Guidance Note: Valuation of properties in multi-storey, multi-occupancy residential buildings with cladding 1st edition, March 2021 Flashcards
What is the structure for the guidance note on cladding?
- Intro
- The EWS1 form
- Risk and liability
Appendix: Case studies
What is the purpose of the valuation for buildings with cladding?
Provides criteria that can be used by a competent valuer during a standard valuation inspection to identify buildings where remediation work to cladding for fire safety purposes that may materially affect the value of the property is likely to be required.
When would an assumption be made for a property with cladding?
An assumption is made where it is reasonable for the valuer to accept that something is true without the need for specific investigation or verification. Any such assumption must be reasonable and relevant, having regard to the purpose for which the valuation is required.
What should a valuer do if they do not have the correct level of competency?
If the valuer does not have the required level of expertise to deal with some aspect of the valuation assignment properly, they should decide and agree with the client what assistance is needed from other professionals who would be competent to provide specialist information.
When is an EWS1 form needed?
Where remediation work to cladding or balconies that may materially affect the
value of the property is likely to be needed, and an EWS1 form should therefore be required.
What was an EWS1 form designed for?
EWS1 was designed as a means of ensuring that a suitable assessment has been carried out by a competent fire expert to provide information about whether remedial works are likely to be required for a building
Explain the EWS1 decision tree.