GT Education Flashcards


According to the Javits Act, gifted and talented students are described as those who:
a. Have been assessed as having intelligence at least 30% above the national average,
and are not receiving services or activities to develop those capabilities
b. Are in the top 5% of their age group in terms of intellectual, creative, artistic, or
leadership areas, or in specific academic fields
c. Have achieved high accomplishment in intellectual, creative, artistic, or leadership
areas or in specific academic fields, and who have not been recognized and honored
in an appropriate manner
d. Have the capability for high accomplishment in intellectual, creative, artistic, or
leadership areas or in specific academic fields, and who need services or activities not
ordinarily provided by the school to develop those capabilities


Have the capability for high accomplishment in intellectual, creative, artistic, or leadership areas or in specific academic fields, and who need services or activities not ordinarily provided by the school to develop those capabilities. The Jacob Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Act (Javits) is a federal program that addresses the needs of gifted and talented children. The purpose of the Act is to coordinate programs of scientific research, projects, pioneering approaches, and the like to enhance schools’ abilities to foster the educational needs of gifted and talented students.

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Gifted children typically get similar results with different types of I.Q. tests, such as the
Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI), the Stanford-Binet
Intelligence Scale (SB), and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC).
a. Neither true nor false
b. False
c. True
d. These I.Q. tests are not given to gifted students


False. While average and developmentally delayed children typically get very similar scores in a variety of I.Q. tests, gifted children more often get radically differing scores from test to test.

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Binh is in fifth grade. He was identified as gifted in leadership in third grade and entered into a Gifted and Talented program. He has always been mercurial, energetic, and moody, but until now it was not apparent that his studies were affected. Because his classroom behavior has worsened and his grades have been affected, his fifth grade teacher wanted him evaluated for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Should he be diagnosed with ADHD, what will happen to his gifted and talented status?
a. Because this has been a documented, ongoing problem, the district will temporarily
remove him from the Gifted and Talented program, concentrate on improving his
issues with attention and hyperactivity, and then re-enroll him once those things are
under control
b. He will remain in the program and it will be modified to become more appropriate for
his learning needs. It is illegal to discriminate against students with learning or
behavioral disorders
c. It will be discussed with the gifted teacher, his general classroom teacher, his parents,
and Binh. If Binh promises to monitor his behavior and work to the best of his
abilities, he will be permitted to stay
d. He will be removed from the Gifted and Talented program; his learning issues
preclude advanced studies. If, at some future point, he wants to return to the
program, he will have to be re-evaluated for it


He will remain in the program and it will be modified to become more appropriate for his learning needs. It is illegal to discriminate against students with learning or behavioral disorders.

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Students identified as gifted and talented can demonstrate serious lack of motivation that
hinders their performances. Some of the factors contributing to underachievement are low
self-efficacy, not finding the class interesting, not finding the class useful, a student’s lack of
self-regulation skills, and
a. When the work is too challenging
b. If the student is ostracized and unwilling to participate in class
c. Because the child is so bright, the family has treated him or her with indulgence. As a
result, the child expects to be treated as special
d. The work isn’t challenging enough


The work isn’t challenging enough. Gifted and talented students learn best when they are interested in the material, allowed to explore it independently and are challenged by it. They are not motivated by grades or products so much as by the learning process.

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According to Sternberg’s triarchic model of intelligence, three central qualities comprise giftedness: componential intelligence (the ability to analyze), experiential intelligence (the ability to think abstractly), and

a. Creative intelligence
b. Analytic intelligence
c. Contextual intelligence
d. Essential intelligence


Contextual Intelligence. According to Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory of Intelligence, componential intelligence (the ability to anyalyze, think in abstract terms and efficiently process information), experiential intelligence (the ability to creatively combine unrelated information and to perceive patterns in material that, on the surface, appears to be unrelated) and contextual intelligence (the ability to apply thinking skills to practical situations by reassessing one’s position in terms of strengths and weaknesses) are the three core qualities of giftedness.

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What type of assessment is often used to identify gifted students in leadership, creativity, or artistic areas?

a. Qualitative
b. Quantitative
c. Both a and b
d. Formal and informal


Qualitative. While is is appropriate to use both quantitative and qualitative approaches to identify 1st-12th grade students in terms of general intellectual ability or specific academic subjects, a district may choose to apply qualitative assessments only in order to identify gifted students in areas of creativity, the arts and leadership.

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The steps to curriculum compacting includes understanding learning objectives,
identifying students who can master objectives most quickly, pretesting, streamlining
instructional periods for students who understand objectives, and:
a. Recommending acceleration opportunities
b. Recommending students be advanced a grade
c. Reviewing assessments
d. Passing these students on to a Gifted and Talented teacher


Recommend acceleration opportunities. The steps to curriculum compacting include understanding learning objectives; identify students who can master objectives most quickly, pretest, streamline instructional period for students who understand objectives and recommending acceleration opportunities.

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When creating a Total Talent Portfolio, who is primarily responsible for deciding what to
include, maintaining the portfolio, and establishing goals?
a. The student and the teacher working as partners
b. The teacher in the primary position, supported by the student
c. The student in the primary position, with the teacher to review and approve
d. The student is primarily responsible


The student is primarily responsible. One of the purposes of the Total Talent Portfolio is to encourage student autonomy. In taking on responsibility in the selection of materials that will compose the TTP, updating the portfolio at regular intervals and establishing personal goals, the student assumes ownership and is therefore more committed. The teacher’s role is that of a guide, primarily in the process of review.

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“Gifted” students are federally defined as:
a. Those that score above 130 on a WISC test
b. There is no decisive federal definition; each state determines its own definition
c. Those who are academically 2 classes or more above peers
d. Those who exhibit extra-ordinary abilities in the areas of the arts, mathematics,
science, e. business, or leadership


There is no decisive federal definition; each state determines its own definition. This lack of cohesive classification can be problematic. For example, a child identified as gifted in one state may not be considered so in another. Should the child’s family relocate, this could potentially cause a schism that is damaging to the student’s equilibrium.

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SAGES stands for:
a. Standard Assessment Games for English Students, and describes informal
assessments based on cooperative games
b. Sagmore Adams Gates Educational Standards, and describes gifted standards for
grades 1-3
c. Screening Assessment for Gifted Elementary Students, and describes a standardized
d. Screening Assessment for Gifted Elementary Students, and describes an informal


Screening Assessment for Gifted Elementary Students, and describes a standardized assessment. Unlike many tools used to identify Gifted and Talented students, SAGES was designed expressly for that function. SAGES is also designed to reduce prejudice in gifted and talented testing.

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Why are open-ended responses of particular value to the teacher?
a. The encourage dialogue between teacher and student, or between student and peers
b. They give the teacher insight into how a particular student structures ideas, uses
language, and demonstrates understanding
c. They are not of particular value because they cannot be measured and do not remain
consistent through time
d. They support the gifted student’s emotional and psychological development by
demonstrating respect for the student’s abilities


They give the teacher insight into how a particular student structures ideas, uses language, and demonstrates understanding. Because open-ended questions are the beginning of dialogue, they also give the student the opportunity to express their ideas with creativity, and exhibit the degree of their abilities to abstract, find connections, analyze and assess ideas.

