
- menopause
- chemo/rad
- resistant ovary syndrome
Uterine/vaginal causes of amenorrhoea?
- pregnancy
- cervical stenosis
- Mirena IUS
- ascherman’s syndrome
Primary outflow causes of amenorrhoea?
- mullerian agenesis
- androgen insesitivity
- imperforate hymen
Ovarian disorders causing primary amenorrhoea?
PCOS Gonadal dysgenesis (turners syn)
Brief hx for amenorrhoea?
- preggo?
- contraception
- galactorrhoea
- androgenic sx (hirsutism, acne, wt gain)
- wt loss
- daily issues (exercise, eating, stress)
- sweats and flushes (menopause)
- chemorad, surgery gynae
- APs, heroin, methadone, metoclopramide
- Contraceptives (injectable progestogens)
- hx of premature menopause or late menarche)
18yo female presents with lower abdo pain with a crampy feeling that occurs on the first day of her period? What term would you use to describe this presentation? What are the causes?
Dysmenorrhoea = painful menstruation - Primary = no obvious organic cause - Secondary = underlying condition. >teen year. change in usual pain. \+ Endometriosis \+ PID \+ IUS \+ sub mucous fibroids \+ asherman's syndrome \+ psychosexual problems \+ cervical stenosis
Clinical features + Assoc symptoms of dysmenorrhoea?
2 days of pain during bleeding then gradually easing
- lower abdo, pelvic pain
- cramps
- backache
- N,V,D
- Dyspareunia > 2dary
- abnormal bleeding > 2dary
- vaginal discharge > 2dary
Rx for primary dysmenorrhoea?
Mefanamic acid 500mg TDS (take when start bleeding) NSAID
OCP –> stops ovulation so is effective in 90%
Types of uterine fibroids?
What is urinary incontinence?
Involuntary loss of urine
Definition of stress urinary incontinence?
Involuntary loss of urine on effort or exertion or on coughing/sneezing.
Due to urethral sphincter weakness
Definition of urge urinary incontinence?
Involuntary loss of urine preceded by a strong desire to void
Difference between mixed, overflow and continuous urinary incontinence?
Mixed = aspects of both urge and stress incontinence
Overflow = Occurs when the bladder becomes large and flaccid and has little or no detrusor tone or function. Due to injury from surgery or postpartum
Continuous = cont loss of urine. assoc with fistulae or congenital abnormality. (ectopic ureter)
Differentials for urinary incontinence?/Inc frequency?
DM UTI Stress incontinence Urge incontinence Overflow incontinence Continuous incontinence Mixed incontinence
Ix for a women who presents urinary incontinence?
Urinalysis +/- MSU (exclude infection)
Freq/volume chart
Urodynamic study
What is the most common cause urinary incontinence? Commonest cause in elderly women?
Most common = stress incontinence
Elderly women = over activity syndrome (DOA) +/- urge incontinence
Risk factors for stress incontinence?
- Vaginal deliveries
- Age
- Prolapse
- previous surgery
Mx of stress incontinence?
Non surgical
- Physiotherapy for pelvic floor exercises for at least 3 months. 3 sets of 10 reps of max contractions for 10 secs
- Reduce BMI, stop smoking, reduce caffeine
- Vaginal cones (help with pelvic floor training)
- electrical stimulation
- Duolextine (SNRI) = enhances urethral sphincter activity
- Tension free vaginal tape (helps support urethra)
- Injections of bulking agents into the urethral walls
- Colposuspension
Hx for incontinence?
- Urinary sx (incontinence, frequency, voiding, UTIs)
- Gynae hx (smears, cycle, surgery, prolapse)
- Obs (parity, MOD, wt of children)
- PMHx (constipation, chronic cough, cardiac, DM, psychiatric)
- Dhx (beta blockers, anticholinergics, diuretics)
- Fhx
- Shx (impact on QOL)
How does detrusor overactivity syndrome usually present?
Irritative sx
- freq
- urgency
- urge incontinence
- dysuria
- nocturia
- Triggered by cold, opening front door, hearing water
Mx of DOA?
Non surgical
- Bladder RETRAINING - min of 6 wks (extend intervals between voiding)
- Adv 1-1.5l liquids a day
- stop caffeine, tea
- Stop smoking
- Drugs (anticholinergics such as oxybutynin = relaxes detrusor muscle), TCAs, and desmopressin (anti-diuretic)
- Intravescial botox = temporary paralysis of detrusor muscle. repeated 6-12 months. 10% SE of retention.
- Sacral implantation/implanted = S3 continuous stimulation
- Detrusor myomectomy or cystoplasty
Cottage cheese discharge with itchy vulvitis?
Candida. Rx with clotrimazole.
Offensive smelling, yellowy frothy discharge? With a strawberry cervix. vulvovaginitis.
Trichomonas vaginalis
How does Bacterial vaginosis present?
offensive smelling, thin, white/greyish, fishy discharge
Most common causes of vaginal discharge?
Less common causes of vaginal discharge?
- gonorrhoea
- chlamydia (less common)
- ectropion
- cervical cancer
- foreign body
In which two conditions is cervical excitation seen in assoc with pelvic pain?
- ectopic preggo
Dysuria and frequency are common but women may experience suprapubic burning secondary to cystitis
A typical history is a female with a history of 6-8 weeks amenorrhoea who presents with lower abdominal pain and later develops vaginal bleeding
Shoulder tip pain and cervical excitation may be seen
Pelvic pain, fever, deep dyspareunia, vaginal discharge, dysuria and menstrual irregularities may occur
Cervical excitation may be found on examination
Pain initial in the central abdomen before localising to the right iliac fossa
Anorexia is common
Tachycardia, low-grade pyrexia, tenderness in RIF
Rovsing’s sign: more pain in RIF than LIF when palpating LIF
Vaginal bleeding and crampy lower abdominal pain following a period of amenorrhoea