Growth/Development Flashcards
Birth weight is regained by:
10-14 days of life
Birth weight doubles by:
4 months
Birth weight triples by:
1 year
Average weight gain/year in kids over age 2
5-7 lbs/year
Average height gain/year in kids over age 2
2 inches/year
Definition of failure to thrive
Single point on growth curve definitions:
- Weight < 3rd percentile
- Weight for heigh < 5th percentile
- Weight 20% of more below ideal weight for height
A series of points of the growth curve definitions:
- downward crossing of > 2 major percentiles
- Weight gain < 20 g/day in 0-3 months of age
- Weight gain < 15 g/day from 3-6 months of age
Moro reflex
startle reflex
-Absent by 3-4 months of age
Palmar grasp
-Absent by 2-3 months of age
Parachute reflex
-Present by 6-9 months of age
Head control
- 1 month: momentarily
- 2 months: head up to 45 degrees, can lift head off table
- 4 months: head up to 90 degrees, can lift chest
Head lag:
Newborn: complete head lag when pulled to sitting
4 months: No head lag when pulled to sitting
6 months: lifts head off table in anticipation of being lifted
Front to back: 4-5 months
Back to front: 5-6 months
Sits with support: 6 months
Sits without support: 7 months
2 month old milestones:
- Looses palmar grasp
- Gross motor: can lift head up 45 degrees when in tummy time
- Social: social smile
- Language: Coos
4 month old milestones:
Primitive: looses moro reflex Gross motor: can lift head up to 90 degrees, no head lag, rolls front to back Fine motor: voluntary grasp Language: Cooing Social: Smiles at self in mirror
6 month old milestones
Primitive: parachute reflex develops
Gross motor: lifts head off table in anticipation of being lifted, rolls back to front. Sits with support
Fine motor: transfers objects back and forth, uses thumb to grasp cube
Language: babbling
Social: separation anxiety develops
9 month old milestones
Gross motor: pulls to stand
Fine motor: mature cube grasp
Language: first words
Social: still with separation anxiety, waves bye (10 months), plays pat-a-cake
12 month old milestones
Gross motor: cruising (around 11 months)
Fine motor:
Language: working on first words
Social: still with separation anxiety
Towers of cubes:
- 2 cubes: 13 months
- 4 cubes: 1.5 years
- 6 blocks: 2 years
- 8 blocks: 2.5 years
15 months
Vertical line:
18 months
Uses cup well:
15-18 months
Uses spoon well
2 years
Uses fork well:
4 years
Buttons large buttons
3 years
Ties shoes
5 years
Walking milestones:
9 months: pulls to stand 11 months: cruising 13 months: walks without help 15 months: walks well 2 years: Runs well
Stairs milestones
2 years: up and down stairs, 2 feet on each step
4 years: up and down with 1 foot per step
Jumping milestones
2.5 years: 2 feet off the ground
4 years: hops on 1 foot
5-6 years: skips
Balance on 1 foot for 2-3 secs: 3 years
Balance on 1 foot for 6-10 secs: 4 years
Dresses self
3 years
symbolic play
12 months
Parallel play
24 months
Cooperative play
3-4 years
Fantasy play
3 years
Games with rules
6 years
First words (Mama/Dada)
9-12 months
18 months: language development
10-50 words
- Can ID > 5 body parts
- Follows simple commands
24 months: language development
2 word sentences
100-200 words in vocabulary
Understands ~50 %
30 months: language development
Understands prepositions
3 years: language development
3-4 word sentences hundreds of words 75% understood Uses plurals Can identify 2 colors What/who questions
4 years: language development
100% understood Speaks in paragraphs uses past/present Identifies gender Identifies 5-6 colors Uses why questions
operational thinking
6 years
TP/ (TP + FN)
TN/(TN + FP)
Percent of people in a population with the disease
Positive predictive value
Probability of disease in a patient with a positive test
- PPV= TP/ (TP + FP)
- PPV= true positives divided by ALL that test positive
PPV is one of the main factors to consider in determining the usefulness of a screening program
Influenced by prevalence of the disease
Cross-sectional study
looks at the presence of presumed risk factors and the presence of the outcome and measure them at the same time in a population
Weakest type of study
Cannot assume cause/effect
Case-control study
Retrospective study
- divided in to groups based on presence of absence of outcome of interest
- Then the study examines the frequency of risk factors in each group
Can identify association but not cause/effect
Cohort study
Subjects divided into groups based on risk factors and then followed prospectively
Powerful study
Type 1 error
Concluding there is a difference (rejecting the null hypothesis) when there is no difference
Declaring a benefit when there is none
Type 2 error
Concluding there is no difference (failing to reject the null hypothesis) when one exists
Increase sample size > increase power > decrease likelihood of type 2 error
Relative risk
(Incidence of disease in those exposed to the risk factor)/(Incidence of disease in those unexposed to the risk factor)
RR > 1 suggests that the RF is associated with the disease
Inverse of the absolute risk reduction between intervention and control groups