Growth Adaptations, Cellular Injury, and Cell Death Flashcards
Barret esophagus
acid refulx from the stomach causes the normally nonkeratinizing squamous epithelium (suited for friction of food bolus) of the esophagus to undergo metaplasia to nonciliated, mucin-producing columnar epithelium (suited for stomach acid) of the stomach
cellular injury
stress can be so severe that it exceeds the cells ability to adapt
likelihood of injury depends on type of stress, severity of stress, and type of cell affected
disordered cell growth
generally refers to proliferation of precancerous cells
often arises from longstanding pathologic hyperplasia (ex. endometrial hyperplasia) or metaplasia (Barrett esophagus)
REVERSIBLE with alleviation of inciting stress
mechanism of decreased organ size
decreased stress on an organ leads to decreased organ size
result of longstanding dysplasia
causes of ischemia
- decreased arterial perfusion (ex. atherosclerosis)
- decreased venous drainage (ex. Budd-Chiari syndrome - caused by polycythemia vera or lupas anticoagulant)
- shock - systemic hypotension resulting in decreased tissue perfusion
switch from thin squamous lining of conjunctiva to startified keratinized squamous epithelium
caused by Vit A deficiency
progression of metaplasia
with persistent stress, metaplasia can progress to dysplasia and eventually to cancer
ex. Barrett esophagus to adenocarcinoma of the esophagus
EXCEPTION: apocrine metaplasia of the breast does not incresae risk of cancer
hypoxemia - V/Q mismatch
blood bypassses oxygenated lung (ex. right to left shunt) or oxygenated air can’t reach blood (ex. atelectasis)
cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
precursor to cervical cancer
failure of cell production during embryogenesis
ex. unilateral renal agenesis
pathogenic hyperplasia
hyperplasia occuring due to underlying pathology
can progress to dysplasia and eventually cancer
EXCEPTION: benign prostatic hyperplasia - doesn’t increase risk for prostate cancer
causes of hypoxia
- ischemia
- hypoxemia
- decreased O2 carrying capacity
mechanism of decrease in number of cells
mechanism of hyperplasia
production of new cells from stem cells
change in stress on an organ leads to changhe in cell type - new cell type is better able to handle the new stress
generally a change from one type of surface epithelium to another (squamous, columnar, transitional - urogenital)
ex. Barrett esophagus
hypoxemia - hypoventilation
increased PACO2 causes decreased PAO2
decreased blood flow through an organ
cell injury - severity of stressor
- slowly developing ischemia = atrophy (cell adaptation)
ex. renal artery atherosclerosis - acute ischemia = cell injury
ex. renal artery embolus
common causes of cell injury
inflammation, nutritional deficiency or excess, hypoxia, trauma, and genetic mutation
mechanism of hypertrophy
gene activation to produce new proteins (increase cytoskeleton production)
production of organelles (to support increased size of cell)
hypoxemia - diffusion deficit
thicker diffusion barrier results in PAO2 not being able to push as much O2 into the blood
causes decreased PaO2
ex. interstitial pulmonary fibrosis
increase in size of existing cells
permanent tissues (cardiac muscle, skeletal muscle, and nerve) can only undergo hypertrophy
ex: cardiac myocytes undergo hypertrophy only in response to systemic hypertension
cell injury - type of cell affected
- neurons are highly susceptible to ischemia - will undergo cell injury in ischemic situation
- skeletal muscle is more resistant to ischemic injury
decrease in cell production during embryogenesis resulting in a relatively small organ
ex. streak ovary in Turner syndrome
low partial pressue of O2 in the blood (PaO2 <90%)
normal: FiO2 - PAO2 - PaO2 - SaO2
atmosphere alveolar arterioles Hb saturation
mechanism of decrease in size of cells
- ubuquitin-proteosome degradation of cytoskeleton (ubiquitin-tagged intermediate filaments destroyed in proteosome)
- autophagy of cellular components (generation of autophagic vacuoles- fuse with lysosomes whse hydrolytic enzymes break down cellular components)
Mechanisms of increased organ size
an increase in stress leads to an increase in organ size
generally occur together (ex: uterus during pregnancy) except in permanent tissues = only hypertrophy
increase in number of cells
metaplasia of mesenchymal tissue
bone, blood vessels, fat, cartilage
ex. myositis ossificans - connective tissue within muscle changes to bone during healing after a trauma (x-ray will show distinct separation of bone section - if connected to existing bone = osteosarcoma)
decrease in size and number of cells
low O2 delievery to a tissue = imparied oxidative phosphorylation (O2 os the final electron acceptor in electron transport chain of oxidative phosphorylation) = decreased ATP production = cell injury
Vitamin A deficiency
can result in metaplasia
Vit A necessary for differentiation of specialized epithelial surfaces such as the conjunctiva covering the eye
with Vit A deficiency - squamous lining of conjunctiva undergoes metaplasia to stratified keratinizing squamous epithelium
mechanism of metaplasia
reprogramming of stem cells, which then produce the newcell type
REVERSIBLE with removal of the stressor (ex. treat gastroesophageal reflux to reverse Barrett esophagus)
hypoxemia - high altitude
decreased FiO2