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Self-efficacy, the belief in one’s ability to succeed at a particular task, is influenced by
past performance, observing the success of peers, verbal support and persuasion by others,
a. A willingness to take risks
b. A creative approach to the task at hand
c. Strong self-esteem
d. Physiological cues that indicate nervousness, such as sweating hands; or cues that
indicate confidence, such as a feeling of ease and control


Physiological cues that indicate nervousness, such as sweating hands; or cues that indicate confidence, such as a feeling of ease and control. Self-efficacy, the belief in one’s ability to succeed at a particular task, is influenced by past performance, observing the success of peers, verbal support and persuasion by others, and physiological cues that indicate nervousness, such as sweating hands, or confidence, such as a feeling of ease and control.

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Ms. Wing often groups her students by ability in order to provide them with efficient,
challenging instruction that proceeds at a pace appropriate to their development. She has
recently been under attack by some parents, who consider her methods elitist and
potentially racist. The parents further point out that so-called ‘gifted’ students don’t need
the depth of support that failing students require. The position taken by the National
Association of Gifted Children include(s) the following argument(s):
a. Athletically gifted individuals are regularly grouped by ability and have the best
success in such groupings
b. All areas of professional or graduate study/ preparation involve grouping
c. Ability grouping is a means by which gifted ELLS, students with economic
disadvantages, and those with learning disabilities can be challenged along with their
true peers
d. All of the above


The National Association of Gifted Children (NAGC) has taken a strong position on grouping. NAGC argues that athletically gifted individuals, whether children or adults, are regularly grouped by ability and have the best success in such groupings. Furthermore, all areas of professional or graduate study/ preparation involve grouping. Yet another argument is that ability grouping is a means by which gifted ELLS, students with economic disadvantages and those with learning disabilities can be challenged along with their true peers.

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Bloom’s taxonomy describes the three types of learning as:

a. Cognitive, affective, and psychomotor
b. Intellectual, emotional, and social
c. Intellectual, creative, and psychological
d. Cognitive, creative, and psychomotor


Cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. Bloom’s taxonomy includes three types of learning. The cognitive has to do with mental skills and is concerned with knowledge. The affective involves feelings and emotions and is concerned with attitude. Psychomotor examines manual/physical facility and is concerned with skills.

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Authentic assessment as it pertains to gifted students:
a. Assesses emotional development, using expressive models
b. Assesses learning using portfolios, performance, observations, and other assessments
that model real-world representations
c. Assesses a student’s sincerity or authenticity by using a lie-detector
d. There is no longer such an assessment; popular in the early 1970s, it was abandoned
in 1992 because results lacked clarity or concise information


Assesses learning using portfolios, performance, observations, and other assessments that model real-world representations. Authentic assessment tasks are not simply practice for the sake of practice; they are rehearsals for real-world experiences. They assess a wide array of literacy skills in the context of how that skill would be applied in the real world.

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Curriculum focusing on social awareness and adjustment, personal awareness and
adjustment, a study of attitudes, values, and the individual’s perceptions is:
a. Effective Curriculum
b. Sociological Curriculum
c. Affective Curriculum
d. Developmental Curriculum


Affective curriculum. Gifted students often feel their differences; they can be more highly attuned to surroundings and non-verbal cues, and they may be reluctant to take risks that would propel them beyond their comfort zones. Affective curriculum allows them the opportunity to explore social and deeply personal aspects of their giftedness.

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Mario is taking AP classes at his high school. This means:
a. Advanced Placement, in which all his high school coursework will also apply as
college credits
b. Alternative Potential. These are small, experimental classes taught to students who
have been identified as ‘alternative learners’
c. Accountability Projects. These are independent studies in which an individual or small
group works closely with a mentor, who may not be a teacher but someone with
professional experience in the student(s) area of interest. Students are held
accountable for their projects’ designs, implementation, and successful conclusions
d. Advanced Placement, in which high schools offer coursework meeting criteria
recognized by institutions of higher education. Often, college credit is earned when an
AP exam in specific content areas is passed


Advanced Placement, in which high schools offer coursework meeting criteria recognized by institutions of higher education. Often, college credit is earned when an AP exam in specific content areas is passed.

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Kingore Observation Inventory (KOI) is used to:
a. The correct name is the Kingmore Ongoing Index; it is used as a continuous informal
b. Evaluate students in the gifted program to determine if they should remain in the
c. Assess the capabilities of English Language Learners with learning disabilities that
might be considered for a Gifted and Talented program
d. Identify gifted and talented students, including those from culturally diverse
backgrounds or those who live at or below the poverty level


Identify gifted and talented students, including those from culturally diverse backgrounds or those who live at or below the poverty level. The Kingore Observation Inventory is an efficient assessment and differentiation process, identifies gifted and talented students via observing behaviors in seven categories.

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The Elementary and Secondary Education Act signed into law in 2002 is more
commonly known as:
a. The Javits Act
b. I.D.E.A.
c. No Child Left Behind
d. Forward into the Future

No Child Left Behind (NCLB). This legislation reauthorized the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, and allocated financial support for low-income student education, teacher recruitment, professional development, technology and the like. NCLB is aimed at increasing educational success and parental contribution, and charges districts with guaranteeing state proficiency standards in mathematics and reading are reached by 2014.

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A number of gifted high school students are in a Language Arts class. Is their AP teacher
obliged to differentiate the program of study for the gifted students?
a. No; if the teacher is already running a student-centered classroom, allowing students
choices in assignments, and using flexibility in student grouping, the teacher is
already differentiating. No further modification is required
b. No. All students in Advanced Placement courses are, by definition, gifted. Therefore,
differentiation is already taking place
c. No. The teacher can choose to differentiate the program, but by the time gifted and
talented students have entered high school, they have internalized sufficient
strategies to challenge themselves and independently promote their own education
d. Yes. If the teacher is already running a student-centered classroom, allowing choices
in assignments, and using flexibility in student grouping, the teacher is already
differentiating. The teacher has received additional training to allow him or her to
continue to modify classroom assignments to more profoundly challenge the gifted


Yes. If the teacher is already running a student-centered classroom, allowing choices in assignments and using flexibility in student grouping, she is already differentiating. She has received additional training to allow her to continue to modify classroom assignments to more deeply challenge the gifted students.

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Mr. Santiago has grouped students with similar interest in architecture and very
different learning styles. He has given them a complex project and suggested the initial step
to designing the project involves a brief, intense period in which all group members suggest
and consider any possible ideas without ranking or judging their value. He reminds them
that a flexible mind is capable of taking in more information and making brilliant creative
leaps. This creative approach to problem-solving is called:
a. Brainstorming
b. Brainraining
c. Multiple thought process
d. Creative braining


Brainstorming. Brainstorming is a highly-charged creative technique to approach problem-solving, in which group members spontaneously offer a wealth of associations, ideas and possible solutions. The group considers all possibilities without initial judgment, looking for creative possibilities that might otherwise be overlooked.

