Gst Flashcards
Broadly speaking scholars of peace
studies have attributed ___ meaning to
The Norwegian theorist, Johan
Galtung identifies ___ types of violence
direct violence,
structural violence and cultural
Direct violence include
Structural violence include
Cultural violence include
emotional & psychological
Structural violence include bad
cultural bad
norms, bad norms, bad practice,
discrimination, injustice & human
“peace” in academic
concerned with
the transformation of
a culture of non-war to culture of
peace making
Hindu talks about “” meaning
Bantu & Kanuri say “” meaning
Ubuntu language is very difficult into
a western language
say –yu-u no burtu meaning
someone is ,
friendly, caring
& compassionate
origin of the world conflict is
always traced to the ___ century
15th century
Latin word “Conflictus”
_____ conflict can be used
constructively to explore solution to a
problem & stimulate by recognizing &
sensitively exposing by bringing
emotive & no rational argument ope
Certainty conflict
____observed that the goal of any theory is
to explain something which has
occurred with a view to dealing with
Coher (1968)
Structural conflict theory include
radical & liberty
Realist theory
include description,
explanation & prescriptive realism
Biological theory:
the biological
theorists view that human kind is evil
by nature and has a long tradition
greed for oil in middle east & armed
formation is ___ theory
Economic theory
______ theory which
include discrimination, deprivation,
humiliation, oppression, victimization,
feely of inferiority
Psycho-cultural conflict
Systematic theory which include
environmental degradation,
population growth, modernization,
political disorder
What’s structural conflict theory
The main theory is that
conflict is bust into particular ways
Structural theory
Radical theory claims
claims that exploitative &
unjust nature of human societies
dominion of one class by another
consequently result in conflict
Realists theory believes
realist believe that
the imperfection in the world, has its
force that the inherited in human
nature is selfish individualistic
)Frustration aggression theory evolve from
evolves from an individual groups as a
result of them in ability to fulfill their
Delta area of Nigeria is a type of ____
Frustration aggression theory
______ theory school share the expression of
aggression has a lot to do with
Physiological theory
Economic theory believe that
people in
conflicts are not brought as a result of
economic different but rather than
conflict is a result of greed.
The types of conflict include:
religious, political & economic.
Whats Ethnic conflict are
And is also called
also communual conflict in the sense that they are conflict usually between neighboring
Jega (2002) reveals that major aspect
one of the ethnic dynamic is
massive mobilization of identities.
MASSB means
Their motive
movement for the
actualization sovereign state of Biafra
in southern Nigeria
INC means
Their motive
Ijaw national congress in
Niger delta area of Nigeria
oduduwa people congress in western Nigeria
To protect the interest of their group and complicating things
ACF means
62)NDF means point their motive
arewa consultative forum in northern Nigeria
Nigerian defense force
To protect the interest of their group and complicating things
politically Nigeria
was formed and build since
Experience political conflict in
1953, 1983, 1999, 2003 and
2007 general election
Since 1960s religious violence has
indeed led to huge loss of life’s and
RNC means
royal Nigeria company
formal transition of authority from
RNC to the British forces defeat the
jihadist __ year
in 1902
The first land legislation in Nigeria
under Lugard was the land
procumulation of
no.8 of 1900
transferred all lands formerly under
the control of RNC to the British
colonial authorities till ___ whenLugard said to the governors of
northern Nigerian committee to study
existing land tenure system in
northern Nigeria
The land & native and ordinate of
1990 was a product of the committee
Indigenes vs settlers
attempts were done in Nigeria which was resisted in ___ year
The movement was repeated and called
PUSH and PULL factor
THE PUSH arise from
arises from the
socio-economic situation which
compels movement
The PULL are
are those that attract &
relate to economic opportunities & so on
Farmers/cattle ( farmers and nomads) rearing violence is due to?
state collapse injustice.
