Guitar final Flashcards
The letter names of the open strings on the guitar
Easter Bunnies Get Drunk At Easter
Note values (i.e. how many beats does a whole, dotted half, half, quarter, and/or eighth note receive?)
dotted half note 3 half 2 quarter 1 one eighth gets half note
What is a ledger line? What does it do/what purpose does it serve?
it extends the staff so lower and higher notes get noted
What are the letter names of the lines on the staff?
Every Good Boy Does Fine: those are the lines on the staff
What are the letter names of the spaces on the staff?
FACE= notes in the between the lines on the staff
How many letters are in the music alphabet?
7 letters of the alphabet (ABCDEFG)
What does the top number of the time signature tell you?
Time signature = tells you how many beats are in the measure.
What does the bottom number of the time signature tell you?
the bottom number on the time signature is the show you what kind of note gets what beat.
Pitch identification: you will have to look at a note written on the staff and match it with it’s letter name. You will also have to know if it’s the “high,” “middle,” or “low” version of that note. *Hint: Make sure you are super comfortable reading ledger lines!
just know each note ex; high G middle G and low G
You will be asked how to play some notes. (You will need to know which string, fret, and finger you are supposed to use to play a given note.)
know how to play what string what finger what phrent
You will have to be able to draw a treble clef sign, a time signature, bar lines, and a double bar line correctly. (Incorrectly drawn notation will NOT receive full credit.)
a dot below the bottom line then a line come up from the line passing the first line then make a P to the third then curve behind the P and make a C to the second line then continued a curve once and make a G then have 44 its two 4 just one on the other takes up 3 lines
What is a melody? What is a chord? What is the difference between the two?
A melody is a succession of single tones and a chord is a combination of tones sounded together
What is a pitch? What is a tone?
pitch note:the height or depth of a tone. Tone note: a musical sound
Why is it important for a guitarist to play duets?
it’s important to work well with others and to do it well be themselves
How do you play a tie?
the first note is played and held for the time duration of both. the second note is not played but held.