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Dr. Acevedo has a gifted child in her fifth grade classroom. In order to keep the student
engaged and motivated, which of these inclusion strategies should she permit the student?
a. Establish own learning goals; self-assess; move to an independent challenge activity
when student understands the lesson; encourage student to work with peers close to
his or her own intellectual level
b. Have student independently design his or her own curriculum based upon classroom
assignments; self-assess and self-grade; help establish learning goals for the class
c. Help teacher design his or her own curriculum based upon classroom assignments;
review student’s assessments and grades with the teacher; suggest learning goals for
the class
d. Help establish learning goals for the class; act as the teacher’s assistant teacher; grade
work of classmates for the teacher


Establish own learning goals; self-assess; move to an independent challenge activity when she understands the lesson; encourage her to work with peers close to her intellectual level. Research has proven these techniques more deeply engaged gifted students that traditional methods, and contribute to such students’ degree of motivation.

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A strategy whereby the curriculum is modified in depth, complexity, and originality, and
suggests the four concurrent directions of Core Curriculum, Curriculum of Connections,
Curriculum of Practice, and Curriculum of Identity, is called:
a. Multiple Curriculums Modification
b. Parallel Curriculum Model
c. Creative Multiple Curriculums
d. Parallel Creative Curriculums


Parallel Curriculum Model. This strategy modifies the curriculum in depth, complexity and originality and indicates four concurrent directions, Core Curriculum, Curriculum of Connections, Curriculum of Practice and Curriculum of Identity.

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Gifted and talented teachers are required to have 30 hours of specialized training within
the first semester of their teaching, followed by 6 additional hours of training per year. Who
determines the material to be covered in this training?
a. The school board
b. It is legislated by the state
c. It is a district decision
d. It is federally mandated


It is a district decision. Prior to assignment in the program, teachers who provide instruction and services for gifted students are required to have a minimum of 30 hours of staff development that includes nature and needs of gifted/talented students, assessing student needs, and curriculum and instruction for gifted students. However, how many hours to devote to each category is left up to the district to determine.

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A 4th grade teacher has three gifted students in his general classroom. One strategy for
differentiating their learning is extending lessons throughout the curriculum by comparing
common themes and issues, studying the associations within and between individual
disciplines over the course of time and/or from more than one viewpoint. The teacher is
adapting the ____________ of his lessons in order to challenge his gifted students.
a. Complications
b. Complexity
c. Enhancement
d. Richness


complexity. Complexity is one strategy for differentiating learning. Extending lessons throughout the curriculum by comparing common themes and issues, studying associations within and between individual disciplines over the course of time and/or from more than one viewpoint are ways a teacher can adapt lessons in order to challenge gifted students.

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A middle school teacher has recommended a number of different approaches her
students can take with a research project about their hometown. She has suggested
students might like to study an aspect of community life (such as social clubs or church
organizations) over a significant period of time; compare a variety of architectural styles
that are currently found in homes in a certain area; or do a statistical analysis in an area of
special interest. One of her students has particular interest in insects. The student has
designed a project that tracks insect populations over a thirty-year period in order to
understand how draining swampland, cutting trees, and other environmental changes affect
such populations. Another student, a painter, is interested in a brief but important art
movement that had its roots in the student’s hometown. Two students whose parents have
recently divorced are designing a project that examines changes the family unit over a
century. What teaching strategy is the teacher using?
a. Continuum of learning experiences
b. Array of learning experiences
c. Simultaneous teaching within multiple disciplines
d. Intellectual freedom of choice


Array of learning experiences. An array of learning experiences is defined as a menu of challenging learning experiences or opportunities that fit the unique interests and abilities of advanced level students.

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The Total Talent model considers which of the following?
a. Student interest, learning styles, and extraordinary abilities
b. Student’s abilities only
c. Student’s interests and learning styles
d. A student’s interests and learning styles and the student’s cognitive ability are equally


A student’s interests and learning styles and the student’s cognitive ability are equally considered. Total Talent Portfolios include attention to student interests and learning styles in addition to cognitive abilities that have traditionally contributed to educational decisions.

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The term ‘depth’ refers to a number of interconnected strategies employed when
exploring an area of study in terms of content. Studying details, patterns, and cultural
considerations; examining content from concrete to theoretical; moving from known and
familiar to unknown and unfamiliar; and ______________ are among these strategies.
a. Weighing knowledge of the physical world and the spiritual world
b. Moving beyond theoretical concepts to real-world experience
c. Considering all previous knowledge and projecting future knowledge
d. Moving beyond fact to generalizations and principles


Moving beyond fact to generalizations and principles. Depth involves exploring content within a discipline; analyzing from the concrete to the abstract, familiar to the unfamiliar, known to the unknown; exploring the discipline by going past facts and concepts into generalizations, principles, theories, laws; investigating the layers of experience within a discipline through details, patterns, trends, unanswered questions, ethical considerations.

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Eduardo is extremely disorganized. He often fails to turn in work, claiming either that he
did turn it in and the teacher lost it, or that it was never assigned. He spends most of his
time trying to draw the attention of other 3rd graders through clownish behavior. When
that fails, he often falls into depression, claiming that he is worthless. He has been identified
as extremely gifted in math, but has fallen behind the rest of the class. What is most likely
going on?
a. He has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
b. He is demonstrating lack of motivation, and may be affected by Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder or a learning disability as well
c. It is likely he is either indulged or ignored at home and is acting out
d. He simply lacks self-discipline


He is demonstrating lack of motivation, and may be affected by Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or a learning disability as well. Many gifted children are not wellorganized because they are deeply focused on ideas rather than on the physical world. Many gifted children lack social skills and are either withdrawn or demonstrate attention-seeking behaviors as a result. The cycle spirals downward, often ending in depression. He has been identified as gifted in mathematics, but has fallen behind the rest of his class instead of fulfilling his potential. He is a classically unmotivated gifted student, and might or might not be experiencing a learning disability or ADHD as well.

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Eduardo, the student in the above example, was referred for counseling as part of his
intervention. Which of the following will the counselor most likely employ?
a. Help him establish realistic goals for the foreseeable future; focus on his strengths;
slowly remediate his weaknesses; do not compare his progress to that of others, but
focus on improvements in terms of himself; determine his learning style; build selfesteem
through counseling small-group or individual meetings
b. Establish realistic short and long-term goals for him; focus on his strengths as well as
his weaknesses; compare his progress against that of others, but only where the
comparison is favorable; determine his learning style; encourage self-esteem through
art therapy
c. Assign realistic short and long-term goals and require he accomplish the steps
involved; focus on helping him turn weaknesses into strengths; compare his progress
against that of others, honestly and fully; determine his learning style; encourage selfesteem
through talk therapy
d. Assign realistic short and long-term goals and require he document the steps as he
follows them; focus him on his weaknesses and assign him the task of developing
ways to overcome them; compare his progress against that of others, honestly and
fully; determine his learning style; refer him to a psychiatrist who can prescribe


Help him establish realistic goals for the foreseeable future; focus on his strengths; slowly remediate his weaknesses; do not compare his progress to that of others, but focus on improvements in terms of himself; determine his learning style; build self-esteem through counseling small-group or individual meetings.

