Growth regulators Flashcards
Plant responses to environmental signals
Plant evolved mechanisms that allow them to respond to environmental signals in a way that allows them to maximise their growth and survival
Phases in plant growth and development
Seed dormancy
Seedling growth, differentiation, maturation
Seed and fruit production
Clonal growth
Seasonal growth – perennials in temperate regions
e.g IAA = enlargement and differentiation of cells (growth)
- Main effects = cell enlargement and tissue differentiation
- Transportation = polar transport from apex to base (basipetal) in parenchyma surrounding vascular bundles, approx. 1 cm per hour (faster than diffusion), specific auxin transport proteins, requires energy and carrier proteins, use of Arabidopsis mutans very important in elucidation
- Effects = apical dominance, tropisms, tissue differentiation
growth, development (germination, dormancy and flowering)
- Main effects = cell division and enlargement, seed germination, environmental effects (vernalisation, photoperiodism), maturation, flowering initiation, fruit formation
- Transportation = not polar, bidirectional in phloem
- Stimulate internode elongation with striking effects on dwarf mutants and rosette plants
- Dwarf mutants can result from mutations in GA biosynthesis pathway genes, mutations in genes that control response to GA
cell division in roots and shoots
- Main effects = cell division, germination, retard senescence, root growth and differentiation, overcomes bud dormancy
- Transportation = long distance in xylem
- Interact w other plant growth regulators = cytokine and auxin interaction in tissue culture differentiation. High cytokine ratio = shoots, high auxin ratio = roots
- Promotes cell expansion in dicots (IAA and GA do not do this in cotyledons)
- Promotes chloroplast development
- Delays leaf senescence
- Promotes movements of nutrients
Abscisic acid
many processes, bud dormancy
- Main effects = growth inhibitor, seed and bud dormancy, embryo development, senescence
- Stress responses = stomatal closure
- Transportation = root to shoot in xylem, shoot to root in phloem
- Promotes efflux of k+ out of guard cells
many processes, ripening of fruit
- Main effects = fruit ripening, leaf and flower senescence, abscission, root hair development, stress responses
- Inhibition of cell expansion = triple response
- Transportation = diffusion – ethylene is a gas
many processes, pollen tube growth (works w auxin)
Important properties of plant growth regulators
Growth promotion and//or growth inhibitions – e.g auxin effects
Often act in combination or antagonistically
Transported in different ways
Plant growth regulators rather than hormones
Signal transduction pathway
Hormones bind to proteins associated w membranes of the cells they will affect – e.g an extracellular signalling molecule activates a membrane receptor, that in turn alters intracellular molecules (second messengers) = creates a response
In the absence of auxin, the auxin response gene is repressed by AUX/IAA protein
Auxin receptor is a ubiquitin E3 ligase
Cytokinin signal transduction pathway
Cytokinin receptors are trans-membrane protein kinases (chemically modify proteins via addition of phosphate groups)
Binding of cytokinin to the receptor protein initiates a phosphorylation cascade
Ultimately this leads to the transcription of genes
Protein kinases and phosphatases in signal transduction pathways
Nearly all biological signalling systems involve protein phosphorylation (by kinase enzymes) and de-phosphorylation (by phosphatase enzymes) in cascade systems
Signal transduction pathways in plants are still incompletely understood
Experiments with Arabidopsis mutants has advanced our understanding of these processes enormously
Apical dominance
Axillary buds dormant until apical tip removed
Buds remain dormant if auxin is applied to cut tip
Auxin inhibits axillary bud growth
Growth responses =- e.g phototropism, gravitropism) may be pos or neg
Roots are pos gravitropic, stems are neg gravitropic
Stems of many plants are usually pos phototropic
With pos phototropism, blue light is detected by protein-flavin complex and auxin accumulates on shaded side
Light has to be perceived - at the tip
Growth response has to be elicited – in elongation zone
Phototropin = blue light receptor
Phototropin is a flavoprotein = e.g a nucleic acid containing a nucleic acid derivative of riboflavin (vitamin b2)
Curvature response = auxins cause acidification of cell wall – loosening of wall matrix (expanisns) turgor pressure results in cell elongation
Auxin promotes tissue differentiation
Auxin transported by polar transportation mechanism to area of wound
Cells in pith differentiate into new vascular tissue and connect with vascular tissue above and below wound