Guillain barre syndrome Flashcards
Acute ascending areflexic paralysis and paresthesia (distal to proximal)
with history of URTI or GI infection (Campylobacter jeujeni) multiple
weeks ago
Guillain Barre syndrome
how to Diagnose GBS
Clinically, CSF sample may showed high protein and normal cell count
treatment of GBS
IVIG or plasma exchange
Prognosis is excellent with full recovery in most of the patient
24-year-old male medically free had URTI 2
weeks ago and now developed back pain,
ascending lower limbs bilateral faccid paralysis
spreads from the lower to the upper limbs in a
“stocking-glove” distribution and absent
refexes, what is the most likely diagnosis?
- Guillain-Barré syndrome
35-year-old male with history of recent diarrhea
came with lower limb weakness (ascending in
nature), what is the best treatment for him?
Intravenous immunoglobulin
Patient with ascending limb weakness with
history of gastroenteritis 3 weeks back, what is
the mostly prognosis of these diseases?
Full recovery