GuildSomm Expert Guide to Winemaking Flashcards
Who is André Tchelistcheff?
André Tchelistcheff was America’s most influential post-Prohibition winemaker. Tchelistcheff is most notable for his contributions toward defining the style of California’s best wines, especially Cabernet Sauvignon. Called the “dean of American winemakers”, industry pioneers, such as Rev. John Staten of Field Stone Winery, Robert Mondavi, Louis Martini and Rob Davis of Jordan Vineyard & Winery, and Rick Sayre of Rodney Strong Wine Estates, considered him their mentor.
In winemaking, what does MOG stand for?
Materials other than grapes
What is the primary rootstock (approximately 80%) in Champagne’s vineyards that is also seen as a majority in Cognac production?
While all aspects of the growing environment impact fruit composition what are the two most critical?
temperature and water availability are the most critical
Where is the Klosterneuburg Must Weight (KMW) or Babo scale used?
Austria, Italy, Eastern Europe
The Klosterneuburg Must Weight (KMW) or Babo scale, used in Austria, Italy, and Eastern Europe, attempts to account for this overstatement by applying a factor of roughly 0.85 to the Brix scale, which assumes that 15% of the solids are non-sugar.
In the EU, potential alcohol is estimated using the official conversion ratio of —- grams per liter sugar yielding 1% ABV.
In the EU, potential alcohol is estimated using the official conversion ratio of 16.83 grams per liter sugar yielding 1% ABV. The actual conversion ratio depends on the efficiency of the yeast and typically ranges from 16.5 to 17.5. If all of the sugar was converted to ethanol, 15.7 grams per liter sugar would yield 1% ABV. In reality, yeast converts only 90 to 95% of sugar to alcohol, and the rest is converted to other biproducts of fermentation, including glycerol and fusel alcohols.
What type of solution does Baumé use? In which countries is the Baumé scale used?
Baumé is another specific gravity measurement used in France, Spain, and Australia. It is analogous to Brix but uses a salt (sodium chloride or table salt) solution as opposed to sucrose as the reference. While salt is not an intuitive choice, it is convenient since Baumé is an estimate of the potential alcohol, where a juice at 14 degrees Baumé is likely to have a final alcohol concentration of about 14%. Baumé is converted to Brix by multiplying by a factor of 1.8.
Which sugar scale uses specific gravity? What countries is this scale used in?
The Oeschle scale. It is used in Germany and Switzerland.
Specific gravity (closely related to density) is perhaps the most fundamental scale used to estimate sugar content, and its use seems to be gaining in popularity. The Oechsle scale, used in Germany and Switzerland, is mathematically related to specific gravity.
Which is the primary organic acid that occurs naturally in grapes?
Others are Malic and citric acid.
Lactic, succinct an acetic acids are formed during fermentation and are present in wines at low concentrations.
What are the two parameters for measuring acidity?
pH and titratable acidity.
The perception of sourness is most determined by the wine’s titratable acidity—wine with a high titratable acidity (TA) tastes more sour. Wine’s perceived texture is affected by pH. High pH (low acid) wines may seem soapy, while low pH (high acid) wines are perceived as having “harder” tannins. Additionally, pH affects a wine’s hue and the efficacy of sulfur dioxide, with lower pH wines requiring less SO2 for microbial stability.
Water is considered to have a neutral pH of 7. Wine generally has a pH between ______?
3 and 4
Technically, pH is a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions (or protons) in a solution. The pH scale is logarithmic, so wine at a pH of 3 has 10 times the acidity of wine at a pH of 4.
Phenolic compounds add which attributes to a wine?
henolics are an important class of compounds that lend color, flavor, and texture to wine. Tannins and Anthocyanins are two examples.
Phenolic compounds are important for agreeability and play a key role in odxidation chemistry.
What are the three groups phenolic compounds are generally divided into?
Flavonoids, non-flavonoids, and tannins
What compound is largely responsible for the bitterness in wine?
Catechins are small polyphenols that are extracted mostly from seeds and stems (though also from skins) and are largely responsible for bitterness in wine. While the concentration of catechin in wine is low, they are significant in wine as they are a major constituent of tannin.
How do catechins and tannins relate to each other?
Tannins are large molecules that impart astringency and bitterness in wine. From a strict chemistry standpoint, they are characterized by their ability to bind with protein, which explains the astringency perception they induce—tannins react with proteins in the wine drinker’s mouth. Tannins are often regarded as a single component in wine but can be more accurately thought of as a cohort of distinct compounds of different lengths and configurations made of catechin “building blocks.” The structure of catechins and tannins favors reactions among each other, as well as with anthocyanins. Smaller tannin “units” polymerize, or bind together, forming longer chains. These bonds are also easily broken, so at the same time that bonds are forming, others are breaking apart. Tannins’ ephemeral behavior makes them difficult to measure or study in a meaningful way, and for this reason, knowledge about their behavior is evolving as scientists develop better tools to study them.
