She was the first in the 1960s to coin the concept of “culturally congruent care,” which
was the goal of the Theory of Culture Care, and today the concept is being used globally.
Madeleine Leininger
Each element described here builds a context for a crossculturally competent system of care. The system’s approach may be adapted to create a better fit between the needs of minority groups and services available. Styles of management, definitions of who is included in “family,” and service goals are but a few of the things that can be changed to meet cultural needs.
Adaptation to Diversity
Major Concepts of the Transcultural Nursing Theory:
Is a state of well-being that is culturally defined, valued, and practiced. It reflects individuals’ (or groups)’ ability to perform their daily role activities in culturally expressed, beneficial, and patterned lifeways.
Josepha Campinha-Bacote: Process of Cultural Competence in the Delivery of
Healthcare Services: A Model of Care
Cultural competence consists of five constructs
cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural skill, cultural encounters, and cultural desire.
Major Concepts of the Transcultural Nursing Theory:
Leininger did not define these terms; she speaks instead of worldview, social structure, and environmental context.
Society and Environment
_________: Cultural Care Theory
Madeleine Leininger
Campinha-Bacote five-prong system:
First and foremost, nurses must perform a self-examination to gain insight into their own beliefs and values.
Cultural awareness
Subconcepts of the Transcultural Nursing Theory:
It refers to the outsider’s efforts, both subtle and not so subtle, to impose their own cultural values, beliefs, behaviors upon an individual, family, or group from another culture. (Leininger, 1978)
Cultural Imposition
Subconcepts of the Transcultural Nursing Theory:
Is defined as actions and activities directed toward assisting, supporting, or enabling another individual or group with evident or anticipated needs to ameliorate or improve a human condition or lifeway or face death
Care as a verb
Major Concepts of the Transcultural Nursing Theory:
It indicates the variabilities and/or differences in meanings, patterns, values, lifeways, or symbols of care within or between collectives related to assistive, supportive, or enabling human care expressions
Culture Care Diversity
Sunrise Model of Madeleine Leininger’s Theory:
It includes those assistive, supportive, facilitative, or enabling creative professional actions and decisions that help people of a designated culture to adapt to or negotiate with others for a beneficial or satisfying health outcome with professional care providers.
Cultural care accommodation, also known as negotiation
_____ first
mentioned in 1950 that the cultures were an important variable affecting mental health.
An essential for any health-care professional, this book sets the standard for cultural perspectives and more importantly health-the balance of the person, both within one’s being-physical, mental, and spiritual-and in the outside world natural, communal, and metaphysical.
Rachel Spector: Cultural difference in health and disease
Sunrise Model of Madeleine Leininger’s Theory:
It includes those assistive, supporting, facilitative, or enabling professional actions and decisions that help clients reorder, change, or greatly modify their lifeways for new, different, and beneficial health care pattern while respecting the clients’ cultural values and beliefs and still providing a beneficial or healthier lifeway than before the changes were established with the clients
Culture care repatterning or restructuring
Subconcepts of the Transcultural Nursing Theory:
A knowledge gained from direct experience or directly from those who have
experienced it. It is generic or folk knowledge.
Cultural competence can best be identified as a _________ that is never ending and ever expanding. It is built on increases in knowledge and skill development related to its attributes.
Nonlinear Dynamic Process
Jacqueline L Rosenjack Burchum: Cultural Competence: An Evolutionary Perspective
What are the identified attributes of cultural competence in this model?
cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural understanding, cultural sensitivity, and cultural skill.
Major Concepts of the Transcultural Nursing Theory:
how people look at the world, or the universe, and form a “picture or value stance” about the world and their lives.
Campinha-Bacote five-prong system:
It involves collecting relevant cultural information. It is insensitive to assume a person’s cultural preferences based on appearance, country of origin or religion. Instead, nurses should ask questions and seek information in a professional manner
Cultural skill
Major Concepts of the Transcultural Nursing Theory:
Is learned, shared, and transmitted values, beliefs, norms, and lifeways of a particular group that guides their thinking, decisions, and actions in patterned ways.
Wells M; Beyond cultural competence: a model for individual and institutional
cultural development:
_____________ is a concept that extends cultural competence into nursing practice,
administration, education, and research. It is a philosophical and behavioral approach to cultural diversity that guides and prescribes individual and institutional behavior toward “cultural others.”
Cultural proficiency
Major Concepts of the Transcultural Nursing Theory:
The study of nursing care beliefs, values, and practices as cognitively perceived and known by a designated culture through their direct experience, beliefs, and value system.
Sunrise Model of Madeleine Leininger’s Theory:
It includes those assistive, supporting, facilitative, or enabling professional actions and decisions that help people of a particular culture to retain and/or preserve relevant care values so that they can maintain their well-being, recover from illness, or face handicaps and/or death
Cultural care preservation is also known as maintenance
The foundations of transcultural nursing were laid in the _____
Jacqueline L Rosenjack Burchum: Cultural Competence: An Evolutionary Perspective
The need for conceptual clarity, which is essential for effective communication related to cultural competence. _____, _____, _____, and _____ are identified.
Practice, education, administration, and research
Major Concepts of the Transcultural Nursing Theory:
Is defined as involving the dynamic patterns and features of interrelated structural and organizational factors of a particular culture (subculture or society) which includes religious, kinship (social), political (and legal), economic, educational, technological, and cultural values, ethnohistorical factors, and how these factors may be interrelated and function to influence human behavior in different environmental contexts.
Cultural and Social Structure Dimensions