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How many hours of annual training are required of gifted teachers to retain eligibility?

a. 15
b. 6
c. None
d. 3

  1. Teachers working with gifted students are required to complete 30 hours of professional development by the time they finish their first semester, followed by 6 additional hours annually.
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Who, in addition to gifted and talented teachers, are required to take 6 additional hours
of training annually?
a. Administrators and counselors who make programming or hiring decisions
b. Only the teachers are required to have annual training
c. Administrators who make programming or hiring decisions
d. All teachers, although only gifted and talented teachers are required to have the initial
30 hours of training


Administrators and counselors who make programming or hiring decisions. All individuals who work with or for children identified as gifted or talented are required to complete 6 hours of training annually.

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In determining whether a gifted child is underachieving academically, what should be
a. The child’s IQ
b. The child’s academic ability
c. The child’s academic performance
d. The child’s psychological development

The child’s academic ability. Gifted children excel in one or more particular areas, but not many can be said to really excel across the board. Examining the gap between what a student is capable of and what that student is actually accomplishing is a good indicator of academic achievement

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According to Bloom’s taxonomy, knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis,
synthesis, and evaluation belong to which domain?
a. Intellectual
b. Analytical
c. Cognitive
d. Mathematical


Cognitive. Bloom’s taxonomy places knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation in the cognitive Domain.

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Kaplan has determined that students with which set of beliefs achieve their goals at the
highest level?
a. Belief in self; determination; strong work ethic; willingness to conform
b. Curiosity; adept at using multiple resources; willing to take risks; applies key words
when asking questions
c. Single-mindedness; determination; belief in self; strong work ethic
d. Creativity; spontaneity; enthusiasm; joy


Curiosity; adept at using multiple resources; willing to take risks; applies key words when asking questions. According to Kaplan, belief sets are a strong indicator of learning success. Students who are curious, can move comfortably between resources, are willing to take risks, and listens for key words in questions achieve their goals at the highest level.

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Students who are gifted are required by federal law to have an Individualized Education
Program (IEP).
a. True. Students in all 50 states receiving any form of special education must have such
a plan
b. False. No such plan for children identified as Gifted and Talented has ever been
federally mandated
c. Neither true nor false. IEPs are used exclusively for students with learning disabilities
or mental insufficiencies
d. At one point this was true, but it has been overturned


False. No such plan for children identified as gifted and talented has ever been federally mandated. While gifted children do receive special education in terms of differentiation, federal law does not require they have IEPs as learning disabled children are.

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A student who has tremendous leadership potential has been charged with a series of
tasks. She will gather a variety of types of information that describe her areas of strength
and continually update this information; she will categorize this material as pertaining to
ability, learning styles, social skills, and special interest; she will create a time line to
consider options and guide decisions in her differentiation; she will communicate with the
teacher regarding these options and decisions; and she will use the information to
communicate with mentors, parents, and others about her development. What is she doing?
a. Creating a Total Talent Portfolio
b. Developing a number of assessment tools
c. Developing a differentiation plan
d. Creating a Personal Growth file


Creating a Total Talent Portfolio. A TTP gathers a variety of types of information describing a student’s areas of strength and interest and tracks it through time, updating as appropriate. This information is categorized (typically with a chart) and studied in order to set goals and determine differentiation. The gifted student is encouraged to develop autonomy by being primarily responsible for her TTP.

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Uneven social and intellectual development, being socially at variance with expectations
of the classroom and of others at the same age, experiencing finely tuned emotions, and the
resulting vulnerability is called:
a. Social inequality
b. Psychological ineptitude
c. Asynchrony
d. Serendipity


Asynchrony. According to the Columbus Group (1991) “Giftedness is asynchronous development in which advanced cognitive abilities and heightened intensity combine to create inner experiences and awareness that are qualitatively different from the norm. This asynchrony increases with higher intellectual capacity. The uniqueness of the gifted renders them particularly vulnerable and requires modifications in parenting, teaching, and counseling in order for them to develop optimally.”

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Both qualitative and quantitative assessments must be used when identifying
elementary, middle, and high school students, with what exception (s)?
a. Teachers can choose to assess kindergarten students using only qualitative
b. For students being assessed for exceptional leadership abilities, creativity, or artistic
areas, teachers can chose to assess qualitatively only
c. Both a and b
d. Neither a nor b


Many teachers prefer to assess kindergarten students using only qualitative assessments. In areas of creativity, artistic and leadership abilities, teachers can chose to use only qualitative assessments.

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Vertical alignment:
a. Refers to the curriculum-enhancing strategy of stacking lessons into complex groups
in order to challenge gifted learners
b. Means working across the curriculum; various subjects are linked thematically and
similar strategies are employed to make learning more relevant
c. Is seating students according to how well they are achieving academic goals
d. Refers to mapping the curriculum to build upon understanding and skills learned in
the previous grade


Refers to mapping the curriculum to build upon understanding and skills learned in the previous grade. Vertical curriculum allows teachers to efficiently assess learning from the previous year in order to effectively concentrate time on developing further understanding and skills rather than wasting time with lessons that are redundant in terms of what students already know.

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Differentiation is:
a. The practice of grouping students in terms of commonality; for example, grouping
gifted students and average students separately
b. Modifying lessons for the unique needs of a particular student
c. Illegal in all 50 states, as it violates the 14th Amendment
d. The practice of grouping students in terms of their differences; for example, grouping
gifted and regular students, or grouping native English speakers with non-native


Differentiate for those students who understand the concept but arrive at incorrect answers. By reviewing their steps, the teacher can determine why answers are incorrect and can demonstrate the correct approach. Concept is more important than content. If the students truly understand the ‘how’, they have the tools they need to arrive at the ‘what’. However, if a student demonstrates the same type of error repeatedly, she may not fully understand the concept. Concept is more important than content.


Gifted and Talented underachievers can best be helped by parents and teacher who
__________________ in an environment that______________.
a. Share consistent expectations / is flexible, respects the student’s opinions, and does
not demand absolute obedience
b. Demand excellence / is firm, unbending, clear, and consistent
c. Ask questions / is invigorating, inviting, inspiring, and flexible
d. Offer support / is loving, understanding, accepting, and respectful


Share consistent expectations / is flexible, respects the student’s opinions, and does not demand absolute obedience. Gifted underachievers do best when teacher and parent expectations are consistent, and in learning and home environments are not overly rigid or demanding.


Continuum of Learning Experiences refers to:
a. Challenging experiences and opportunities that resonate with the specific interests
and abilities of high-level students
b. Unplanned learning experiences which are successful and therefore incorporated into
the continuum
c. The correct term is Continuous Learning Events
d. Planned learning experiences that build upon a progressively stronger foundation
from year to year


Planned learning experiences that build upon a progressively stronger foundation from year to year. A Continuum of Learning Experiences is a multi-year construct that relies upon each previous year to provide the framework for further academic and artistic development.


