Growth & Puberty Flashcards
GH - IGF - Growth Axis
- Hypothalamus: Releases GHRH
- Stimulates pituitary gland to make GH
- GH binds to GHBP at liver and activates JAK/STAT/MAPK cascade
- Liver makes IGF-1
- IGF-1 acts at IGF-1 receptor on the bone, stimulating growth
Growth velocity variance with age
- Rapid growth in infancy ~25 cm
- 1-2 years-10 cm/yr
- 3-4 yrs: 6-7cm/yr
- 5 yrs-puberty 5 cm/yr
- Physiological slowing can occur between 9-18 months
- Prepubertal dip in growth
Prepubertal Growth Spurts
- girls vs. boys
- occurs at T2 -3 for girl
- occurs at T4 for boys
- Accounts for 20% of adult height (Gain of ~25 cm in puberty)
Definition of Short Stature
- Height more than 2 SD below the mean for age, sex and population group (< 3rd % or <-2sd)
- Translates to an adult height of 5’ 4” in males and 4’ 11” in females
- Average height in US for adult males is 5’ 9” and for adult females 5’ 4”
- Endocrine diseases are a rare cause for short stature (only ~5%)
Non Pathological causes of Short Stature
- Familial short stature
- Constitutional delay in growth and puberty
Below average weight gain & growth is most likely due to what pathology?
- Congenital growth abnormality
Below average growth, but normal weight gain, is most likely due to what pathology?
- Endocrine pathology
Noonan’s Syndrome
- congenital defect with autosomal inheritance
- presentation similar to Turner Syndrome
Clinical features:
- Prenatal echo-nuchal cystic hygroma
- dysmorphic facial features
- pectus deformities and cubitus valgus
- web neck
- major cardiac defects:1-PS, 2-cardiomyopathy
Prader-Willi Syndrome
- Paternal allele is not expressed
- short stature
- raids pantry at night time
- mild developmental delay
Turner Syndrome
- XO
Clinical features:
- short stature
- increased carrying angle
- streak ovary with infertility
- shield chest
- webbed neck
Screening lab for short stature
- IGF-1 and IGFBP3 (screen for GH deficiency, random GH levels are useless).
- GH stimulation test is confirmatory.
Indications for GH treatment for short stature
- Growth hormone deficiency
- Congenital: Turner syndrome, Noonan syndrome, Prader Willi syndrome, SHOX deficiency
- IUGR with poor catch up growth by age 2
- Idiopathic short stature (ISS), Ht<-2.25 sd with poor predicted adult height
- Chronic Renal Failure
Puberty in Boys
- Earliest sign?
- Tanner stage of peak growth spurt?
- Parameters for tanner staging?
- Earliest sign (tanner 2) is testicular enlargement (>2.5 cm or > 3 ml volume)
- Onset: 9-13.5 yrs
- Spermatogenesis 11-15 yrs
- Peak growth spurt-Tanner 4
- Ht gain 28 cm
Tanner stage parameters:
- pubic hair
- testes volume
- penis
Puberty in Girls:
- Earliest sign?
- Tanner stage of peak growth spurt?
- Parameters for tanner staging?
- Earliest sign is breast development, Tanner 2
- Onset: 8-13.5 yrs
- Time to menarche : 2 yrs
- Peak growth spurt in Tanner 2-3
- Ht gain 25 cm
Tanner stage: examine public hair –> spreads to thighs
- unique aspect of tanner 4: development of secondary mound on top of areola
Benign Premature Thelarche
- Isolated breast development without any other sexual characteristics
- Before age 2 or around age 6
- No accelerated growth
- Prepubertal hormonal profile
- Management: Reassurance and follow up
Benign Premature Adrenarche
- Isolated Pubic hair+/-axillary hair before 8 yrs in girls and 9 yrs in boys
- Common in African American girls
- No growth spurt
- Bone age is normal or slightly advanced, normal predicted adult height
- Mildly elevated DHEAS from adrenal cortex maturation
- Management: Reassurance and follow up
Precocious Puberty in Girls
- Defined as puberty before age 8
- Central (Gonadotropin dependent), majority
- Peripheral (Gonadotropin independent); estrogen from ovaries ( cysts or tumors) or exogenous exposure
- 95% idiopathic
- Bone age ( generally advanced)
- Baseline LH>0.6 is diagnostic of central PP
- Peripheral PP: FSH and LH very low with high estradiol
- MRI of the brain and pituitary gland ( CPP)
- Pelvic sonogram (PPP)
Psychosocial concern: Premature menarche and adult short stature (b/c finish growing early)
Treatment: Long acting GnRH analogs
McCune Albright syndrome
Triad of:
- Precocious Puberty
- Café-au-lait spots
- Fibrous dysplasia
Precocious Puberty in Boys
- Defined as puberty before age 9
- More likely to have CNS cause than being idiopathic
- FSH, LH, Testosterone
- Bone age ( generally advanced)
- MRI of the brain and pituitary gland ( CPP)
- Treatment similar to girls with CPP with GnRH agonists
Delayed puberty in boys
- No testicular development by age 14
- Constitutional delay in growth and puberty is the most common cause ( late bloomer)
Pathological causes:
- Hypergonadotropic Hypogonadism ( FSH and LH are high, testicular failure)
- Klinefelters syndrome (47,XXY)
- Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism (low FSH and LH), e.g., Isolated Gonadotropin deficiency, Kallmann’s syndrome (anosmia), CNS Tumors, Hypopituitarism
Treatment: Testosterone
Delayed Puberty in girls
- No breast by 13 yrs or no menarche by 16
- Prolonged puberty over 3 yrs
- Pathological causes more common
Hypergonadotropic: Karyotype- if FSH and LH are high
- Turner syndrome
- Autoimmune ovarian failure
- Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome
- Constituitional delay (rare)
- Chronic illness, anorexia nervosa, very athletic, hypothyroidism
- GnRH deficiency
- Hypopituitarism
- Prolactinomas
Treatment: Estrogen first, then progesterone