Group 4 Words Flashcards
acerbic (adj.) having a sour or bitter taste or character; sharp; biting
aggrandize (verb)
aggrandize (verb) to increase in intensity, power, influence, or prestige
anachronism (noun) something or someone out of place in terms of historical or chronological context
astringent (noun)/(adj.)
astringent (noun)/(adj.) having a tightening effect on living tissue; harsh; severe; something with a tightening effect on tissue
contiguous (adj.)
contiguous (adj.) sharing a border; touching; adjacent
credulous (adj.)
credulous (adj.) tending to believe too readily; gullible (noun form: credulity )
desiccate (verb)
desiccate (verb) to dry out or dehydrate; to make dry or dull
dilettante (noun)
dilettante (noun) one with an amateurish or superficial interest in the arts or a branch of knowledge
garrulous (adj.)
garrulous (adj.) pointlessly talkative; talking too much
glib (adj.)
glib (adj.) marked by ease or informality; nonchalant; lacking in depth; superficial
immutable (adj.)
immutable (adj.) not capable of change
impetuous (adj.)
impetuous (adj.) hastily or rashly energetic; impulsive and vehement
inimical (adj.)
inimical (adj.) damaging; harmful; injurious
laconic (adj.)
laconic (adj.) using few words; terse
mercurial (adj.)
mercurial (adj.) characterized by rapid and unpredictable change in mood
mollify (verb)
mollify (verb) to calm or soothe; to reduce in emotional intensity
neophyte (noun)
neophyte (noun) a recent convert; a beginner; a novice
obfuscate (verb)
obfuscate (verb) to deliberately obscure; to make confusing
phlegmatic (adj.)
phlegmatic (adj.) calm; sluggish; unemotional
probity (noun)
probity (noun) adherence to highest principles; complete and confirmed integrity; uprightness
profligate (adj.) excessively wasteful; recklessly extravagant (noun form: profligacy )
prosaic (adj.)
prosaic (adj.) dull; lacking in spirit or imagination
quixotic (adj.)
quixotic (adj.) foolishly impractical; marked by lofty romantic ideals
quotidian (adj.)
quotidian (adj.) occurring or recurring daily; commonplace
rarefy (verb)
rarefy (verb) to make or become thin, less dense; to refine
recondite (adj.)
recondite (adj.) hidden; concealed; difficult to understand; obscure
refulgent (adj.)
refulgent (adj.) radiant; shiny; brilliant
sedulous (adj.)
sedulous (adj.) diligent; persistent; hard-working
soporific (adj.) causing drowsiness; tending to induce sleep
spendthrift (noun)
spendthrift (noun) one who spends money wastefully
tacit (adj.)
tacit (adj.) implied; not explicitly stated
trenchant (adj.)
trenchant (adj.) sharply perceptive; keen; penetrating
variegated (adj.) multicolored; characterized by a variety of patches of different color
vituperate (verb)
vituperate (verb) to use harsh condemnatory language; to abuse or censure severely or abusively; to berate