A student who participates in a Gifted and Talented program at her school has been
invited to visit family members in China with her parents. She will attend school there, and
also be tutored so that she doesn’t fall behind. Her mother has asked how a two-month
leave of absence will affect her participation in the Gifted and Talented program. Which of
the following is most accurate?
a. If the student takes a leave of absence, she is out of the program
b. At any point, students will automatically receive furlough status of any length of time
as long as the request is in writing six weeks prior to the furlough date
c. If the student takes a leave of absence, she is out of the program. She can enroll again
if the district is willing, but must go through nomination and evaluation procedures
d. A student may be granted a leave of absence for specific reasons and for a preestablished
length of time; the leave must be approved


A student may be granted a leave of absence for specific reasons and for a preestablished length of time; the leave must be approved. The leave of absence must all be requested at minimum six weeks prior to the furlough date.


The Total Talent Portfolio is a systematic method of gathering, analyzing, and classifying
students’ abilities in order to:
a. Protect gifted children with learning disabilities from falling through the cracks
b. Help the teacher determine how to enrich and accelerate students’ learning based
upon their individually unique profiles
c. Help older students with transition and placement into jobs at which they are likely to
d. Give teachers visual and logistical models whereby they can decide which crosscurriculum
strategies are most likely to succeed for individual students


Help the teacher determine how to enrich and accelerate students’ learning based upon their individually unique profiles. The Total Talent Portfolio is a systematic method of gathering, analyzing and classifying students’ abilities, given equal weight to interests and learning styles as to cognitive skills to aid the teacher in deciding how to enrich and accelerate students’ individualized learning based upon their unique profiles.


Howard Gardner’s theory of Multiple Intelligences suggests which categories of
a. Dramatic, musical, verbal, mathematical, dance-oriented, sports-oriented, scientific,
and socially concerned
b. Verbal linguistic, mathematical, musically attuned, visual special, body embraced,
interpersonal, naturalistic, and existential
c. Verbal linguistic, mathematical logical, musical, visual spatial, body kinesthetic,
interpersonal, naturalistic, and existential
d. Emphatic, recessive, aggressive, assertive, dogmatic, apologetic, determined, and


Verbal linguistic, mathematical logical, musical, visual spatial, body kinesthetic, interpersonal, naturalistic, and existential. Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences addresses the nature of intelligence and challenges the accuracy of previous models in determining degrees of intelligence. His theory is based upon the belief that a person who excels in one area may not show outstanding ability in another, and that all people can be described as exhibiting certain types of intelligence and therefore having differing ways of learning. Bodily kinesthetic learners learn best hands-on. Interpersonal learners learn best when they work within a group. Verbal-linguistic learners are word-oriented, and learn best by reading, writing, and discussing. Logical-mathematical learners base their learning in logic, reason and abstraction. Naturalistic individuals need prior knowledge and experience in order to internalize new information because they recognize and classify in their learning. Visual spatial learners are especially good at mental visualization involving 3 dimensions. Musical learners are sound and rhythm oriented and may learn best when listening to oration, and may use musical phrases as a tool to remembering information.


A parent has approached his daughter’s teacher and is frustrated because the child
seems to be completely without motivation. The father has tried rewarding his daughter for
exemplary work, punishing her for inadequate work, and reviewing her work before she
turns it in to ascertain if it is complete, to no avail. The father knows the daughter is
extremely capable intellectually and artistically. He feels both angry at what he sees as her
laziness, and guilty for not being able to motivate her. The teacher tells him:
a. To modify his strategy. He should BOTH reward exemplary work and punish
inadequate work at the same time
b. That until the child takes full responsibility for her actions, no one can motivate her.
Withdrawing his involvement will likely result in the girl becoming more motivated
c. That gifted student’s value learning over performance. Her lack of motivation
shouldn’t be an occasion for blame. Instead of focusing on grades and performance,
the father might consider exploring some learning opportunities in areas of the girl’s
interest. For example, a visit to an art museum followed by a trip to the library for
books about a particular art movement might motivate the student
d. That he is doing all he can do; his methods are fine, and if he changes his course at this
point it will do more harm than good


That gifted student’s value learning over performance. Her lack of motivation shouldn’t be an occasion for blame. Instead of focusing on grades and performance, the father might consider exploring some learning opportunities in areas of the girl’s interest. For example, a visit to an art museum followed by a trip to the library for books about a particular art movement might motivate the student.


The first step in having a student considered for a gifted program is nomination via a
Student Observation Form submitted by whom?
a. Teachers or parents
b. Other community members
c. School administrators and other personnel
d. Any of the above


To be considered for a gifted program, a student must be nominated. Anyone can make the nomination, including family members, teachers, school administrators and other school personnel, and community members who are familiar with the child’s abilities.


The National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented is:
a. A federally-funded center with the charter of developing effective methods of
identification and testing of Gifted and Talented students, and programming for such
b. A federally-funded center with the charter of developing effective methods of
showcasing gifted students by funding venues for student performances and
c. A privately-funded center with the charter of developing effective methods of
showcasing gifted students by funding venues for student performances and
d. A state-funded center with the charter of developing effective methods of
identification and testing of Gifted and Talented students, and programming for such


A federally-funded center with the charter of developing effective methods of identification and testing of gifted and talented students, and programming for such students. The National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented is one of three components of the Javits Act, a reauthorization of The Elementary and Secondary Education Act.


Each school district receives an annual allotment equal to that district’s adjusted base
allotment multiplied by 0.12 for each student per year. What percentage of students in
average daily attendance can be considered for Gifted and Talented funding?
a. 2.5%
b. 5%
c. 10%
d. 8.3%


5%. School districts are given an annual allotment equal to a particular district’s base allotment multiplied by 12 per student per year. No more than 5% of the total number of students can be considered for Gifted and Talented funding.


A district’s written policy regarding student identification must: include provisions for
continuing screening; include assessment procedures from a number of sources; ensure
that all populations have assessment available; ensure final selections are made by at
minimum three local educators with specialized training; and:
a. Include provisions about reassessment, exiting strategies, and readmission policies
b. Include provisions about furloughs, reassessment, exiting strategies, transferring
students, and the district decision appeals process
c. None of the above; the district is not required to have a written policy
d. Include provisions about furloughs, reassessment, exiting strategies, transferring
students, and parental involvement


Include provisions about furloughs, reassessment, exiting strategies, transferring students, and the district decision appeals process. A district’s written policy regarding student identification must include provisions for continuing screening; assessment procedures from a number of sources; insure that all populations have assessment available; insure final selections are made by at minimum three local educators with specialized training; and contain provisions regarding furloughs or leaves of absence, reassessment, exiting strategies, transferring students and the process by which appeals can be made.


Luis has been identified as gifted in Mathematics, however, he has been underachieving
in that area as well as others for over a year. Shastique is a talented scientist, and has
suddenly begun failing most of her classes. She has become withdrawn and easily irritated.
Clara, a prima ballerina, is extremely upset that her schoolwork doesn’t reflect what she
knows she is capable of. Underachievement requires immediate attention:
a. For Luis and Shastique only; Clara’s concern, since her schoolwork is acceptable, is
b. For Shastique only; the suddenness suggests something may have happened at home
or elsewhere that must be addressed. Clara is simply being overemotional and Luis
appears to be lazy and must learn to motivate himself
c. For all three students. Underachievement is considered to be a serious problem if it is
severe (considerably below grade level), long term, or creating anxiety in the student
d. For Luis only; his underachievement is clearly long-term


For all three students. Underachievement is considered to be a serious problem if it is severe (considerably below grade level), long term, or creating anxiety in the student. Although the three students described are involved in different scenarios, all should receive intervention.


