Gross Income CL Flashcards
Included into gross income is not only money, but also corporeal and incorporeal property with a monetary value
Brummeria Renaissance
If the benefit received has an ascertainable monetary value, the benefit must be included in his gross income
Source means originating cause of income
People’s stores
Accrued to means entitled to even if not immediately enforceable
Wits racing clubs
An intention to donate proceeds does not create a legal obligation so the proceeds are still included in gross income
The receipt must be for the taxpayers own benefit and on their own behalf
MP Finance group
If the taxpayer intends to retain the amount for his own benefit the illegal proceeds were received by the taxpayer despite its illegal nature and it is included in gross income
Deposits must be placed in a separate trust otherwise they will constitute gross income
Delagoa Bay Cigarette
The legality of the source of income is immaterial
If there is an issue of conditionality only include once condition has been satisfied
To accrue to means the taxpayer is unconditionally entitled to
Gross income definition
The total amount in cash or otherwise
Received by or accrued to in favor of a person
During the period of assessment
Excluding receipts or accruals of a capital nature