Gu Flashcards
What’s normals output per day?
What amount do you usually void?
1500 ml/ say
Usually void when 200-600ml
5 function of kidney and wtd?
- Remove wast from blood in urine form
- Regulate electrolytes and acid base balance
- Control BP from agiotensin release
- Regular RBC production
- Synthesis of vitamin D to active form
What’s bowmans capsule
Glomerulus here and filter for urine
Proximal tubule wtd
Site of reabsorption
Loop of henle wtd
Site for further filter ruins through reabsoption . Where diuretics work ex: lasix and bumex
Collecting tubules wtd
release urine
What forms urine?
Glomerular filtration
Geriatric consideration 9
- Yearly decrease in glomerular p 35-45
- Decrease flow to kids
- acid base imbalance
- Poly pharmacy incr drug metabolites filt by kids
- Hypernatremia and fvd more common- thirst sensn
- Being prostate hyperplasia
7 Incomplete bladder empty and bladder wall contr 8 decrease
9 Urinary incontinence
Risk factors for GU disorders 8
strep disorder chronic renail failure 2-3wks later increase age- uti BPH invasive procedure- cysto, foley ut immobile- stones diabetes- renal F, neurogenic bladder hypertension- renal failure multiparous women- stress incont neurologic disorder- parkinson and mutliple scler
Signs and symptoms of urinary tract disease Pain where 5 places
- pain
- ureteral- cva flank radiates to abdomen thighs and gental area
- bladder- lower abd and suprapubic area
- urethra- male penis to meatus female urethra to meatus cariable severe w voiding
- prostatic- perineum and rectum
changes in voiding 11
frequency, urgency, dysuria, nocturia, retention, incontinence, hesitancy, enuresis, hematuria, proteinuria, bacteria
frequency- def and 3 diseases
urgency - def and 2 disease
more often- infection. disease, diuretics
urgency- strong desire, prostate and infection
nocturia- important
involuntary loss of urine
more than 2x night
delay in voidign
involuntary during sleep
output of urine hr
anuria how much
less than 55ml in 24 hrs- hemodialysis
polyuria how much
2 diseas
more than 2500ml in 24 hrs
UTD s/s overall
pain in 5 places
changes in voiding
GI symptoms- share autonomic innervation, N/V abd distention discomfort diarrhea
name 3 disease that urologic disorder may mimic that make diagn difficult.
3 s/s for each
appenditis- fever, chill, pain on right side
ulcer- open sore upper abd painn
cholecystitis- rigid abd, NV
health history important
onset, duratiob, hx of uti, fever, chillsm decr urine, discharge
physical exam
kidney- skin
- inspect edema, pallor, hydration
shouldnt be able to palpate on attempt
costovertebral angle tenderness
what is costvertebral angle tenderness CVA
patient behind, 12 rib, tenderness,
where intercoastal ribs meet
physical exam bladder 3
palpate for fullness location
height usually if distended
meatus exam3
edema redness and drainage
prostate exam
digital rectal exam- hyperplasia- enlargement of prostate in older men
what is ass
how to do
idenify abnmlty
clean catch or midstream is used
midsteam is better and clean before
urine C and S
cult and sens.
identify bacteria and totreat w appr antibiotic
normal UA result color opacity sp gvty osmot ph negative RBC, WBC Sediment and bacteria
- yellow to amber
clear- opacity ,
odor- faintly romatic
GLucose ketones protein negative- if present renal disease diabetes
RBC, sediment, bacteria and WBC negative
Spec gravity on UA
why decrease and increase 3 for each
normal 1.005 - 1.03
decrease- diab insipidus- glumernephritis, renal failure
incr- chf, hep disorders, dehydr.
normal osmolality on UA
ability of kidneys to dilute and concentrate
ph on UA
5.8- 8
average is 6
more than 7- uto, alkaline diet, alkalosis (lighhead confused twitching) meds
less than 5- high protein fever and acidosis (SOB, sleepy tachycardia)
what is GFR ?
norm range
rate which glumeruli filter blood
125 ml per minute
what can affect GFR
usually decreases with age
creatinine measure ?
how to
1 implemen
most accurate meas of glumer. filtration
do 24 hr urine collection to check level
also do serem creatinine halfway through 12 hrs
GFR equatn
volume of urine x urine creatinine divided by serum creatine
what urine creatine level vs serum
serum 0.7 to 1/4
urine - 125
BUn level and important
how effected, and 5
10-20- end product of protein met, kids excrete nitrogen waste
can affects by (meds, dehydr), prtn intake, tissue breakdown fluid volume changes
Glucose when show on UA 4
stress, pregnancy, high carb meal and BG 170
KUB image xray
asses 2
limited purpose
kids, ureter bladder size position
calculi or lesions
2 imple
use sounf depth of structure below skin
done on full bladder no special care p
Bladder US
2 consid
measures urine volume bladder
portable and handheld
to see
cross section view kid and GI tracr
can use oral or IV contrast
Nuclear scan what is
injection radioisotope
shows kidney perfusion
increase fluids for excretion
Intrav Pyelogram IVP
can see 5
visualize entire unrinary tract
show calculi, size and shape tumor, pyelonephritis
check alergies for contrast, laxitive night a, NPO 8hrs
or clear liquids, may feel flushed, warm salty taste when inj dye
how to check pedal oulses
at same time
voiding cystourthrograogy
how its done
1 thing checks
catheter contract into bladder for xrays taken while voiding
shows ureter reflex (pee coming back ureters-bad)
renal angio gram
how done to check what 2 things
catheter stick in femoral iliac art, dye inject to check tumors or cyst
imp- check bleeding, color, pulse and temp of extr,
whats done
implnt- 5
PC- 3
lens insertered in urethra up to bladder
imp- NPO p midnt, monitor UTI, may have sligh pink urinep, warm moist heat/sitz bath disccofort, monitor retention
PC- bleeding, infection, dysuria
Percut Renal bx
used for what 2
impt- 7
pt report 2 things why
needle to get tissue, not done as much
diagn or progression of disease
impltn- NPO p midnt, prone immediate after the BR x 8hrs, IVF p prevent clots, respon to anagesics, asses bleeding (ASA and anticoag), monitor urine,avoid stenuos actvty for 2 wks
Pt report backache, flank pain radiate to groin (clot in ureter)
when use renal or uretal brush bx
privide specific info p abnm crat finding of ureter or
pelvis detected
Chronic kidney disease GFR
GFR decrease more than 3 months
chronic kidney disease can result in
whhat ?
end stage renal disease ESRD
4 risk factors for chronic kidney disease
CAD DM HTN obesity
5 causes pf chronic kidney diseas
DM HTN, (glum.nephritis pye.nephritis), herdity or congenital disorders, and renal cancer
5 manifestation of chronic kidney disease
increase creatinine anemia- decr erythoprotein by kids metablic acidosis- lethargy and tachypnea calcium and phosphorus fluid retention
what 3 disease to treat to drecease pregression of CKd
def and 2 factors
hard renal art d/t HTN DM
treatment control BP amd BG, renal replcmnt thpy
acute glum.nephritis def AGN
inflammation of kid affects capillary bundle of glum
onset of Acute Gum.nephritis usually follows what 6 disease
URI (strep) 2-3wks before AGN- cause injury impetigo mumps hep B HIV infections, varicella