Gross Anatomy - Practical 1 (Exam Models) Flashcards
- Sternum
- Xiphoid process
- Manubrium
- True ribs (1-7)
- False ribs (8-12)
- Cervical plexus (C1-C4)
- Brachial plexus (C5-T1)
- Superior cervical ganglion
- Inferior cervical ganglion
- Vertebral artery
- Dorsal root ganglion
- Dorsal ramus
- Ventral ramus
- Dorsal root
- Ventral root
- Grey commissure
- Epidural space
- Periosteum
- Meningeal dura mater
- Arachnoid mater
- Subarachnoid space (CSF)
- Pia mater
- Sympathetic trunk of sympathetic chain
- Rami communicans
- Precentral gyris (primary somatomotor cortex)
- Postcentral gyrus (primary somatosensory cortex)
Facial nerves
- Sternoclavicular joint
- Acromioclavicular joint
- Glenohumeral (shoulder) joint
- Sternal (medial) end of clavicle
- Acromial (lateral) end of clavicle
- Hypophyseal fossa
- Cribiform plate of ethmoid bone (CN I)
- Jugular foramen (CN IX, X, XI)
- Formane ovale (CN V, V3)
- Formane rotundum (CN V, V2)
- Hypoglossal canal (CN XII)
- Foramen magnum
- Petrous part of temporal bone (contains ossicles)
- Greater wing of sphenoid bone
- Parietal bone
- Occipital bone
- Internal acoustic meatus (CN VII, CN VIII)
- Sphenoid bone
- Temporal bone
- Maxilla
- Zygomatic bone
- Occipital bone
- Anterior cranial fossa
- Middle cranial fossa
- Posterior cranial fossa
Superior orbital fissure (CN III, CN IV, CN V 1, CN VI)
- 11th rib
- 12th rib
- Floating ribs
- Sternal (medial) end of clavicle
- Acromial (lateral) end of clavicle
- Acromial (lateral) end of clavicle
- Sternal (medial) end of clavicle
- Cervical vertebrae (typical)
- Thoracic vertebrae (typical)
- Lumbar vertebrae (typical)
- Thoracic certebrae (typical)
- Superior articular process
- Transverse process
- Spinous process
- Inferior articular process
- Cervical region (secondary curvature, concave)
- Thoracic region (primary curvature, convex)
- Lumbar region (secondary curvature, concave)
- Paravertebral sympathetic ganglion
- Rami communicans
- Coeliac ganglion (splanchnic nerve)
- Subscapular fossa
- Coracoid process
- Acromion
- Ilium
- Pubis
- Ischium (ischial tuberosity)
- Acetabulum
- Lumbosacral plexus (L1-S4)
- Cauda equina
- Filum terminale
- Elbow joint (synovial hinge)
- Proximal radioulnar (synovial pivot)
- Distal radioulnar (synovial pivot)
- Middle radioulnar (fibrous syndesmoses)
- Greater tubercle
- Lesser tubercle
- Capitulum (lateral)
- Trochlea (medial)
- Medial epicondyle
- Lateral epicondyle
- Shaft
- Glenoid fossa
- Coracoid process
- Acromion
- Sternal (medial) end of clavicle
- Acromial (lateral) end of clavicle
- Greater trochanter
- Lesser trochanter
- Medial condyle
- Lateral condyle
- Subacromial bursa
- Supraspinatus
- Infraspinatus
- Coracoacromial arch
- Ilium
- Pubis
- Ischium
- Ulnar head
- Olecranon
- Trochlear notch
- Radial head
- Radial tuberosity
- Neck of femur
- Head of femur
- Patella surface on femur
- Lesser tubercle
- Greater tubercle
- Surgical neck
- Trochlear
- Capitulum
- Trochlear
- Greater tubercle
- Posterior view of humerus
- Supraspinous fossa
- Infraspinous fossa
- Superior sagittal sinus
- Internal carotid artery
- Vertebral artery
- Intercostal nerves (T1-T11)
- Subcostal nerve (T12)
- Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)
- Glassopharyngeal nerve (CN IX)
- Trigeminal nerve (CN V)
- Olfactory bulbs (CN I)
- Optic nerve (CN II)
- Trochlear nerve (CN IX)
- Occulomotor nerve (CN III)
- Vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII)
- Facial nerve (CN VII)
- Accessory nerve (CN XI)
- Vagus nerve (CN X)
- Abducens nerve (CN VI)
- Pyramids of medulla oblongata
- Olive of medulla oblongata
- Pyramids of medulla oblongata
- Olive of medulla oblongata
- Third ventricle
- CN V
- CN X
- CN I
- Interventricular foramina
- Cerebral aqueduct
- Fourth ventricle
- Falx cerebri
- Tentorium cerebelli
- Tibial tuberosity
- Medial malleolus
- Lateral malleolus
- Medial condyle
- Lateral condyle
- Head of fibula
- 1st carpometacapral joint (synovial saddle)
- Fibrous capsule of shoulder joint
- Coracoacromial arch
- Subacromial bursa
- Tendon of long head of biceps brachii
- Frontal belly of occipitofrontalis
- Orbicularis oculi
- Orbicularis oris
- Temporalis
- Buccinator
- Lateral collateral ligament
- Medial collateral ligament
- Anterior cruciate ligament
- Posterior cruciate ligament
- Lateral menisci
- Medial menisci
- Patellofemoral joint (synovial plane)
- Knee joint made up of articular surfaces of medial and lateral condyles of tibia and femur (modified hinge synovial joint)
- Ankle joint
- Articular surfaces are the trochlear of talus, distal articular surface of tibia and lateral/medial malleolus.
