GVC Flashcards
What is CAA?
Civil Aviation Authority
What is MOR?
Mandatory Occurance Report
What is SARG?
Safety and Airspace Regulation Group
What is ATM?
Air Traffic Management
What is ATC?
Air Traffic Control
What is NATS?
National Air Traffic Services
What is NAA?
National Aviation Authority
What is FIR?
Flight Information Region
What is ATZ?
Aerodome Traffic Zone
What is FRZ?
Flight Restriction Zone
What is NOTAM?
Notice to Airmen
What is MTOM?
Maximum Take-Off Mass
What is AIP?
Aeronautical Information Publication
What is AIC?
Aeronautical Information Circular
What is VLOS?
Visual Line of Sight
What is BVLOS?
Beyond Visual Line of Sight
What is EVLOS?
Extended Visual Line of Sight
What is NSF?
Non-Standard Flight
What is ENSF?
Enhanced Non-Standard Flight
Who are the airspace monitors?
ATMs (Air Traffic Management) and ATCs (Air Traffic Controllers)
What is AIRPROX?
Air Proximity
What is ECCAIRS?
European Coordination Centre for Accident and Incident Reporting Systems
What is OSC?
Operating Safety Case
What is ASL?
Above surface level
What is a flyer ID?
Acts as yout acknowledgement of compentency as as Remot Pilot from the CAA
Can be any age - anyone under 12 must be supervised by someone aged 16 or over who has a flyer ID
Must pass an online test
What is a flyer ID?
Acts as yout acknowledgement of compentency as as Remot Pilot from the CAA
Can be any age - anyone under 12 must be supervised by someone aged 16 or over who has a flyer ID
Must pass an online test
What is an Operator ID?
Anyone responsible for a drone must register as an Operator
Must didplay your Operator ID on your drones and you can use the same Operator ID for all your drones
Must be aged 18 or over to be an Operator
What are the specifications for the Open Category
Can use A2 CofC qualification
MOTM must be less than 25kg
UAS operated within VLOS
UAS must not be flown further than 120 m (400ft) from the closest point of the surface of the earth
What are the specifications for the Specialised Category?
Qualification requirement is GVC
Requires CAA Application
Allows you to fly with reduced limitations if not attainable in Open Category
What are the specification for Certfied Category?
Qualification requirements equivalent to manned avaition
Requires CAA application
Rules for flying will mirror those used in manned aviation
Specifications for A1 open category?
No overflight
Less than 250g
No specific distance limitations but should observe 1:1 rule
Specifications for A2 open category?
No closer than 50m horizontally from uninvolved persons
Max mass of 4kg
Must have A2 CofC
Specifications for A3 open category?
No flight within 150m horizontally of congested area
Max mass 25kg
Training requirement DMARES & User Manual
What is 1:1 rule?
Horzontal separation distacne of drone must be equal (or greater) to the height the drone is flying
When can an unmanned aircraft be flown greater then 400ft from closest point of the earth’s surface in open category?
Height can be exceeded whrn overflying a fixed obstacle provided that:
* Person in charge of obstacle has granted permission
* The UM is not flown more than 15m above the top of the obstacle and must be kept within 50m horizontally of it
How long is a GVC valid for?
5 years from the date that the exam was taken
What is PDRA?
Pre-Defined Risk Assessment
What is UKPDRA-01?
Standard permission issued by the CAA for operations with the Specific category
What are the conditions associated witH UKPDRA-01?
VLOS only
Operation during day and night
Predominantly in for UK Operations
Flights must not take place in an FRZ or reserved airspace without appropriate approval
Kept at 400 ft
Max distance of 500m
Must not fly closer than 50m to uninvolved persons (no closer than 30m for take off or landing)
Checklist for safety
Remote pilots operating under the OA must be employed
Operator must comply with the UAS IR, and maintain flight records (logbooks)
Occurances when operating under OA must be reported with accordance with the requirements
EC785/2004 complaint insurance is needed whenever flying under the OA
What are the requirements for ‘See and Avoid’
Effective visual scanning
Situational Awareness
The development of good airmanship
What are VLOS principles?
Maximum distance of 500m horizontally (only if aircraft can still be seen at this distance)
Maxium heigth from earth’s surface is 400 ft
When are NSF and ENSF needed?
In controlled airspace over London and other major cities, NATs can require a UAS operator to apply for NSF or ENSF approval to fly in restricted airspace before the flight can take place
When should you apply for an NSF?
Unusual Aerial Activities wholly contained within controlled airspace are processed as NSF approval and are subject to prior approval either by CAA or specific Air Traffic Services
Applications for NSFs should be made within a minimum of 14 days notice
When are ENSF required?
Restricted areas such as airports and parks that are marked on current VRF charts
The restritions require, with certain exceptions, that no aircraft fly below 1,400 feet Above Means Sea Level (AMSL) within these areas unless in accordance with an ENSF clearnce issued by the appropriate ATC unit
What are some reportable occurances?
Loss of control/datalink
Navigation failures
Pilot station configuration changes/errors
Transfer to/from launch control/ mission control stations
Display failures
Crew Resource Management failures
Structural damage/heavy landing
Flight programming errors (incorrect speed programmed)
Any incident that injuries a third party
What is an AirProx?
Where, in the opinion of a pilot or air traffic service personnel, the distance between aircraft as well as thier relative postions and speeds have been sucht that ther safety of an aircrat involved may have been compromised
Either piloted involved or an ATC who witness the AirProx can report the incident
What is an Operational Authorisation?
Permission to operate a UAS under specific limiations and conditions
Who has rights over airspace?
The state has the rights over the airspace and the rules and regulations about its use are issued on behalf of the state by the NAA: in our case the CAA
What is FL?
Flight Level
What is TMA?
Terminal Manoeuvring Area
What is CTA?
Controlled Area
What is CTR?
Controlled Zone