Group 3 有关wealth "财富”的词汇 Flashcards
n. 贪婪,贪心 excessive desire for wealth; greediness
People who suffer from avarice spend much less and save much more than they should.
n. 嫁妆 money, property, etc. that a bride brings to her husband
Wth his wife’s dowry, the young attorney was able to open a law office.
n. 金钱,财富 wealth, property. resources
To own an expensive home, a yacht and a limousine, you have to be a man of means.
n. 富裕,丰富 wealth; riches; affluence
Dickens contrasts te opulence of Frances nobility with the indigence of her peasants.
vt. 垂涎,贪图(尤指他人的东西)desire; lone for; crave, especially something belonging to another
Peter coveted his neighbor’s farm but could not get her to sell it.
vt. (喻)骗取(某人)(literally, to remove the wool from a sheep or a similar animal) deprive or strip of money or belongings by fraud; charge excessively for goods or services; rob; cheat; swindle
If your brother paid $400 for that car, he was fleeced. the mechanic says it is worth $150.
vt. 贮藏 save and conceal; accumulate; amass
Tom had a reputation as a miser who hoarded every penny he could get his hands on.
adj. 富裕的,丰富的 very wealthy; rich; opulet
The new wing to the hospital was made possible by a gift of $500000 from an affluent contributor.
adj. 财政的,金融的 having to do with money matters; monetary; pecuniary; fiscal
People who keep spending more than they earn usually get into financial difficulties.
adj. (sparing) 1. 慷慨的,大方的 too free in giving, using or spending; profuse 2. 过多的;过度的 given or spent too freely; very abundant; more than enough; profuse
The young heir was warned that he would soon have nothing left if he continued to be lavish with money.
Vera’s composition is good, but it doesn’t deserve the lavish praise that Linda gave it.
To run a restaurant is a lucrative business.