Gross Motor Flashcards
Raises head from prone position
1 month
Holds head in midline
2 months
Lifts chest off table
2 months
Supports on forearms in prone position
3 months
Holds head up steadily
3 months
Rolls over front to back
4 months
Supports weight on wrists
4 months
Shifts weight when supported on wrists
4 months
Sits unsupported
6 months
Puts feet in mouth in supine position
6 months
Pivots when sitting
9 months
Crawls well
9 months
Pulls to stand
9 months
10 months
Walks alone
12 months
Creeps up stairs
15 months
Walks backwards independently
16 months
18 months
Throws objects from standing without falling
18 months
Walks up and down stairs without help
24 months
Can alternate feet when going up steps
3 years
Pedals tricycle
3 years
4 years
4 years
Alternates feet going down steps
4 years
5 years
Jumps over low objects
5 years