GU Male Flashcards
_Perineal, sacral, or suprapubic pain
_Irritative voiding symptoms
_Urinary retention
_Warm and tender prostate
Acute Prostatitis
_Perineal, sacral, or suprapubic pain
_Irritative voiding symptoms
_Urinary retention
_History of urinary tract inection
_Prostate may be normal, boggy, or indurate
Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis
_Unilateral testicular swelling
_Phren sign
_History of acute physical strain, trauma, or sex
_Decreased fertility
_Abscess formation
_Inability to attain or maintain an errection
_Errection lasting longer than 4 hours
_Ischemic injury of the copora cavernosa
Initial treatment for Priapism:
_Aspiration of blood from penis and the injection of epinephrine or phenylephrine
Erectile Dysfunction
_Decreased force and caliber of stream
_Sensation of incomplete bladder emptying
_Double voiding
_Straining to urinate
_Post void dribbling
_Irritative voiding symptoms:
Benign Prosttic Hypertrophy
_Excrutiating lower back pain
_Focal nodules or areas of induration on DRE
_Obstructive voiding symptoms
_Urinary retention
_Renal failure
_Metastatic bone pain
_Thromboembolic events
_Neurologic symptoms
_Pathologic fractures
Prostate Cancer
_Tenderness to palpation
Scrotal Trauma
_Sac fills with blood and appears as a large blue tender scrotal mass
Blunt Testicular Injury
_Tense edema of scrotum
_Pain (out of proportion to physical exam)
Fournier’s Gangrene
_Asymptomatic mass
_Mild pain
_Mass is separate from testes
_Feels like “bag of worms”
_Size increases with valsalva
_Gradually enlarging painless cystic mass that transilluminate
_Typically transilluminate as cystic in nature
_Painless enlargement of the testis (patients delay seeking medical attention for 3-6 months)
_Solid mass
_Sensations of heaviness
Testicular Cancer
_Acute onset, constant unilateral pain that is unrelieved by elevation
_Negative cremasteric reflex
_High riding testis (Bell clapper)
_Profound tenderness and swelling
_Nausea and vomiting
Testicular Torsion
_Immediate pain
_Deforming hematoma
_Immediate detumescence
_May cause urethral injury
Penile Rupture or Fracture
_Occurs from objects placed circumferentially around the penile shaft “penile rings”
Constricting / Strangulation Injuries
_Blood at the urethra meatus
_Perineal hematoma
_High riding prostate on DRE
Urethral Injury
_Forskin unable to retract
_May have urinary retention
_Constricting band proximal to
the glans
_Urinary retention