Growth & Development Milestones Flashcards
Good head control
2-3 months
Rolls back to front
5-6 months
Sits alone
7 months
Pulls to stand
9-10 months
Stands alone
11-12 months
12-14 months
Walks up and down stairs
22-24 monrhts
24-28 months
Grasps and shakes rattle
2-3 months
Reaches for object
3-4 months
Hand-to-hand transfer
5-6 months
Raking grasp
6-7 months
Finger grasp
7-9 months
Pincer grasp
8-10 months
Marks on paper
10-12 months
Stacks 3 blocks
17-18 months
Stacks 6-7 blocks
22-24 months
Smiles and coos
2-3 months
4-5 months
5-6 months
8-9 months
Waves goodbye
8-9 months
Understands “No”
9-10 months
Points to body parts
15-18 months
2-word sentences
18-22 months
30-50 word vocabuary
22-24 months
Watches person’s face
2-5 months
Follows people and objects with eyes
2-5 months
Laughs aloud
2-5 months
Lifts head/chest when on stomach
2-5 months
Holds head steady when pulled to sit
2-5 months
Grasps rattle placed in hand
2-5 months
Startles to loud noise
2-5 months
Babbles and combines vowel/consonant sounds
6-9 months
Turns to sound
6-9 months
Responds to name
6-9 months
6-9 months
Takes simple action upon request
10-12 months
Communicates by reaching/pointing
10-12 months
Moves purposefully to get desired object
10-12 months
Increasing curiosity
10-12 months
Recognizes people
10-12 months
Scribbles with large crayon
13-18 months
Feeds self with fingers and spoon
13-18 months
4-10 word vocabulary
13-18 months
Follows simple directions
13-18 months
Coordinates use of both hands
13-18 months
Points to 2 pictures upon request
13-18 months
Long, jabbering sentences
13-18 months
Completes simple puzzles
19-24 months