Growth of European Nation-States Flashcards
The exchange of valuable goods and resources from each continent was known as…
The Columbian Exchange
The mother country trades with the colonies and the colonies are not allowed to trade with other nations. It was intended to lessen financial dependence on other European countries
Commercial Revolution
Helped intensify the age of discovery and exploration. Started with the Medici’s with the invention of banking as well as a large population increase
30 Years’ War
Started as a religious conflict in central Europe, it spread when the Hapsburgs provoked an attack by Ottoman forces under Suleiman the Magnificient
Time of Troubles
The time after the rule of Ivan the Terrible. Civil war ensued
Concordat of Bologna
Agreement between Francis 1 and the Pope where the Pope could collect taxes from the church offices while Francis could nominate officials in the French Church.
Edict of Nantes
Henry of Navarre guaranteed religious freedom in French territory
Cardinal Richelieu
Prime Minister of France under Louis XIII.
Cardinal Richelieu
Prime Minister of France under Louis XIII. He centralized the government and instituted the intendant system
Jean Baptiste Colbert
Louis’s finance minister. He abolished internal tariffs and stimulated industry by subsidizing manufacturing. He wanted to create a strong military
War of the Devolution
France unsuccessfully tried to take Belgium because of a feudal claim