Ethic militias
Indigenes/settlers syndrome
Method of Management of conflict & security
The proactive category which entails
the aims to prevent the occurrence of conflict in the first place
Reactive category
transformation was introduced by
John Paul Lederach of the western
Mennonite school of peace building
The major aim of conflict
transformation is to
change the
parties, their relationship & the
condition that created the conflict
Building a long standing (relationship) peace
What’s conflict suppression
unwillingness of more
powerful parties or strong
interveners who have ability to
transform or manage a conflict
situation to take necessary measures
ADR means
Their job is
alternative dispute
the idea of ADR is about
the search for an application of nonconventional peaceful method
WADR means
And job
western alternative
dispute resolution: seeks to promote
the use of non-violent approach to
The major Nigeria cases of conflict is in
, 1966 coup debate, 1967
civil war, 1969 political
upraising,1980 Kaduna ChristianMuslim conflict over the introduction
of shari’ah law, the 1981-82 kaduna
polytechnic muslim-christian conflict,
the 1985 nationwide Christian protest
over the alleged attempt by the IBB
The 3 levels of activities of conflict prevention
peace promotion , conflict control
abatement, & conflict resolution
Peace is generally defined as
of war, fear, anxiety, suffering,
violence & dispute.
______ is the basic element of
peace, peaceful co-existence among
the humanities.
The affirmation
6 meaning of peace
absence of
war, absence of direct violence,
absence of injustice, of fear &
presence of respect & tolerance
between people
The universal declaration of human
rights adopted by the united nation in___ year
____ describe mediation as
Cooley (1992)
process which emphasis the use of
motivates symbols & emotion in resolution of conflict
The methods adopted for ADR
Religious, elders of the
community, media & press.
ECOWAS meaning and goal
ECOWAS means economic community of west African state was established by the Lagos treaty of 1975 for the
purpose of economic development & integration of its 15 states
The aim of ECOWAS was to promote
cooperation & development in all field
of economic activity
African unity was made by?
Developed from?
Afro-America & AfroCaribean intellectual like D.U Boi,
Casey Williams, Edmond Blyden &
Marcus Garvey
pan Africanism outside African continent
Pan-Africanism were made outside but quickly accepted by?
African scholars
such as Kenya Nkuramah of Ghana,
Nnamdi Azikwe of Nigeria, Sekou
Toure of Ghana, Jamo Kenyata of
Kenya and Wallace Johnson of Sierra
By ___ year Africa was divided into 3 distinct camps with respect to PanAfrica movement these were
Casablanca group, the Monrovian and the Brazzaville groups
The Casablanca groups include
Ghana, guinea, Mali, Morocco, the United
Arab Republic and Libya. These were the so called radical state
Monrovia group which include
They are
also called ___ because
Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Ethiopia, Libya, Tunisia, Togo and Somali.
conservative or moderate
because they favoured step by step
Brazilian group was
These countries were bound together by?
of twelve former French
colonies including Cameroon, the
central Africa Republic, Chad, Congo,
Brazzaville, Dahomey (Benin), Gabon,
the Ivory Coast (Core’d Ivore),
Madagascar, Mauritania, Niger,
Senegal and upper Volta(Burkina
together by the Brazzaville
declaration of December, 1960
0) The united nation functions through ___
main organs.
The general assembly,
the security council, the economics
and social council, the trusteeship, the international court of justice and the secretariat
The general assembly is
this has been
described as the supreme body of the
united nation, made up of
representatives from all members
The security council consists of
this organ is
made up of 15 member nations, 5 of
which are the world’s big powers (US,
USSR, Britain, France and China)
The secretariat: this organ is
responsible for the general
administration of the united nation
The trusteeship council: this organ
was set up to survive the
administration of trust terrorist
The economic and social council: it
Deals with
deals with all economic and social
matters of the UN, it also coordinate
the activities of UN agencies
The international court of justice: it is
judicial organ of the united nations
comprised of 15 judges elected by the
the world’s big powers are
Britain, France and China
Genocide ended in ___ year
When tutsi drove hulu army & interhamwe militia cross congo border
In ___ year general augustin was captured in ____ and transported to UN war crimes tribunal in Tanzania
At the same tribunal interhamwe leader ___ was sentenced life in prison
In Aangola
George Rutaganda
_____ sheltered_____ tutsi and hutsu refugees @ miles kollins hotel in kigali
Paul Ross
Titania’s thomas bother and his wife Feden were never found
Paul and titania now leave in
In ___ year 9ja was seperated into 2
The culture of people include
Respect of life