In the above example involving Luis, Shastique, and Clara, which set of strategies is most
likely to motivate these students?
a. Extra-credit work to earn bonus grades; put them in leadership positions; and insist
upon excellence
b. Focusing on strengths; let students design their own projects; and differentiated
c. Therapy; put them in a leadership position for class project which the student
designs; and insist upon excellence
d. Compassionate, authentic dialogue; extra time to complete work; and rubrics which
student uses to self-assess


Focusing on strengths; let students design their own projects; and differentiated instruction. As a result of their own sensitivity and peers’ sense of them as ‘other’ or ‘strange’, many gifted students are vulnerable to insecurities. Focusing on their strengths is one step in gifted intervention. Gifted students are also highly motivated by their individual interests; allowing them to design their own projects can engage them at a level classroom work does not. Differentiated instruction is essential to the education of gifted and talented students; curriculum compacting, proper pacing and deepening the lesson are all ways in which differentiation can be useful.


Qualitative measures:
a. Are standardized tests used to assess students
b. Are assessments that demonstrate to what degree a student’s product (artistic or
core) demonstrates a high degree of quality
c. Include all the documents, records, assessments, and products involving a student
who is working solely independently, in quarantine
d. Are anecdotal records, observations, interviews, student products, checklists, and
similar materials


Are anecdotal records, observations, interviews, student products, checklists, and similar materials. In contrast, quantitative measures involve standardized testing.


Bruner, one of the central figures of the ‘cognitive revolution,’ later became critical of his
earlier position and turned his attention to the matter of how _________ shapes thinking.
a. Creativity
b. Art
c. Science
d. Culture


Culture. Bruner’s original position on education underwent a major shift by the mid 1990s. In The Culture of Education he expresses the position that it is impossible to think outside of culture; regardless of how interior or ‘mental’ the process, thinking requires the framework or grid of culture.


A second-grade teacher has a student who is a very talented artist. The girl has a parent
who has asked the teacher how the parent can get involved. Which of the following would
be appropriate suggestions for the teacher to make?
a. Take ongoing notes on her daughter’s experiences with the program. Write an
evaluation of the program’s strengths and weaknesses at the end of the school year
b. Join the advisory committee to assist in future program planning
c. Help locate mentorship possibilities and independent study opportunities in the
d. All of the above


All of the above. Parental involvement is an important piece in successful education. The teacher could suggest the mother take ongoing notes on her daughter’s experiences with the gifted program; give her evaluation of the program’s strengths and weaknesses at the end of the school year; join the advisory committee to assist in future program planning; and help locate mentorship possibilities and independent study opportunities in the district.


Who is responsible for identifying gifted and talented students?
a. Each county establishes its own guidelines based upon State Board of Education
criteria, which apply to all schools in the county
b. The State Board of Education is responsible for designing a systematic plan which
includes assessment, evaluation, curriculum, and planning. Each district must abide
by this overreaching plan, all owing slight modifications when necessary and
c. Each building designs its own system for identifying and serving Gifted and Talented
students. It must follow loose guidelines suggested by the district, which in turn,
follows loose guidelines suggested by the State
d. Each district develops and implements a program that is based upon criteria
determined by the State Board of Education, which includes identifying and serving
gifted and talented students


Each district develops and implements a program that is based upon criteria determined by the State Board of Education, which includes identifying and serving gifted and talented students.


A fourth-grade classroom has four students identified as gifted and talented. There are
no special classes in the building. This is a problem because:
a. All buildings in every district are required to (a) identify gifted and talented students
and (b) offer these students differentiated instruction by qualified teachers in pull-out
or self-contained classrooms
b. Any buildings in all districts whose population include identified gifted and talented
students are required to offer these students differentiated instruction by qualified
teachers in pull-out or self-contained classrooms
c. This is not a problem, as long as the teacher has obtained 30 hours of professional
development and 6 additional hours annually; the gifted students work in groups of
three; the gifted students also work independently; and the gifted students have
opportunities to work with other students. In addition, the teacher should be able to
provide these opportunities to a sufficient degree to challenge the gifted students in
addition to serving the remainder of the students
d. This is not a problem as long as the gifted and talented students are able to receive
services through community and professional organizations as well as after-school


This is not a problem, as long as the teacher has obtained 30 hours of professional development and 6 additional hours annually; the gifted students work in groups of three; the gifted students also work independently; and the gifted students have opportunities to work with other students. In addition, the teacher should be able to provide these opportunities to a sufficient degree to challenge the gifted students in addition to serving the remainder of the students.


Which is superior in terms of program design accountability, improvement, and
a. A district’s promise to guarantee that student assessment and services comply with
accountability standards
b. Continuing formative and summative evaluation strategies that are based on
quantitative and qualitative data which is reviewed by the school board
c. A number of evaluation activities designed to find areas of weakness or inconsistency
d. Advisement by an organized group consisting of parents, GT students, school staff,
and GT staff who meet at regular intervals to study policies and procedures and make
recommendations to the district


Continuing formative and summative evaluation strategies that are based on quantitative and qualitative data which is reviewed by the school board. This provides superior accountability over a district’s promise to guarantee student assessment and services comply with accountability standards; multiple evaluations to locate areas of weakness; or advisement by a group of parents, students, and school staff who study policies and procedures and make recommendations to the district.


Once a student has been nominated for a gifted and talented program via a Student
Observation Form, he or she ________ be assessed.
a. Will
b. Might
c. Will not; nomination guarantees assessment
d. Must


Might. The decision of whether to assess a child is made by a committee and is partially based on observable academic strength according. If the G/T Committee decides a particular child should be assessed, parents must first give permission.


There have been a number of belief systems regarding the nature of intelligence.
According to Spearman, intelligence is a measurable cognitive capacity to which a constant
number can be assigned; an individual who is intelligent in one area is equally intelligent in
others. For Gardner, there are several distinct types of intelligences, and an individual might
excel in one area but not another. Sternberg theorizes intelligence is reflected in how
successfully an individual handles the changing environment through time. He located
cognitive processes in three processes; performance components, knowledge-acquisition
components, and:
a. Metaphoric components
b. Analytic components
c. Supercomponents
d. Metacomponents


Metacomponents. Sternberg theorizes intelligence is reflected in how successfully an individual handles the changing environment through time. He located cognitive processes in three processes; performance components, knowledge-acquisition components and metacomponents. Metacomponents are self-aware processes that contribute to making decisions and solving problems; they can be seen as instances of the mind being aware of the mind.


What is the difference between a raw score and a scale score?
a. Raw scores are used on specific tests to show how well a student did; this score is not
necessarily consistent from test to test. A scale score translates raw scores onto a
measurement common to all forms of testing for a particular assessment
b. There is no difference; both terms refer to the score a student receives
c. A raw score is shown as an error number while a scale score is indicated by a
percentage. For example, if a student takes a test with 100 questions and misses 7, the
raw score is -7 and the scale score is 93%.
d. Scale scores are used on specific tests to show how well a student did; this score is not
necessarily consistent from test to test. A raw score translates scale scores onto a
measurement common to all forms of testing for a particular assessment


Raw scores are used on specific tests to show how well a student did; this score is not necessarily consistent from test to test. A scale score translates raw scores onto a measurement common to all forms of testing for a particular assessment.


