Growth and development - her powerpoint Flashcards
What are freuds 3 different personality parts?
id, ego, superego
What are the 5 stages of development associated with freud’s theory of psychosexual development?
Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, Genital
Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development includes Trust vs. Mistrust which is what age group?
Birth-1 year
Autonomy vs. shame and doubt is which age group for Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development?
1-3 years old
Initiative vs Guilt is which age group for Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development?
3-6 years
Industry vs. inferiority is which age group for Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development?
6-12 years old
Identity vs Role confusion is which age group for Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development?
12-18 years old
Piaget’s theory of cognitive development states that sensorimotor is which age group?
Birth to 2 years
Preoperational is which age group with Piaget’s theory of cognitive development?
2-7 years old
Concrete Operational is which age group with piagets theory of cognitive development
Formal operational is which age group with Piaget’s theory of cognitive development?
11 years - adulthood
Infants birth weight _______ at 6 months, and _______ at 1 year.
doubles, triples
Infants typically do what type of play?
Infants separation anxiety begins at __ months and stranger fear begins ____ to ____ months
Infants usually sleep how many hours a day?
lessens with age
What are some ways to prevent SIDS?
- no soft animals, blankets
-naked cribs
-Don’t place baby on tummy/no co-sleeping
Infants begin cooing at __ months of age
Babbling by __ months of age
Copies sounds at __ months of age
Says a few words/can use simple gestures/follow comands by __ months of age
Exclusive breastfed babies may need supplemental _______ __ because it is in low levels in breast milk.
Vitamin D
When can you begin cereal feeding?
4-6 months of age
Why cant you give honey prior to age 1?
Can you have cows milk before 12 months?
What can you mix with cereal to enhance absorption of iron?
fruit juice
NB- 1 month milestones
Poor head control, cries when hungry, inborn reflexes are predominant activity, sees black & white
2 months- 4 month milestones include
Hold head up while supported w/ forearms, learns to roll from side to back, relearns grasp reflect, (loses moro, rooting, grasp reflex at 4 months), turns head to look for voices and sounds
6-8 month milestones include:
Sits unsupported by 8 months, most inborn reflexes extinguished, beginning of pincher grasp, learns “mama, dada” w/o meaning, stranger anxiety
8-10 month milestones include:
Crawls, pulls self to standing and sitting by 10 months, understands words such as “no” and “cracker”, may say on word other than mama or dada.
10-12 month milestones include:
stands alone, cruises with aid of furniture, up to 15 months to walk
Toddler engage in what type of play?
Parallel- playing alongside but not with each other
When does toilet training usually begin?
2 years of age
Motor vehicle safety: ride forward facing in back seat in five point harness from ___ to ___ years of age. Rear facing before __ years of age.
- 2 to 4 years
- 2
What age group fear if their skin is broken, blood and insides will leak out?
First sign of puberty is what in girls?
Breast bud development
When does the menarche occur after breast development?
2 years after
What is the first sign of development in males?
Testicular enlargement
In Freuds 5 developmental stages of development which age group belongs with Oral?
In Freuds 5 developmental stages of development which age group belongs with anal?
In Freuds 5 developmental stages of development which age group belongs with phallic?
In Freuds 5 developmental stages of development which age group belongs with Latent?
School age
In Freuds 5 developmental stages of development which age group belongs with genital?
When does the pincher grasp relflex start?
6-8 months
What are some gross motor milestones at 15 months?
- squats to pick up object
-crawls up steps
-drinks from a cup
What are some gross motor milestones at 18 months?
- walks independently
-Pushes and pulls toys when walking
What are some gross motor milestones at 24 months?
-kick a ball
-jump with two feet
- climb on furntiture
What are some gross motor milestones at 36 weeks?
-pedals a tricycle
- jumps forward
-walks up and down stairs with one foot on each step
What are some fine motor milestones at 15 months?
-marks with a crayon
-puts objects in and out of cups
What are some fine motor milestones at 18 months?
-scribbles spontaneously
-rolls a ball
-eats with a spoon
-helps undress self
What are some fine motor milestones at 24 months?
- copies straight lines and circles
-stacks objects
-turns pages
-throws a ball overhand
What are some fine motor milestones at 36 months?
-turn a door handle
-screws lid on and off
- copies a circle
- builds a tower of six or more blocks
-undresses self