Gyge Flashcards
Definition of Preeclampsia/Eclampsia
After the 20th gestational week
Preeclampsia : BP > 140/90mmHg, Proteinuria > 300mg/d
Eclampsia : Preeclampsia + Tonic Clonic Seizures
Indications for C-Section
M/F - Cephalopelvic disproportion, Failed Induction of Labor
Maternal - Eclampsia, Cervical cancer, Fibroid, Herpes
Fetal - Fetal abnormality(Hydrocephalus), Multiple Gestations, Malpresentaton, Cord Prolapse, Nonreassuring fetal HR(Bradycardia)
Placental - Previa, Abruptio
US in Pregnancy
0(6~7wks) = Confirm(Gestational sac, HR), Location Intrauterine or Extrauterine, Twins
1(11~13wks) = Congenital Malformations, Nuchal translucency(Down’s)
Neural tube defects, Biometrics
2(18~20wks) = Congenital Malformations, Genetics
3(30~31wks) = IUGR, Late Congenital Malformations
4(36~38wks) = Fetal Presentation, Fetal Weight, Info for delivery
Placenta abruptio / Placenta Previa Check
Use hands to Palpate the Uterus
Abruptio → Painful, Hard uterus → C-Section
Previa → Painless, Cardiotocograph normal → C-Section
PostPartum Hemorrhage
Retained Placenta, Vaginal Laceration, Coagulopathy(DIC), Uterine Atony(Exclude other causes)
Stages of Birth
Onset of Labor → Longest stage, Latent(3cm) / Active(3~10cm)
Baby → 30~90min, Propulsive phase(Full dilation, descend to pelvic floor), Expulsion Phase(Ends with delivery of baby)
Placenta → 5~30min, separation, Expulsion of Placenta → membrane
Recovery → 2h, after expulsion of placenta
Increased risk of bleeding, Repair laceration, RhoGAM
Techniques of C-section
Abdominal Wall : Transverse(Pfannenstiel), Vertical(Midline)
Uterus : Transverse(Lower segment incision), Vertical(Classical)
Pearl Index
Number of Pregnancies in 100 females/year with chosen contraceptive
Oral Contraceptives(0.1~2.5), PostCoital Pill(0.5~2.5)
IUD(0.5~5.5), Condom(3~28), Sterilization(0.3~6.0)
Routine Exam
Colposcopy, Cytology(pap smear), Bimanual exam, Breast exam
Longterm Oral Contraceptive use Advantage and disadvantage
Advantages - Decreased risk of Ovarian, Endometrial, Colorectal cancer
Lowers risk of Bone loss, Dysmenorrhea, Acne
Decreases risk of Trisomy in Older maternal age
Disadvantages - Increased risk of VTE(DVT, PE) due to low estrogen
Increased risk of Breast, Cervical, Liver cancer
Increased Body weight
Depression due to Low level of serotonin(Progestin)
Hypertension due to Progesterone(Cannot breakdown
Endometriosis definition, diagnosis, Treatment
Definition - Endometrial like tissue outside the uterine cavity
Diagnosis - Gold standard is Laparoscopic Visualization
Treatment - Oral Contraceptives, Surgery(Ablation or excision, Segmental excision), Hysterectomy
Progesterone(Counteract estrogen and inhibit growth of endometrium)
GnRH Agonist, Aromatase inhibitor, Progesterone receptor modulator
Urinary Incontinence types
Irritative - Urinalysis → Cystitis, tumor, foreign body
Stress - Loss of Bladder support → Cough
Urge - Hypertonic → Increased Detrusor muscle → Anticholinergics
Overflow/Neurogenic - Hypotonic with dribbles → Cholinergics
Main Vaginal Infection
Bacterial Vaginosis, Trichomonas, Mycosis(Candida), Condyloma
pH Paper!!!!! Mycotic infection pH < 4.5
Spontaneous Abortion
Pain + Bleeding → Diagnosis by Cervix, US, hCG
Contraindications to Tocolysis
Obstetric(Severe Abruption, Ruptured membrane, Chorioamnionitis)
Fetal(Lethal Anomaly, Already dead fetus, Fetal jeopardy)
Maternal(Eclampsia, Advanced Dilation)
Leopold Maneuvers
- Fungal grip = Palpate upper abdomen with both hands
- Umbilical grip = Palpate to localize fetal back
One palm to fix, while the other explores one side then change - Pelvic grip = 1st Pelvic grip, Determine what fetal part is lying above the inlet, grasp lower portion of abdomen just above the pubic symphysis with thumb and fingers of the right hand
- Pawlick grip = 2nd Pelvic grip, Face woman’s feet, attempt to locate fetus brow. Fingers of both hands moved gently down the sides of the uterus to pubis. The side where there is resistance to the descent of the fingers is greatest where the brow is located.
Stopping Uterine bleeding
Young = progesterone → Preserve fertility
Old = Dilation and Curettage
Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser Syndrome
Fancy word for Mullerian agenesis
- Congenital malformation, Failure of Mullerian duct to develop
- Missing uterus, Cervix, vagina, Variable degree of Upper vaginal hypoplasia(Shortened)
Causes 15% of Primary amenorrhea
Ovaries intact, ovulation usually occurs
Will enter Puberty and have secondary sexual characteristics
Pap Smear
p0 - Improper samble
p1 - Negative, Superficial cells on slide
p2 - Superficial cells and WBCs
p3 - Unsure
p4 - Atypical cells → Suspect Malignancy
p5 - True malignancy