Ten year old Ming has exceptional musical abilities. She can hear a piece of music once
and immediately play it on a variety of instruments, and her singing range is phenomenal.
She is new to the U.S., and speaks little English. She has learning disabilities and is
dysgraphic. She is easily excited. Her classmates find her:
a. Delightful; her excitability coupled with her musical talents are entertaining
b. Odd; her lack of English, terrible handwriting, nervousness, and bizarre musical
talents make her seem abnormal
c. Acceptable. Fifth graders typically don’t exclude one another
d. Fascinating; her musical talent coupled with her excitability and lack of English make
her an interesting distraction to their schoolwork


Odd; her lack of English, terrible handwriting, nervousness, and bizarre musical talents make her seem abnormal. Many gifted children are highly sensitive and can be far more easily excited that their average peers. They may not know how to relate to other children, and as a result lack social skills. Ming’s lack of English, terrible handwriting, nervousness and musical talents might make her seem abnormal to her classmates.


Jasmine, a highly gifted 7th grade student, is picked on by a group of girls. She is mocked
for her clothing, which is not fashionable, for her slight stutter, and for her tremendous
abilities in Mathematics. The girls call her ‘freakish’ and ‘weird.’ Jasmine is deeply hurt by
this, and has approached a trusted teacher for advice. What should the teacher suggest?
a. The teacher should immediately step in, asking to meet with the girls’ parents to
discuss their daughters’ unacceptable behavior.
b. The teacher should immediately step in, asking to meet with the girls’ parents and
Jasmine’s parents to discuss the unacceptable behavior of the girls who are teasing.
c. The teacher should speak with the girls individually, informing them that their
behavior is unacceptable. Then the teacher should monitor their actions and words
toward Jasmine for several weeks to determine if they are still picking on her.
d. The teacher should talk with Jasmine to help her understand what is most troubling
to her. Once Jasmine understands what bothers her and what she would like changed,
she should be encouraged to speak with the girls to let them know their behavior is
hurtful and that she wants it to stop. If Jasmine requests it, the teacher can also be
present to let the girls know this issue is serious, although she should let Jasmine do
most of the talking.


The teacher should talk with Jasmine to help her understand what is most troubling to her. Once Jasmine understands what bothers her and what she would like changed, she should be encouraged to speak with the girls to let them know their behavior is hurtful and that she wants it to stop. If Jasmine requests it, the teacher can also be present to let the girls know this issue is serious, although she should let Jasmine do most of the talking.


Parental permission to assess a student for a gifted program is:
a. Required
b. Not required, in order to avoid a hardship for students who meets the qualifications
but do not have supportive parents
c. Not required; one of the premises of gifted education is developing a sense of
independence and personal responsibility in students
d. Required only if a student requests parental involvement


Required. Unless the student has been emancipated, a parent or guardian must give written permission before that student can participate in a Gifted and Talented program.


As described in a study by Dr. Siegle of the Neag Center for Gifted Education, self-efficacy
is best defined as:
a. An individual’s belief or feeling about his or her worth to the world or a specific part
of it
b. An individual’s belief or feeling about his or her ability regarding a specific
c. An individual’s belief or feeling about his or her ability to accomplish a goal in an
efficient manner
d. An individual’s belief or feeling about how his or her worth will increase if he or she
accomplishes a task efficiently and exceptionally well


An individual’s belief or feeling about his or her ability regarding a specific undertaking. An unmotivated gifted student may have low self-efficacy, believing that a task, project or other undertaking is beyond his abilities.


What is the difference between dual and concurrent enrollment?
a. Concurrent enrollment means being enrolled in a college while still attending high
school in order to get college credits. Dual enrollment is enrolling in a college while
still in high school in order to get both high school and college credit at the same time
b. There is no difference; the terms mean the same things
c. Dual enrollment means being enrolled in a college while still attending high school in
order to get college credits. Concurrent enrollment is enrolling in a college while still
in high school in order to get both high school and college credit at the same time
d. The correct term is concurrent enrollment; there is no such thing as dual enrollment


Concurrent enrollment means being enrolled in a college while still attending high school in order to get college credits. Dual enrollment is enrolling in a college while still in high school in order to get both high school and college credit at the same time.


Fifth-grade Esmeralda, a gifted writer, told the school counselor that it really isn’t her
fault that much of her school work never makes it to the teacher’s hand. She perceives
herself as fairly vulnerable in a difficult world. Her little brother goes through her book bag
and tears up her papers. Her handwriting isn’t very good no matter how hard she tries and
she can’t read her own notes. Her mother forces her to stay inside on nice days to do
homework that is boring. Sometimes other kids on the bus take her homework and throw it
away. Esmeralda is also convinced that when she does manage to turn in the work, the
teacher herself misplaces it. She appears to believe her excuses, and doesn’t see any way to
overcome them. What’s going on?
a. She has a high external locus of control
b. She has a low external locus of control
c. She has a low internal locus of control
d. She has a high internal locus of control


She has a high external locus of control. Locus of control is the degree to which an individual believes she can control events or actions that impact them. The more in control an individual believes herself to be, the higher her internal locus of control. The less in control an individual believes herself to be, the higher her external locus of control. In this example, the student blames other students, her brother and her teacher for missing schoolwork, believing herself to have no control in these matters. Her locus of control is external, and the degree to which she feels out of control indicates it is also high.


Pfeiffer’s Gifted Rating Scales is used to:
a. Weigh the pros and cons of entering a student into a gifted program
b. Determine what percentage of the budget should be allocated to gifted programs by
considering what ratio such program(s) are scaled to
c. Measure gifted intelligence overall
d. Measure the degree of disability a gifted, learning-disabled student has


Weigh the pros and cons of entering a student into a gifted program. Pfeiffer’s Scales is a time-efficient way to assess giftedness using six scales for students beyond kindergarten. It is administered by teachers and covers intellectual ability, academic ability, creativity, artistic talent, leadership ability, and motivation.


A gifted high school student is concerned that her school records might include misinformation. Her parents have requested his records for review. What must the school do?
a. Obtain written permission directly from the student first
b. Provide the records within 7 days
c. Provide the records within 45 days
d. The school can refuse; by law, they own the records and may share them as they see
fit, regardless of requests


Provide the records within 45 days. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), is a federal law that addresses student rights regarding their records. Among FERPA regulations is the requirement that a student be given records within 45 days of request.


A differentiation strategy for students with high ability involves streamlining work to match ability, thereby creating a more challenging environment. This is called:

a. Curriculum packaging
b. Curriculum packing
c. Curriculum compacting
d. Curriculum packeting


Curriculum compacting. Curriculum compacting is a differentiation strategy for students with high ability involves streamlining work to match ability, thereby creating a more challenging environment. The three steps to compacting are determining goals, identifying students, and offering acceleration and enrichment opportunities. Curriculum compacting eliminates repetition of lessons that have already been learned, and speeding up lessons to match the learner’s pace.


