Group 14 Flashcards
Describe group 14 halides
- All halides of the form EX4 are known except PbI4
- CF4, CCl4 are inert
- Sn, Pb: EX2 is more stable than EX4 (especially Pb)
How are Si halides hydrolysed
- Readily hydrolysed by H2O
2. SiCl4 + 2H2O –> SiO2 + 4HCl
Why is Si more prone to attack by nucleophiles than C
- It is bigger than C
What is SnCl2 used as
- A reducing agent
2. Oxidised to SnCl(IV)
Describe SnCl4
- Liquid, freezing at -33 degrees
2. Indicates that it is molecular rather than ionic
Why is Pb(II) more stable than Pb(IV)
- Inert pair effect
Compare reaction of Sn/Pb to groups 1,2,13 e.g. Al
- Less vigorously
- Al reacts vigorouly with HCl dilute and H2SO4 dilute
- Sn reacts slowly with dilute but more rapidly with conc. acids
What are the difference in products of Sn and Pb reactions with acids
- Pb products are insoluble
2. Adhere to metal and stop the reaction continuing
Describe carbon monoxide
- Formed when C burns in a limited air supply
2. Binds to Fe in haemoglobin preventing transport of O2 around the body
Describe solubility of CO2
- Water soluble
- CO2 + H2O H2CO3 H3O+ + HCO3-
- H3O+ + H2O H3O+ + CO32-
What is the difference between CO2 and SiO2
- SiO2 forms covalent networks
2. Due to single and double bond strengths
How can you calculate if a network or gas is more favourable for CO2
- Network 4*single C-O bonds
- CO2 gas C=O*2
- Find difference in enthalpies
4 CO2 (Network)–> CO2 (gas) - Uses DH rather than DG but can be used to show a general trend rather than include DS
How is sodiu silicate formed
- SiO2 + Na2CO3 –> Na4SiO4 + 2CO2
Describe sodium silicate
- Form extended structures, tetrahedral at Si
- Conductors (Microchips)
- Good thermal properties (Ceramics)
What are silicones
- Si-O containing polymers
- Properties depend on the nature of the organic substituent
- Used as lubricant and medical implants
What can PbO2 be used as
- A strong oxidising agent: Pb(IV) is easily reduced to Pb (II) ie PbO
Describe the catenation and allotropy of carbon
- Diamond- 3D network, sp3 bonds, strong bonds, insulator
- Graphite- stacked hexagonal rings, sp2 bonds, Pi bonding perpendicular to sheets, conductor
- Fullerenes- molecular carbon cages
Describe the catenation and allotropy of silicon and Ge
- Metalloids
- Semiconductors
- diamond structures
Describe the catenation and allotropy of Sn
- Diamond structure- covalent, grey
2. Interactions with more than 4 nearest neighbours, more metallic, white
Describe the catenation and allotropy of Pb
- Fully metallic in nature