GWB Flashcards
When, and under whose administration did negotiations regarding the installation of anti-missile defense systems begin? In which countries were they to be installed?
George W Bush
Poland and Romania
When was the ABM Treaty signed? When did the U.S. withdraw from it?
26 May 1972
June 2002
Who wrote the “Nyet Means Nyet” memo? When, and to whom?
Then-Russian Ambassador William Burns
In Feb of 2008, to Sec of State Condoleeza Rice
When and where was our intention to invite Ukraine and Georgia into NATO announced?
April 2008, at the Bucharest summit
What is a NATO MAP?
A Membership Action Plan is an individualized assessment of what a particular country needs to do in order to be eligible for NATO membership.
When did the U.S. recognize Kosovo’s independence?
February 2008
Context: this was the same month when Ambassador William Burns wrote his “nyet means nyet” telegram to Rice. It was two months before the Bucharest Summit where Bush announced his intention to allow Ukraine to join NATO.
Name (some of) the U.S. post-Cold War policies that were particularly provocative vis a vis Russia.
• NATO expansion
• Color revolutions in Russia’s near abroad
• Withdrawing from ABM treaty
• Installation of missile defense systems in Poland, Romania
• NATO intervention in Bosnia, Kosovo
• Recognition of Kosovo’s independence
• Aiding rebels in Chechnya, Dagestan
• BTC pipeline
When was the first wave of NATO expansion, and which countries did it add?
Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary
When was the second round of NATO expansion, and which countries did it encompass?
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania
Slovakia, Slovenia
Bulgaria, Romania
When was the third round of NATO expansion, and which countries did it include?
Croatia and Albania