Groundwater Flashcards
Water table
Upper limit of zone of saturation where water is stored
Unsaturated zone (vandose)
Area above the water table where pore spaces are not completely filled with water and cannot be pumped by Wells
Gaining stream
Streams that gain water through the stream bed from an influx of groundwater. Happens when the elevation of the water table is higher than the elevation of stream
Losing stream
Streams that lose water through an outflux of water when the water table elevation is below stream elevation
The volume of open poor space where water can be stored
The ability of a material to transmit fluid. Shows how well pore spaces are connected
Impermeable layers of rock that prevent water from flowing through them (clay)
Permeable layers of rock that transmit groundwater flow freely
Hydraulic gradient
The slope of water gradient
H1-H2/distance between
Hydraulic conductivity
Describes how flow of water through aquifer varies depending on permeablity and viscosity of fluid
Whenever a water table intersects the earths surfaces and creates body of water
Whenever the water level of water table is lowered due to the pumping of Wells
Cone of depression
Result of a draw down
Conically shaped depression in water table
Any situation where groundwater rises above level of aquifer (from pressure)
Confined aquifer
An aquifer that is in between two aqutards creating pressure allowing water to rise to well