Growth and Development Flashcards
What are the four domains of development?
Gross motor
Fine motor and vision
Hearing and speech
What would you expect a child to be able to do at 6-8 weeks old?
GM - Might be making attempts at holding head (raise to 45 degrees)
FM+V - Fixing and following
H+S - Startle to loud noises
What might you expect a child to be able to do at 3-4 months old?
GM - Support own head, look up when lying on abdomen, held sitting with curved spine
FM+V - Reaching out for toys
H+S - Single syllable vocalisation when alone or when spoken to
S - Laughs, enjoys friendly handling
What might you expect a child to be able to do at 6-8 months old?
GM - Roll over, sit without support, held sitting with straight spine, pull to standing
FM+V - Palmar grasp, might transfer from hand to hand and have fine pincer grip
H+S - Double syllable babbling and responding to own name, shouts
S - Not shy
What might you expect a child to be able to do at 9 months old?
GM - Crawling (not all), sit without support
FM+V - pincer grip
H+S - Respond to name
S - Stranger anxiety
What might you expect a child to be able to do at 10-12 months old?
GM - Cruising (10/12), First steps
FM+V - Points, mature pincer, looks for fallen objects, casting, banging objects together
H+S - 2-3 recognisable words
S - waving, clapping, drinking from beaker
What might you expect a child to be able to do at 12-18 months?
GM - walk steadily and possibly run at 18/12, squats at 15/12, stairs 2 feet
FM+V - 12/12 - 2 cubes, 18/12 - 4 cubes,
H+S - Repeat name, knows 6-10 words, might know body parts at 18/12
S - Eats with spoon by self
What might you expect a child to be able to do at 2-2.5 years?
GM - Run, jump and kick ball
FM+V - 6-8 cubes in tower,
H+S - use 2 words together, use pleurals and verbs
S - Become skilful with spoon
What might you expect a child to be able to do at 3-3.5 years?
GM - Rides a tricycle, uses stairs with handrail
FM+V - Can make a bridge or tower of 9
H+S - Sentences, gender, adjectives and colour, count to 10
S - Use fork and spoon, dress self under supervision, continence and plays alone
What might you expect a child to be able to do at 4-5 years?
GM - Hop, skip and use a climbing frame
FM+V - 4 = copies cross, 5 = copies square and triangle
H+S - Asks ‘why’, ‘when’ and ‘how’ questions
S - Knife and fork, dress independently (not laces and buttons) and plays with other children
What are some red flags to development?
Not sitting without support by age 9 months
Not walking by age 18 months
Hand preference before 18m (Cerebral palsy)
Persisting primitive reflexes beyond 6m
This is if you are behind for your age in 2 of the 4 domains
What are some causes of delayed walking?
Parents started walking late - always ask DDH Cerebral palsy Chromosomal abnormalities Spina bifida Genu varum DMD
What are some clinical signs of DMD?
CENTRAL WEAKNESS - ask the child to lie on the floor and then ask them to get up - if they walk up on their hands and feet suggests DMD
It is X-linked recessive
What are some causes of speech delay and what should you ask?
Hearing impairment - all newborns should have hearing assessment so always check for this in red book
Multiple languages spoken at home - not pathological
Structural - tongue tie, cleft palate
What are some general causes of global developmental delay?
- Hypothyroidism
- Chromosomal abnormalities
- Fetal alcohol syndrome
- Neurometabolic conditions
- Neuroasphyxia
- PVL (peri-ventricular leukomalacia)
- IVH - Intra-ventricular haematoma
- Head trauma
- Neglect