Gifted students who receive a vertical score equal to or greater than the Met Standard at a grade level higher than their own have already met the standard at their grade level. Is this statement true or false?
a. True. This is one of the ways gifted students are identified
b. True, although a student might meet the standard at a higher grade level in one
subject but not in all subjects
c. True. Additionally, gifted students whose vertical score in a particular subject is equal
to or greater than the Met Standard at a higher grade level should be working at that
higher level, either by taking those classes at that grade level or via differentiation
d. False


False. Vertical scores at a particular grade level indicate the degree of mastery of that subject at that grade level. This number is unrelated to the Standards established at a higher grade level. Vertical scores are not the same as Standards.


What is a test ceiling?


The highest score it is capable of yielding.


What are parents rights during gifted IEP meetings?

  1. Equal partners in IEP planning for their child.
  2. Parents should bring their own ideas to the meetings.
  3. Accommodations to the general classroom could be written in gifted IEP’s.
  4. Acceleration in grade or subject does not violate the school districts policy.
  5. If parents find that the proposed IEP does not meet a certain educational need for their child, they should bring this up for the school to define and the team to find ways to meet it. This includes advocating for courses initially not offered by the school or not at their child’s grade level.

What is PLEP?


Present Levels of Educational Performance. Objective assessments are needed to establish the students PLEP. Do not use report cards as they measure grades in the past which may show A’s but the class is grade levels below this student, or may show C’s and F’s because the student was so bored with the class.


Main parts of the Gifted IEP.

  1. Student’s Present Levels of Educational Performance (PLEP).
  2. State the students educational goals.
  3. Include short-term learning objectives.
  4. Outlines for specially designed instruction for the gifted student and explains teach methods for attaining student short-term outcomes and long-term goals.

What are goals vs. objectives?


Goals are the long-term targets for a student’s education. They do not need to be specific or measurable. More general and global but specific to the individual student.
Objectives represent short-term targets. They should be both specific and measurable. After the goals are determined, the objectives then specify the smaller steps the student must achieve toward eventually meeting the associated goal. The objectives are also the IEP teams way of measuring student progress toward a goal.




Notice of Recommended Assignment - Given to parents at the end of a gifted IEP meeting for them to sign. Parents can wait to sign, ask for amendments or additions requests to the IEP.




Specially Designed Instruction -

  1. Gifted education and general education for gifted students are not seperate entities: gifted students needs must be met in BOTH distric figted programs and general education classrooms.
  2. General education teachers cannot refuse to implement GIEPs’ parents have recourse.
  3. General education teachers have access to all parts of GIEPs.

Content skills vs. Process skills


Content skills involve acquiring and retaining the information presented in a specific instructional subject area. (learning the correct meaning of vocabulary words, factual material, mathematical equations, etc). Process skills involve more interpretation of information (he can interpret events in terms of its historical context, such as the frame of reference and viewpoints affecting participants). Process skills include analyzing information through comparisons-contrasts; generalizations; finding cause-and-effect relationships; classifying the sequencing; summarizing; and drawing inferences, conclusions, and predictions.


Qualitative research vs. quantitative research


Qualitative research methods use statistical procedures to measure. Quantitative research typically analyzes components of giftedness/gifted education.


What is curriculum compacting?


Is a way to streamline regular curricula for gifted students who learn faster. Compacting also can fill instruction gaps for students accelerating to higher grades and for those using the time saved by compacting to pursue enrichment activities.


Guilford Battery of Tests


Guildford battery of tests is for creative thinking. It contains ten tests of different types of divergent thinking, a cognitive process associated with creativity. Half of the tests are verbal measures, and half are nonverbal/figural measures.


Bloom identifies the following skills, in order of increasing complexity, for a teacher to use when writing questions for study, discussion, review, and/or testing.


knowledge, or knowing facts such as names, dates, events, etc; comprehension, or understanding the facts known; application, or applying understanding to other situations/examples; analysis, or breaking information down into its components; synthesis, or creatively combining/integrating components; and evaluation, or assessing the accuracy, meaning, relevance, utility, and application of information.


What are the affective process models?


The affective domain relates to the emotions, emotional responses to the environment, and the interactions with the social environment, including an individual’s motivation, attitudes, perceptions, and values.


What are the 5 levels of Krathwohl’s Taxonomy of the Affective Domains?

  1. Receiving: Students show awareness of and attention to stimuli presented by teachers.
  2. Responding: Students commit to discovery, seek out learning activities, and feel satisfaction from participating in the process.
  3. Valuing: Students demonstrate decision-making about a value, their engagement with it, and their commitment to it.
  4. Organizing: Students construct a belief system/value system, including attitudes, which they organize by the interrelationships of its components.
  5. Characterizing by a value or set: Students have organized and internalized their value system and can apply it to many circumstances as a philosophy of life.

What is the cognitive process models or cognitive domain?


Mental processes by which students learn and think.


Does internal motivation or external motivation encourage creativity?


Internal motivation encourages creativity. This finding is called the Intrinsic Motivation Principle of Creativity. Intrinsically movivated students do tasks for their own sake because they enjoy them, so their rewards come from within them.


What is extrinsically motivated students looking for?


Extrinsically motivated students do tasks for a reward coming from outside them.


What are the five environmental constraints that destroy internal motivation and creativity?

  1. Expected reward - students work to receive some externally bestowed reinforcement, rather than being internally motivated to be creative for its enjoyment.
  2. Expected evaluation - students limit creative exploration, working instead to score well on a test.
  3. Competition - rather than exploring a subject creatively to see where it leads, students focus on besting other students by obtaining the highest scores.
  4. Surveillance - When students know they are being observed, they feel less free to engage in creative exploration or find divergent solutions.
  5. Time limits - when students know they are being times, they feel pressured.

What are the current research studies on gifted education practices in the United States?


Employing enrichment and curriculum enhancement strategies used in the instruction of students who are gifted promotes higher achievement for all students.


What issues has historically presented the greatest challenge to gifted education in the United States?


Equity and Excellence


What are direct results of the Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Act of 1988 on gifted education in the United States?


Three primary components: researching effective methods of testing, identification, and programming; awarding grants to colleges, states, and districts that focus on underrepresented populations of gifted students; and providing grants to states and districts for program implementation.


Compared to same-age peers, children who are gifted are more likely to demonstrate:


Early sense of justice and idealistic thinking.


What is a significant difference between students who are gifted and the general population?


By a significant margin, students who are gifted are more likely to be introverts than the general population.


What types of information would a teacher gain if they subscribed to Gifted Child Quarterly?


Scientifically-based studies and manuscripts addressing policy implications in the field of gifted education.


What is the purpose of reviewing IQ test scores?


Gaining insight into student’s preexisting knowledge.


A test that obtains information about students’ motivation, special interests, insight, and problem-solving abilities.


Frasier Talent Assessment Profile.


What is the primary benefit of telescoping (three years of academic work are collapsed into two years)?


Enabling students to earn advanced credit or placement at an earlier point in their academic careers.


What is the most important consideration in the evaluation of gifted education programs?


The performance indicators used in the evaluation link directly to one or more of the program’s objectives.