GU Flashcards
palpate the inguinal lymph node
assess for inguinal hernia as patient beras down
inguinal hernia bulge
palpate the inguinal canal hernia (direct and indirect)
inguinal hernia bulge (direct and indirect)
elicit the cremestric reflex bilaterally
rise in the testes
inspect the pubic har
characteristics and distribution
scrotum and ventral surface of the penis
color, texture, symmetry, lesions, unusual thickening, presence of hernia
palpate the testes, epidydmides, and vasa deferentia
consistency, size, tenderness, masses, lumpiness or nodles
transilluminate and auscultate any masses in the scrotum
transilumination or bowel sounds
inspect hte dorsal and ventral surfaces of the penis
noduesl, warts, lesions
retract the foreskin if patient is uncircomcised and inspect hte glans of the penis and urethral meatus
glans: color, smegma. urtheral meatus: discharge
palpate the dorsal and ventral surface of the penis
tenderness, induration, nodules, plaques
strip the urethra for discharge
presence of discharge
inspect breast characteristics
shape, symmetry, color, smoothness, size, nipple inversion, eversion, retractoin
palpate breasts over areolae
lumps, nodules
palpate axillary lymph nodes
cetnral, lateral, subscapular, pectoral epitroclear infralcavicular areas
inspect the sacroccygeal perianal areas
skin characteristics, lesions, inflammation, pilonidal dimpling, excoriation
inspects anus
hemorhoids, polyps, fissures, fistuals, skin tags, warts, prolapse
insert finger and ask patient to grip finger
sphincter tone
assess muscular ringg
smothness, evenness of pressure, against examining finger
assess lateral, posterior, anterior rectal walls and performs bidigital palpation
nodules, masses polyps, tenderness or irregularities
palpate the posterior surface of the prostate gland through the anterior rectal wall
size, contour, consistency, mobility
have patient bear down and palpate deeper
tenderness or noduels
withdraw finger and examine fecal material
color, consistency, blood, or pus
patient position, insert speculum, obtruator, remove obturator, visualize retum
hemorrhoids, fissures, nodules, masses
remove speculum, examine fecal materal, occulut blood by chem test if needed
color, consistency, blood, or pus