- Proximal tibiofibular joint (synovial plane)
- Middle tibiofibular joint (fibrous syndesmoses, interosseous membrane)
- Distal tibiofibular joint (fibrous syndesmoses)
- Knee joint (modified hinge)
- Lateral condyles of tibia and fibula (articular surfaces for the knee joint)
- Medial condyles of tibia and fibula (articular surfaces for the knee joint)
- Masseter
- Sternocleidomastoid muscle
- Median nerve of brachial plexus
- Subscapularis
- Biceps brachii
- Brachialis
- Superficial back muscles
- Deep back muscles
- Trapezius
- Deltoid
- Latissimus dorsi
- Erector spinae
- Terres major
- External abdominal oblique
- Internal abdominal oblique
- Transverse abdominis
- Right dome of thoracic diaphragm
- Left dome of thoracic diaphragm
- Central tendon
- Internal abdominal oblique
- Rectus abdominis
- External abdominal oblique
- Pecotralis major
- Intercostal muscles
- Aponeurosis of external abdominal oblique
- Pelvic diaphragm
- Median nerve of brachial plexus
- Biceps brachii
- Brachialis
- Thenar group
- Hypothenar group
- Mid-palmar group
- Radial nerve of brachial plexus
- Teres major
- Teres minor
- Infraspinatus
- Supraspinatus
- Deltoid
- Psoas major
- Iliacus
- Iliopsoas
- Medial compartment of thigh (adductors as a group)
- Sartorius
- Vastus medialis
- Gastrocnemius
- Soleus
- Sartorius
- Rectus femoris
- Vastus lateralis
- Vastus medialis
- Femoral nerve of lumbar plexus
- Biceps femoris
- Semitendinosus
- Semimembranosus
- Brainstem
- Midbrain
- Pons
- Medulla oblongata
- Cerebellum
- Diencephalon
- Thalamus
- Hypothalamus
- Infundibulum
- Optic chiasm
- Pituitary gland in hypophyseal fossa
- Primary visual cortex with calcarine sulcus
- Broca’s area (producing speech)
- Primary auditory cortex of superior temporal gyrus
- Lateral sulcus
- Central sulcus
- Precentral sulcus
- Postcentral sulcus
- Parieto-occipital sulcus
- Calcarine sulcus
- Corpus callosum
- Midbrain
- Pons
- Medulla oblongata
- Lumbar plexus (L1-L4)
- Sacral plexus (S1-S4)
- Sciatic nerve
- Cervical plexus (C1-C4)
- Brachial plexus (C5-T1)
- Median nerve of brachial plexus
- Radial nerve of brachial plexus
- Ulnar nerve of brachial plexus
- Intercostal nerve (T1-T11)
- Subcostal nerve (T12)
- Lumbar plexus (T1-T4)
- Sacral plexus (L4-S4)
- Femoral nerve of lumbar plexus
Define the types of major joints according to the structural and functional classification of the upper limb?
Sternoclavicular Joint = saddle synovial joint (acts as ball-and-socket).
Acromioclavicular Joint = plane synovial joint.
Shoulder Joint = ball-and-socket synovial joint.
Elbow Joint = hinge synovial joint.
Proximal Radio-Ulnar Joint = pivot synovial joint.
Distal Radio-Ulnar Joint = pivot synovial joint.
Middle Radio-Ulnar Joint = fibrous syndesmosis joint.
Radiocarpal (wrist) Joint = condyloid synovial joint
Carpometacarpal Joint of Thumb = saddle synovial joint
2nd to 5th Carpometacarpal Joints = plane synovial joints.
Metacarpophalangeal Joints = condyloid synovial joints.
Interphalangeal Joints = hinge synovial joints.
Define the major types of the lower limb according to the structural and functional classification?
Hip Joint = ball-and-socket synovial joint.
Pubic Symphysis = secondary cartilaginous joint.
Knee Joint = modified hinge synovial joint, plane synovial joint.
Proximal Tibiofibular Joint = plane synovial joint.
Middle Tibiofibular Joint = fibrous syndesmosis joint.
Distal Tibiofibular Joint = very strong fibrous joint.
Ankle Joint = hinge synovial joint.
Tarsometatarsal Joint = plane synovial joints.
Metatarsophalangeal Joints = condyloid synovial joints.
Interphalangeal Joints = hinge synovial joints.
What are the movements of each main muscle?
Biceps brachii
Triceps brachii
Gluteal maximus
Quadriceps group (4 muscle together)
Hamstrings group (3 muscles together)
What are the movements of each main muscle?
External oblique
Latissimus dorsi