What are Anthocyanins?
Anthocyanins refers to a family of pigmented compounds responsible for the vibrant color of young red wine. Their extraction from the skins of red grapes begins as soon as the berries are crushed, and they immediately start binding with tannins and other compounds to create more stable pigments sometimes referred to as polymeric pigments. During fermentation, they continue to be extracted from the skins and depleted by polymerization. After pressing, the concentration of anthocyanins decreases as they are converted to polymeric pigments. After a year or so, the color of red wine is driven by the concentration of polymeric pigments.
Do Anthocyanins extract rapidly in the beginning of the red wine fermentation or towards the end?
Anthocyanins extract rapidly at the beginning of fermentation.
During red wine fermentation, winemaking techniques are used to extract phenolics from the grapes. Anthocyanins extract rapidly at the beginning of fermentation. Tannins and catechins are more soluble in alcohol than water, so their rate of extraction is faster toward the end of fermentation. Phenolic compounds can improve quality and ageability, but over-extraction of tannins and catechins results in wines that taster bitter, hard, and closed. In particular, high levels of catechin can lend an unpleasant bitterness.
Does astringency increase or decrease over the lifetime of a wine?
What metric is most commonly used to determine the date of harvest?
Sugar concentration as it determines the wine’s potential alcohol.
In addition to sugar, winemakers typically monitor the pH and TA (titratable acidity) of the fruit. During ripening, pH increases and TA decreases, and winemakers seek to harvest once they are in a range that will result in a balanced wine. The precise range depends on the grape variety, the intended wine style, and whether the wine will go through malolactic fermentation
Winemakers may also consider the concentration of malic acid. If malolactic fermentation is intended, it gives an indication of how the acidity will change after this fermentation. Otherwise, winemakers may prefer to delay harvest until the malic acid concentration is below a particular threshold, since a high concentration of malic acid can lend an overt green apple character to the wine.
What are typical grape chemistry’s at harvest (Brix, pH, Titratable Acidity) for Sparkling, White and Reds
Sparking: Degrees Brix: 17-20, pH: 2.9 - 3.2, Titratable Acidity (g/L tartaric acid): 8-12
White: Degrees Brix: 19-25, pH: 3.0-3.6, Titratable Acidity (g/L tartaric acid): 5-10
Red: Degrees Brix: 20-27, p`H: 3.3-4.0, Titratable Acidity (g/L tartaric acid) 4-8
Is Champagne a whole-cluster wine style and whole cluster pressed?
Whole-cluster wine styles, including wines that will be whole-cluster pressed (such as Champagne) or undergo carbonic maceration, require hand-harvesting. On the other hand, harvesting by hand is slow, labor intensive, and expensive.
What is encuvage?
Vatting, putting the must into the vats for fermentation
To minimize damage, growers have widely adopted practices such as gently handling and keeping the fruit cool and intact. What impact do cool temperatures have on the fruit?
Low temperature slows the rate of oxidation reactions and microbial growth. Cool fruit is easier to process as it is less prone to unintentional crushing. In regions with cool daytime temperatures fruit is harvested in the morning. In warm regions, night harvesting has become standard.
What are the implications of handing grapes gently? Are white or red grapes in arguably greater need for gentler handling?
Gentle handling of grapes reduces unwanted oxidation and extraction. Oxidation is responsible for juice browning and loss of aroma and flavor compounds. For this reason, crushing is minimized until just before fruit is put into the fermentation vessel. Gentle handling is particularly important with white grapes, whose flavors are driven by delicate aroma compounds, and for styles of wine where skin contact is not desired. Gentle handling avoids pulverizing stems or seeds that may contribute bitter and green flavors to the must.
A winemaker may take an oxidative approach to fruit processing and handling - what does this technique entail and what are the benefits to this?
Winemakers may take an oxidative or reductive approach to fruit processing and handling. Reductive handling aims at preserving aromatics and fruit flavors and preventing browning. With reductive handling, dry ice (carbon dioxide) and other inert gas and sulfur dioxide may be used generously during fruit processing to protect the must from oxidation. This technique preserves fruit and floral flavors and delicate aromatic compounds, including thiols.
What are thiols?
A thiol is an organosulfur compound that smells fruity in tiny amounts, but in larger amounts it smells like garlic and is considered a wine fault. Thiols are also a building block of earthiness
In some white wine styles there can be intentional oxidation or hyper-oxidation of the juice. What is this and why is it practiced?
With intentional or hyper-oxidation, the juice turns brown initially but clarifies thought fermentation. This allows the most susceptible compounds to be oxidized and discarded as lees, resulting in a finished wine that is potentially less fruity but more resilient against post-fermentation oxidation.
What is sous voile aging?
“under vail” aging, referring in Jura to aging under flor