What is gross income?
Gross income for income taxation purposes means all income derived from whatever source, including, but not limited to:
a. Compensation
b. Income derived from business or trade
c. Gains from dealings in property (except those subject to CGT)
d. Interests (except those subject to FWT)
e. Rents (except those subject to FWT)
f. Royalties (except those subject to FWT)
g. Dividends (except those subject to FWT)
h. Annuities (except those subject to FWT)
i. Prizes and winnings (except those subject to FWT)
j. Pensions
k. Partner’s distributive share from net income of GPP
T or F
Fixed and variable allowances such as transportation/representation/communication allowance are generally not taxable compensation income.
False. Fixed and variable allowances are generally included in compensation income subject to income tax and CWT.
Explain the business-related allowances subject to liquidation and its tax treatment.
Business-related allowances are amounts paid to employees for expenses incurred or reasonably expected to be incurred by the employee IN THE PERFORMANCE OF HIS DUTIES and therefore are NOT COMPENSATION subject to withholding, PROVIDED THAT:
a. It is for ordinary and necessary travelling and representation or entertainment expenses paid/incurred by the employee in pursuit of trade/business/profession
Explain the tax treatment of Representation and Transportation Allowances.
These are considered reimbursements for expenses incurred in the performance of one’s duties, therefore not subject to income tax. HOWEVER, if there is an excess and the same is not returned, it becomes taxable compensation income of the employee.
Explain how retirement benefits are subject to income tax.
Generally, retirement benefits are taxable, except when it is RECEIVED UNDER A REASONABLE PRIVATE BENEFIT PLAN and meets the following requirements:
a. Retirement plan is approved by BIR
b. The retiree has been under the employ of the employer for at least 10 years
c. Is NOT LESS THAN 50 YEARS OF AGE at the time of retirement
In the absence of a reasonable private benefit plan, an employee who has reached the age of 60 or more but not more than 65 years who has served at least 5 years in establishment MAY RECEIVE TAX-EXEMPT RETIREMENT BENEFITS.
What kinds of rental income are not subject to income tax?
Those that are received BUT THERE IS A RESTRICTION AS TO ITS USE, such as:
a. Advance rentals representing OPTION MONEY
b. Security deposits to insure performance of obligations
The above shall then become taxable once the restriction is lifted.
Explain how leasehold improvements are taxable on the part of the lessor.
Improvements made by the lessee shall be treated as income of the lessor IF:
a. The improvements will be owned by the lessor at the end of the lease
b. Lessor is not required to pay the lessee the value of such improvements
The income shall be recognized using either:
Annual income = BV at end of lease term / remaining term of lease
If there is a pre-termination of the lease, the rest of the unrecognized income shall become taxable.
NB: Notice the huge difference in income recognition between outright and spread-out method. Answer all problems!!!
Explain the tax treatment of stock dividends received.
GR: Distribution of stock dividends is not taxable because they ARE NOT REALIZED INCOME
EX: stock dividends constitute income if it gives the shareholder an interest different from that which his former stockholdings represented.
Explain the tax treatment of liquidating dividends received.
The liquidating dividends are exempt UP TO THE EXTENT OF THE COST OF INVESTMENT, being a mere return of capital. The EXCESS, HOWEVER, IS INCOME AND THEREFORE TAXABLE.
If there is a loss in the the return of liquidating dividend, the same shall be allowed as a deduction for capital losses.
T or F
Return of taxpayer’s wealth is subject to income tax.
False. It should be return ON taxpayer’s wealth.
When are recovery of bad debts recognized as income?
Recovery of bad debts is considered income when:
a. Bad debts were written off in previous years
b. Such bad debts were deducted in arriving at taxable income
c. There is a resulting tax benefit on the deduction
When are refunds of taxes recognized as income?
Refunds of taxes is considered income when:
a. There is a payment of tax in previous years
b. The taxes paid were deducted in arriving at taxable income
c. There is a resulting tax benefit on the deduction
T or F
Condonation of debt because of gratuity of the creditor is subject to income tax.
False. It is a gift.
T or F
Condonation of debt because of services performed by the debtor for the creditor is subject to income tax.
T or F
Condonation of debt by creditor-corporation to its debtor-shareholder shall be treated as dividends.
Explain the tax treatment of life insurance.
GR: Exempt from tax since it is a mere reimbursement for the loss of life.
EX: The following shall be taxable
- Beneficiary was chosen for a valuable consideration
- Interest earned on the insurance policy
T or F
Pension payment is also considered compensation income.
T or F
Pension payment is also considered compensation income.
Explain the taxability of separation pay received.
Generally, separation pay is a taxable compensation, unless the reason for the separation is INVOLUNTARY, or beyond the control of the employee such as:
a. retrenchment
b. illness
T or F
The tax treatment of retirement pay is the same with separation pay.
T or F
Abdul received a separation pay of 1,000,000 because he was occupying a redundant position. The 1,000,000 is subject to income tax.
False, because his separation from the employer is INVOLUNTARY.