Gross Income Flashcards
Elements of Gross Income (Glenshaw Glass Test)
- Accession to wealth
- Clearly Realized
a. Transaction or Event
b. Changed legal relationship with property/wealth
c. Sufficiently fixed and definite = final step in the fruition of economic gain. - Complete Dominion and control
Section 61 Gross Income Categories:
- Compensation for services, including fees, commissions, fringe benefits
- Gross income derived from business
- Gains derived from dealings in property
- Interest
- Rent
- Royalties
- Dividends
- Alimony and Child Support
- Annuities
- Income from life insurance and endowment contracts
- Pensions
- Income from discharge of indebtedness
- Distributive share of partnership GI
- Income in respect of a decedent
- Income from an interest in an estate or trust
Gross Income
ALL income from whatever source derived
Items Considered GI
- Punitive damages
- Treasure Trove
- Income Tax payments on behalf of an employer
4 .Treasure trove - If trip is compensation for services (employer/employee relationship
a. look at if employee had to go or no
b. lavish conferences considered compensation - Qui tam payments
Imputed Income
Benefits resulting from TP’s personal efforts
Bargain Purchase
NOT GI if transaction:
1. at arm’s length
2. and relationship does NOT introduce other elements indicating that the transaction is not simply a purchase, but an exchange of other consideration
[Taxable gain does not accrue to the purchaser of the property until he sells or otherwise disposes of it.
Property may result in taxable income if the bargain purchase may represent compensation where the seller and the purchaser bear the relationship of employee/employer or as a dividend.
Barter and FMV
FMV= price that would be chosen by a willing buyer and a willing seller, neither being under any compulsion to buy or sell, and both having reasonable knowledge of the relevant facts
If payment other than cash= FMV of property or services is taken as payment
Not Income
General rule: a bank loan results in (1) no accession to wealth or (3) no dominion and control because of obligation to repay
In a loan: borrower is subject to an UNCONDITIONAL obligation to repay (if unconditional obligation then no income)
Contingent Obligations to Repay
If $ or property received is subject to contingent repayment obligation (claim of right) then = INCOME and taxable
Claim of right doctrine: Claim of right and without restriction as to its disposition: cash or property received is GI even though there is a contingent obligation to return.
Contingent obligation to repay can be in form of litigation
Embezzler ALWAYS has an unconditional obligation to repay
Rule: gains from illegal business are reported and are taxable
When a TP acquires earnings, lawfully or unlawfully, without the consensual recognition, express, or implied, of an obligation to repay and without restriction as to their disposition, he has received income.
Advance Payment of Income
Income is year received
ex. rent received in advance is GI in year received
Sum payable as pledge for a k
NOT GI b/c tp had no dominion over deposit money (repayment depends on condition in obligee’s control
ex. security deposit for property lease, customer deposits to utility companies.
Gains from property dealings
A tp does not have GI until she first recovered her capital investment in the property
Section 1001: Computation of Gain/Loss
Amount Realized
- Adjusted Basis =
Section 102 Gifts and Inheritances
GI does not include the value of property acquired by gift, bequest, devise, or inheritance.
1. Income from dividends
2. Employee gifts (close to giving them compensation)